CS代考 Platform Homework Assignment

Platform Homework Assignment

Homework Assignment

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

This assignment helps us assess your programming abilities. Your mission, should you choose to accept

it, is to complete the tasks below and return your completed files to us as soon as possible. Good luck!

● Don’t rush, but don’t spend forever on it either. A few hours max should be plenty.
● Create an archive of your completed project and return directly to the sender.
● Do not share the assignment, original or complete, with anyone else.
● Your implementation should not require a physical database connection. When needed, fake db

operations are expected.

● Keep in mind: this is our sole visibility into your ability to understand requirements and
implement solutions. Although you’ll be working with simple objects and easy problems, always

use best practices and avoid taking shortcuts. We take this seriously.

Coding Tasks

You’ll be working with cats, dogs, and a fake database connection. To begin, translate these three

pseudocode files into one of the following languages (Ruby, Java, C#, python, JavaScript ES6) . The

examples here use Ruby:


class Cat {

attribute name
attribute age
attribute favoriteFood

method constructor {
this.name = nil
this.age = nil
this.favoriteFood = nil

method getName {
return this.name

method getAge {
return this.age

method getFavoriteFood {
return this.favoriteFood

method setName (newName) {
this.name = newName

method setAge (newAge) {
this.age = newAge

method setFavoriteFood (newFavoriteFood) {
this.favoriteFood = newFavoriteFood


class Data {

method constructor (database) {
print “Connecting to database”

method beginTran {
print “Beginning a transaction”

method commit {
print “Committing transaction”

method rollback {
print “Rolling back transaction”

method insert (table, object) {
print “Inserting ” + object.getName() + ” into table ” + table


cat = new Cat()
print “Name is currently ” + cat.getName()


print “Name has been changed to ” + cat.getName()

data = new Data(“database”)

data.insert(“Cat”, cat)

Once translated, run the main script and verify your output against ours:

Name is currently
Name has been changed to Garfield into table Cat

As you proceed through these tasks, modify the main.rb script as you see fit, just to informally

demonstrate the additional functionality. (Formal tests come later.)

1. Modify the constructor to set the cat’s initial age to a random number between 5 and 10.

2. Modify the constructor to support an optional initial name for the new cat.

3. Add a method called speak() to make the cat say “meow” (use print or echo to speak).

4. Modify the new speak() method to accept an optional argument.

If not supplied, the cat still says “meow”.

If supplied, the cat prints the value of the argument.

5. Modify the setName() method to keep a list of all the names the cat has ever had.

6. Create a getNames() method to return a list of all the names the cat has ever had.

7. Modify the class so that the cat’s age increases by 1 every five times it speaks.

8. Create a new method getAverageNameLength() that returns the average length of all the names the

cat has ever had.

9. Make a Dog object, making necessary dog-like changes.

Now it’s time to actually do something with your objects. Create a new file, petShop.rb, which

implements the three functions below.

1. Create a function called saveTest() to:

a. Create a cat with a name and insert it into the database.

b. Create a dog with a name and insert it into the database.

2. Create a function called savePetShop() to:

a. Create three nameless cats.

b. Create three nameless dogs.

c. Insert all six pets into the database.

d. Important: guarantee that all six pets (or zero pets) are persisted.

3. Create a function called logStats() to:

a. Print interesting information about your script’s execution results to STDOUT.

4. In the same file, call all three functions to ensure they perform as intended.

Create a new file, homework.sql, containing:

1. SQL statements to create table(s) to store our animals.

Hint: Don’t worry about the actual DBMS or SQL dialect. Generic SQL is fine.

Important: Ensure your database schema can be used to fully persist an instantiated object.

2. Sample insert statements.

Testing Tasks
In a new file (or files), create unit tests to:

1. Assert that a cat’s initial age is a random number between 5 and 10.

2. Assert the speak() method is properly functioning.

3. Optionally include other test cases you deem appropriate.

As a final step, create a brief README file for the project. Feel free to use this file to:

1. IMPORTANT: clear instructions on how to run this. We do not want to spend more than 5 min

figuring out how to test the code.

2. Describe the project, file structure, what it does, etc.

3. Discuss how or (more importantly) why you did things the way you did.

4. If you disagree with any requirements, explain what you would do differently. In short, anything you

think would help a future developer understand your project.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com