INFO20003 Week 7 Lab
• Practice further joins involving three and four tables
• Understand CASE statements and the UNION clause
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• Develop complex SQL queries using derived tables and views
• Create and understand relational divides using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
Section 1: More SQL
More about joins
Consider a query to list the item name (from the item table), quantity (from the saleitem table), sale id (from the saleitem and sale tables) and sale date (from the sale table) from the department store schema. (You can obtain an ER model of this schema from the Labs page on LMS.)
Try this first using NATURAL JOIN:
SELECT saleid, saledate, name, quantity
FROM item NATURAL JOIN saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale ORDER BY saleid;
Now try it with INNER JOIN:
SELECT saleid, saledate, name, quantity FROM item
INNER JOIN saleitem ON item.itemid = saleitem.itemid
INNER JOIN sale ON saleitem.saleid = sale.saleid ORDER BY saleid;
The query using the inner join will not run. MySQL Server returns an error:
This is because MySQL Server does not know whether to use the sale.saleid or saleitem.saleid column in the SELECT and ORDER BY clauses. This can be fixed:
SELECT sale.saleid, saledate, name, quantity FROM item
INNER JOIN saleitem ON item.itemid = saleitem.itemid
INNER JOIN sale ON saleitem.saleid = sale.saleid ORDER BY sale.saleid;
Once we use the fully-qualified name for one table column, we might decide to use the fully- qualified name for them all in order to improve readability:
SELECT sale.saleid, sale.saledate,, saleitem.quantity FROM item
INNER JOIN saleitem ON item.itemid = saleitem.itemid
INNER JOIN sale ON saleitem.saleid = sale.saleid ORDER BY sale.saleid;
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 1
◆ Task 1.1 List the names, salaries and department names of the employees who manage more than two employees.
SELECT employee.FirstName, employee.LastName, employee.Salary, department.Name
FROM employee NATURAL JOIN department WHERE employeeID IN
FROM employee
Remember that HAVING is used to apply a condition over an aggregate (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN) function.
◆ Task 1.2 List the suppliers that have delivered at least 10 distinct items. List the supplier name and id.
SELECT supplier.SupplierID, supplier.Name FROM deliveryitem
INNER JOIN delivery ON deliveryitem.DeliveryID = delivery.DeliveryID
INNER JOIN supplier ON delivery.SupplierID = supplier.SupplierID GROUP BY supplier.SupplierID
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT deliveryitem.ItemID) >= 10;
◆ Task 1.3 List the item names that are delivered by ‘Nepalese Corp.’ and are sold in the Navigation department.
FROM deliveryitem NATURAL JOIN delivery NATURAL JOIN supplier WHERE supplier.Name = ‘Nepalese Corp.’)
FROM saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale NATURAL JOIN department WHERE department.Name = ‘Navigation’);
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 2
◆ Task 1.4 Type a query that finds the item ids of the items sold on the second floor. Your result should look like this:
◆ Task 1.5 Find the id and name of suppliers that deliver both compasses and an item other than compasses.
Attempt 1:
SELECT DISTINCT delivery.supplierID, supplier.Name FROM supplier
INNER JOIN delivery ON supplier.supplierID = delivery.supplierID
INNER JOIN deliveryitem ON delivery.deliveryID = deliveryitem.deliveryID INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID
WHERE item.Name NOT LIKE ‘Compass%’ AND delivery.supplierID IN
(SELECT supplierID
FROM delivery NATURAL JOIN item NATURAL JOIN deliveryitem WHERE item.Name LIKE ‘Compass%’)
ORDER BY delivery.supplierID;
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 3
Attempt 2:
SELECT DISTINCT delivery.SupplierID, supplier.Name FROM supplier
INNER JOIN delivery ON supplier.supplierID = delivery.supplierID
INNER JOIN deliveryitem ON delivery.deliveryID = deliveryitem.deliveryID INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID
WHERE delivery.SupplierID IN (SELECT SupplierID
FROM delivery NATURAL JOIN deliveryitem NATURAL JOIN item
WHERE item.Name LIKE ‘Compass%’) GROUP BY delivery.SupplierID
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT item.Name) > 1 ORDER BY delivery.SupplierID;
Attempt 1 uses the approach to find those suppliers that supply things other than compasses (outer query) and also supply compasses (subquery).
