
Project Deliverables

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Your project deliverables are to be posted to CUNY Blackboard using the Project 2 link.

1) Only one source code file as follows with filename format showing your last name and student id: MYLASTNAME_MYSTUDENTID.c

a) At top of the file: your full name and student id in comments, for example: // MYFIRSTNAME MYLASTNAME MYSTUDENTID

b) In-line code comments no fewer than every 5 lines of code which describe your algorithmic steps in plain English language.
That is, I do not want to see literal syntax transcriptions of the code.

2) An MS Word or PDF document with a write-up of your software design and an explanation of the issues encountered and resolved. (1 page)
The write-up is essay style with no bullet points nor itemized lists nor source code nor pseudo-code listings.

Filename format is MYLASTNAME_MYSTUDENTID.doc (or pdf). You are to use Times New with font size = 11 and 1.5 line spacing.

3) Text file of program output (text files only, that is, NO graphics files from copying screen output) according to output format in
Project Instructions further below for your program execution.

Filename format is MYLASTNAME_MYSTUDENTID.out

4) Please please ensure that your program will compile and link using the GNU C compiler. I will compile and link your source code to
generate an executable file using the following command:



Project Specification
1) This second project is a variation and extension of the pthread summation example discussed extensively in the Chapter 4 lectures.
In your second project you will design and implement a POSIX pthreads multithreaded program that, when executed, has a main program
thread, 16 worker child pthreads, and each of the 16 worker child pthreads has its own 3 worker computation child (that is, grandchild of
the main) pthreads.

Overall, you have 1 main program thread, 16 worker child pthreads, and 48 worker computation pthreads.

2) The input file has 16,000 numbers. Your main program thread will open and read the input file into a 16,000 element integer array
called InpArray. Each of the 16 worker child pthreads will be responsible for processing its own 1,000 number segment of this integer
array as we saw in the lectures for data parallelism.

3) However, what is different in this project from the lectures is that each of the 16 worker child pthreads will make available the
geometric average (the nth root of the product of n numbers), the arithmetic average, and the sum for its 1,000 number segment (of
the InpArray) to the main program thread. Please note that the worker child pthreads do not actually do the computations themselves.
Instead, the 3 worker computation child pthreads (grandchildren) will do the computations while the worker child pthread (the parent)
just simply waits for the computations to be completed.

That is, the first worker computation child pthread determines the geometric average computation, the second worker compuutation child
pthread does the arithmetic average, and the third worker computation child pthread does the sum computation.

When each worker child pthread has received its 3 results from the worker computation child pthreads, the worker child pthread (parent)
will make these results available to the main program thread using global array(s) and then terminate.

After all of the 16 worker pthreads have terminated, the main program thread will compute and provide output for:
a) The maximum of the 16 geometric average numbers
b) The maximum of the 16 arithmetic average numbers
c) The maximum of the 16 sum numbers

Your program execution and command line arguments follows this syntax to provide requested output file for the one input file given on
the command line:


Project Instructions

1) Your program source code must be provided in the C programming language.

2) You must use the creat(), write(), and close() system calls for output and you MUST use the POSIX pthread multithreaded library.
You ARE otherwise permitted to use C standard I/O library functions and string and math library functions. Please check whether the
functions you want to use are are thread-safe (eg., remember the lecture about read () vs pread()).

3) Program output as follows in which you substitute computation results for these capitalized symbols:

THREAD_NUMBER – thread number 0..15

GEOMETRIC_AVERAGE – geometric average (that is, the nth root of the product of the n numbers)

ARITHMETIC_AVERAGE – arithmetic average (that is, the sum of n numbers divided by n)

SUM – sum of the numbers

MAX_OF_GEOM_AVG – maximum of all the geometric averages

MAX_OF_ARITH_AVG – maximum of all the arithmetic averages

MAX_OF_SUM – maximum of all the sums

1) For each and every worker child pthread, the main program thread will write one line to the output file of computation results:

Worker Child Pthread Number = THREAD_NUMBER : \t Geometric Average = GEOMETRIC_AVERAGE \t Arithmetic Average = ARITHMETIC_AVERAGE \t Sum = SUM \n

2) The main program thread will also write the following 4 lines of output:

Main program thread: Max of the Geometric Averages = MAX_OF_GEOM_AVG \n
Main program thread: Max of the Arithmetic Averages = MAX_OF_ARITH_AVG \n
Main program thread: Max of the Sums = MAX_OF_SUM \n
Main program thread: Terminating. \n

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com