IT代写 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/10/2

Notes for Lecture 10 (Fall 2022 week 5, part 2):
Higher-order functions

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

October 2, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec10.hs.

1 Higher-order functions

Haskell is a functional programming language, which correctly suggests that functions are a central
feature. Functions in Haskell are more powerful than functions in many other languages, though
in recent years, some popular languages have adopted some of the features of Haskell’s functions.

Two key features of Haskell’s functions are (1) we can pass functions as arguments, and (2) we
can return new functions. These features make Haskell functions higher-order.

We’ll start with the first of these features.

1.1 Functions as arguments

Consider some functions on lists. One of them, double list, takes a list of integers and returns a
list with every element multiplied by 2.

double_list :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

double_list [] = []

double_list (x : xs) = (x * 2) : (double_list xs)

Given the empty list [], we return the empty list. Given a list whose head is x and whose tail is
xs, we return a new list whose head is x * 2 and whose tail is the tail of the given list with every
element multiplied by 2.

For example, double list [3, 1, 2] returns [6, 2, 4].
Another function, triple list, is similar but multiplies elements by 3:

triple_list :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

triple_list [] = []

triple_list (x : xs) = (x * 3) : (triple_list xs)

We can generalize these to return a list with every element multiplied by some number k.

multiply_list :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

multiply_list k [] = []

multiply_list k (x : xs) = (x * k) : (multiply_list k xs)

For example, multiply list 2 [3, 1, 2] returns [6, 2, 4], just like double list; multiply list
0 [3, 1, 2] returns [0, 0, 0], because every element gets multiplied by zero.

We could have written multiply list to take k as the second argument. The advantage of
having k be the first argument is that we can conveniently specialize multiply list to specific k:

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quadruple_list :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

quadruple_list = multiply_list 4

— (equivalent: quadruple_list xs = multiply_list 4 xs)

We can write a function that adds a number to every element in a list (that is, returns a new list
with a number added to each element of a given list).

add_to_list :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

Before I show the code, think about how you would write this function, with multiply list as

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I wrote add to list by copying and pasting multiply list, renaming, and changing * to +.

add_to_list :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

add_to_list k [] = []

add_to_list k (x : xs) = (x + k) : (add_to_list k xs)

For example, add to list 4 [100, 200] returns 104, 204.
We started with double list and triple list, noticed that the definitions of each were very

similar, and generalized to multiply list. We generalized by passing the number 2 or 3 as an
argument, rather than writing it within each function definition. The function multiply list
returns a list with each element multiplied by a number; the function add to list returns a list
with a number added to each element.

multiply_list k (x : xs) = (x * k) : (multiply_list k xs)

add_to_list k (x : xs) = (x + k) : (add_to_list k xs)

If we try to abstract over these two functions, we get: “a function something list returns a list
that has had something done with each element”. We generalize by passing the “something” that is
“done” as an argument: we pass a function as an argument.

It is traditional to call the function we are about to write (not the function being passed as an
argument, the function that takes a function as an argument) “map”. Haskell defines a function
with this name already, so we will call our version mymap. It is also traditional to call “something”

mymap :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

mymap f [] = []

mymap f (x : xs) = (f x) : (mymap f xs)

The second clause applies f (whatever it is) to the head x.
We can now recover the behaviour of multiply list 9 with:

multiply_list_by_9 :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

multiply_list_by_9 = mymap (\y -> y * 9)

And we can define a function that subtracts a given number from each element:

subtract_from_list :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

subtract_from_list k = mymap (\x -> x – k)

In these functions I passed lambdas (anonymous functions) to mymap. Lambdas are often con-
venient as arguments to higher-order functions: a single operation like subtracting an integer is
probably not worth a named function declaration.

The following exercise will lead into lec11, on polymorphism.

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Exercise 1. Comment out the type declaration for mymap in lec10.hs, and reload the file.
What type do you get for mymap?
Can you pass (\x -> x > 0) as the first argument to mymap?
Can you pass the Boolean negation function not as the first argument mymap? What does the

second argument need to be?
Can you pass (\s -> “A” ++ s ++ “Z”) as the first argument to mymap?

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Functions as arguments

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