Attempt 2 uses a more generalizable approach. The generalizable approach is better as it allows queries such as “Find suppliers that deliver two items other than compasses” – change the > 1 to > 2 in the HAVING clause in Attempt 2 to do this. (Attempt 2 uses DISTINCT to handle multiple deliveries of compasses from the same supplier.)
◆ Task 1.6 Type a query that for each item, gives its type, the departments that sell the item, and the floor location of these departments.
Hint: You will need to join four tables (Item, SaleItem, Sale and Department) and make sure each ambiguous column in your SELECT clause is fully qualified (employee.EmployeeName instead of EmployeeName).
Your result should look like this (see next page):
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 4
The following query uses NOT IN (rather than IN) to solve the problem. Each step is worked through and explained.
◆ Task 1.7 Find the items that are not sold by departments on the second floor but are sold on other floors within the store.
When solving problems like this, work in steps:
1. Identify the items sold on the second floor,
2. Then find the items that are not in the result from part 1.
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 5
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem NATURAL JOIN department WHERE department.Floor = 2)
The inner query identifies the items that ARE sold on the second floor. The outer query then finds all items which have been sold (they are present in the sale table) but are not in the inner query.
Compare that to this query:
SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, department.Floor
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem NATURAL JOIN department WHERE department.Floor <> 2
This query finds items sold on floors other than the second floor – but this includes items which have been sold on the second floor as well!
The additional items are 12, 14 and 17. A final query will confirm which floors these items are sold on:
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 6
SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, department.Floor
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem NATURAL JOIN department WHERE saleitem.ItemID IN (12,14,17)
ORDER BY Itemid, department.Floor;
It is always good to check your logic with some ad hoc queries on the dataset. The more familiar you are with the dataset, the clearer your thinking will be about how to approach solving the task. (Of course, in a timed assessment scenario, such as an exam, the dataset is not given – so you also need to practise writing queries without the dataset. The Golf case study SQL practice questions on LMS can help you prepare for this.)
◆ Task 1.8 What is the average quantity of each item of type ‘N’ delivered by each company that delivers it? Be sure to list the item name in your answer.
SELECT delivery.SupplierID, supplier.Name, item.Name, FORMAT(AVG(deliveryitem.Quantity), 2) AS AvgDelQty
FROM supplier
INNER JOIN delivery ON supplier.supplierID = delivery.supplierID
INNER JOIN deliveryitem ON delivery.deliveryID = deliveryitem.deliveryID INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID
WHERE item.Type = ‘N’
GROUP BY delivery.SupplierID, supplier.Name, item.Name;
Your result should look like this:
◆ Task 1.9 List suppliers that have delivered more than 40 items of types ‘C’ and ‘N’. Approach the problem in steps:
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 7
1. First, find the items that are of type C and N:
SELECT item.Name, item.Type FROM item
WHERE item.Type IN (‘C’,’N’) ORDER BY item.Name;
2. Then, find out how many of each of those items have been delivered:
SELECT item.Name, SUM(deliveryitem.Quantity) FROM deliveryitem INNER JOIN item
ON deliveryitem.ItemID = item.ItemID WHERE item.Type IN (‘C’,’N’)
GROUP BY item.Name;
3. Ensure that the quantity delivered is greater than 40:
SELECT item.Name, SUM(deliveryitem.Quantity) FROM deliveryitem INNER JOIN item
ON deliveryitem.ItemID = item.ItemID WHERE item.Type IN (‘C’,’N’)
GROUP BY item.Name
HAVING SUM(deliveryitem.Quantity) > 40;
4. Display the supplier names and ids, changing the GROUP BY clause to match:
SELECT supplier.SupplierID, supplier.Name FROM supplier
INNER JOIN delivery ON supplier.supplierID = delivery.supplierID
INNER JOIN deliveryitem ON delivery.deliveryID = deliveryitem.deliveryID INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID
WHERE item.Type IN (‘C’,’N’)
GROUP BY supplier.SupplierID
HAVING SUM(deliveryitem.Quantity) > 40;
This statement uses an IN condition, but it could also be written with an OR clause:
SELECT supplier.SupplierID, supplier.Name FROM supplier
INNER JOIN delivery ON supplier.supplierID = delivery.supplierID
INNER JOIN deliveryitem ON delivery.deliveryID = deliveryitem.deliveryID INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID
WHERE item.Type = ‘C’ OR item.Type = ‘N’ GROUP BY supplier.SupplierID
HAVING SUM(deliveryitem.Quantity) > 40;
The result is the same either way:
◆ Task 1.10 Find the ids of items sold by at least two departments on the second floor.
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 8
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem NATURAL JOIN department WHERE department.Floor = 2
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem WHERE DepartmentID IN
(SELECT DepartmentID
FROM department
WHERE department.Floor = 2)
There are often multiple ways of achieving the same result set.
◆ Task 1.11 Name the items which have been delivered by exactly one supplier.
SELECT item.Name, COUNT(DISTINCT SupplierID) AS SupplierCount FROM deliveryitem NATURAL JOIN delivery NATURAL JOIN item GROUP BY item.Name
ORDER BY item.Name;
The SQL standard includes the set operators from relational algebra – union (UNION), intersection (INTERSECT) and set difference (EXCEPT). Of these three, MySQL only supports UNION.
Consider the following task:
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 9
◆ Task 1.12 Name the items that are delivered by ‘Nepalese Corp.’ or sold in the Navigation department.
This query can be written as two subqueries:
SELECT item.Name FROM item
FROM deliveryitem NATURAL JOIN delivery NATURAL JOIN supplier WHERE supplier.Name = ‘Nepalese Corp.’)
FROM saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale NATURAL JOIN department WHERE department.Name = ‘Navigation’);
The same query can be written using a UNION:
SELECT item.Name
FROM deliveryitem NATURAL JOIN delivery NATURAL JOIN supplier
INNER JOIN item ON deliveryitem.ItemID = item.ItemID WHERE supplier.Name = ‘Nepalese Corp.’
SELECT item.Name
FROM saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale NATURAL JOIN department INNER JOIN item ON saleitem.ItemID = item.ItemID
WHERE department.Name = ‘Navigation’;
Note that the SELECT statements have been simplified when UNION is used. The SELECT
uses the item name directly, not the item id.
The result set of both sides of the UNION must have the same number of columns in the same order with the same data types. In this case we have only one column: the name column of the item table.
UNION ALL may be used as an alternative to UNION when duplicate rows are to be preserved.
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 10
The CASE statement, comparable to a series of if … elseif … elseif … else statements in a programming language like Python or C, returns the value associated with the first condition that evaluates to true.
◆ Task 1.13 Employees who earn more than $80,000 a year are classified as pay grade A. If they earn less than or equal to $45,000 they are classified as pay grade C. All other employees are in pay grade B. List each employee’s name and pay grade. Order the results by pay grade, then last name.
SELECT FirstName, LastName,
CASE WHEN Salary > 80000 THEN ‘A’
WHEN Salary <= 45000 THEN 'C'
ELSE 'B' END AS PayGrade
FROM employee
ORDER BY PayGrade, LastName;
◆ Task 1.14 The company’s building is going to be renovated. The renovations will include all departments on floors 3 and 4 of the building plus the ‘Recreation’ department. If additional funding is approved, the rest of floor 2 may be included in the renovation as well. For all employees, print their name and a text value ‘Yes’, ‘Maybe’ or ‘No’ that states whether they will be affected by the renovations. Order by last name.
Your result set should look like this (see next page):
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 11
Section 2: Derived tables and views
Derived tables
When writing more complex queries, we might wish to query the result set of an SQL statement as if it was its own table. To accomplish this, we can place subqueries in the FROM clause of our query – these subqueries are known as derived tables.
Consider the following task:
◆Task2.1 Foreachdepartment,findtheaveragequantityofitemssoldineachsale. We need to add up the quantity of items in each sale using the SUM function, then take the
average of those sums using AVG. You might begin to write a query like this:
SELECT departmentID, AVG(SUM(Quantity)) FROM ...
However, it is not possible to nest aggregate functions in this way. Instead, we need to split the problem into two queries.
The first query finds the quantity of items sold in each sale, also returning the department in which the sale occurred:
SELECT departmentID, SUM(Quantity) AS total_qty FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem
We then need to query the output of this query! We make it into a derived table and group its rows by department id:
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 12
SELECT departmentID, AVG(total_qty)
FROM (SELECT departmentID, SUM(Quantity) AS total_qty
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem
GROUP BY SaleID) AS SaleQuantities GROUP BY departmentID;
Notice that we gave the derived table an alias, SaleQuantities. It is compulsory to give an alias to every derived table.
A view can be thought of as a virtual table whose rows are not explicitly stored in the database but are returned as needed. A view stores a SELECT query which is executed every time the view is queried. In this way, a view behaves like a derived table that is “bookmarked” for repeated use.
Views are commonly used in large enterprises for access control. Suppose that the company has decided that employee salary amounts are confidential, and moreover, employees in the Management department should have all their details hidden from other staff.
In this situation, you would use the database’s access control features to hide the employee table from all but a set of privileged users. You would then create a view into the employee table that leaves out the salary column as well as all rows for employees in Management:
CREATE VIEW employee_public AS
SELECT employeeID, FirstName, LastName, departmentID,
bossID, DateOfBirth
FROM employee
WHERE departmentID <> (SELECT departmentID
FROM department
WHERE Name = ‘Management’);
Unprivileged users would be forced to use this view to gain information about employees. The employee_public view can be queried just like a normal table:
FROM employee_public WHERE LastName LIKE ‘M%’;
Notice that the salary column is not present, and is not included in the results. Please do not use views when writing SQL queries for assessment in this subject.
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 13
Section 3: Relational divides using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
Sometimes, we need to find rows in one table that are associated with all rows in the other table as part of a many-to-many relationship. This can be done using GROUP BY and HAVING, checking whether the count of rows is equal to the maximum number of available rows. However, relational divides are another approach that can be used.
◆ Task 3.1 List the names of departments that have recorded a sale for all the items of type ‘N’.
Using a relational divide:
WHERE item.Type = ‘N’
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem
WHERE sale.departmentID = department.departmentID
AND saleitem.itemID = item.itemID)
FROM department NATURAL JOIN sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem
INNER JOIN item ON item.itemID = saleitem.itemID WHERE item.Type = ‘N’
WHERE Type = ‘N’);
The solution with GROUP BY and HAVING is just as correct as the relational divide. However, you need to ensure that the subquery in the HAVING clause matches the conditions in the query itself.
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 14
◆ Task 3.2 Who are the suppliers (give their ids and names) that deliver all the items of type ‘N’?
SELECT supplierID, supplier.Name FROM supplier
WHERE item.Type = ‘N’
FROM delivery NATURAL JOIN deliveryitem
WHERE delivery.supplierID = supplier.supplierID
AND deliveryitem.itemID = item.itemID)
◆ Task 3.3 List the departments that have recorded at least one sale for all the items delivered to them.
Attempt 1 (relational divide):
FROM deliveryitem AS del2
WHERE del2.departmentID = del1.departmentID
FROM saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale WHERE del2.itemID = saleitem.itemID
Attempt 2:
AND del1.departmentID = sale.departmentID)
FROM deliveryitem AS del2
WHERE del2.departmentID = del1.departmentID
FROM sale NATURAL JOIN saleitem
WHERE sale.departmentID = del1.departmentID) );
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 15
Attempt 3 (using GROUP BY and HAVING):
SELECT del1.departmentid FROM deliveryitem AS del1
INNER JOIN saleitem ON del1.itemid = saleitem.itemid INNER JOIN sale ON saleitem.saleid = sale.saleid
AND del1.departmentid = sale.departmentid GROUP BY del1.departmentid
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT saleitem.itemid) =
FROM deliveryitem AS del2
WHERE del2.departmentid = del1.departmentid);
Attempt 4 (using outer joins):
SELECT deliveryitem.departmentID FROM deliveryitem
LEFT JOIN (saleitem NATURAL JOIN sale)
ON deliveryitem.itemID = saleitem.itemID
AND deliveryitem.departmentID = sale.departmentID
GROUP BY deliveryitem.departmentID
HAVING COUNT(*) = COUNT(saleitem.itemID);
Attempt 4 uses the fact that COUNT(*) gives the number of rows for each departmentID, while COUNT(saleitem.itemID) counts non-NULL values. If there are any rows in deliveryitem for which the LEFT JOIN cannot find a match (i.e. there is no sale of that item in that department), the two counts will be different, and that department will be excluded.
◆ Task 3.4 Type a query that lists the suppliers that deliver only items sold by the Books department (in other words, suppliers for which every delivery is of an item or items sold by the Books department).
End of Week 7 Lab
INFO20003 Week 7 Lab 16
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