CS代写 COMPSCI4043 System and Networks Final Exam

COMPSCI4043 System and Networks Final Exam

Convert the bit string 1101 1011 to decimal, assuming (i) that it is a binary
number, and (ii) that it is a two’s complement number.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Give two reasons that digital representation is more suitable than analogue
representation for general purpose computer systems.
Write a SIGMA 16 program that puts the smaller of x and y into the variable z (x,
Y, and z are all two’s complement integers).
Translate the following SIGMA16 assembly language program fragment into
machine language. (Assume that the operation code for SUB is 1, the operation
code for MUL is 2, and the operation code for STORE is $f with expansion b=2.)
R5, R2, R9
R8, $085c[R31
R2, R3, R7
Suppose there is an array × of integers in memory. The array × contains n
elements, where n is a variable. There is another integer variable k. Write a
SIGMA16 program fragment that counts the number of elements of x that are
greater than k, and stores this result in the variable v. You do not need to define
the initial values of x, n, or k.

Define the difference between an interrupt and a jump. Give an example of how
a jump is used, and an example of how an interrupt is used.
Suppose that a user process goes into an infinite loop. Describe how the system
is able to allow other processes to continue to make progress.
Give three levels of the memory hierarchy.
Give two reasons that larger
memories are slower than smaller ones.
In the context of a computer system with virtual memory, define the terms page
and page frame. Suppose, in such a system, that an instruction is executed which
loads a memory location at effective address r; explain how the system accesses
this memory location.
Give two examples of computer system features that are implemented partly by
hardware and partly by software, and explain why both hardware and software
are needed in order to implement them.

Define circuit switching and packet switching. Explain why packet switching is
well suited for applications like email, but causes technical challenges for
multimedia applications.
Give two examples of errors that can occur when a packet is sent from one host
to another host, and describe briefly how TCP recovers from these errors.
Explain why Internet software is organized into layers, and discuss the purposes
of the application layer and the transport layer.
Suppose you enter a symbolic address, like www.dcs.gla.ac.uk, into a web
browser. Give the reason this must be converted to an IP address, and explain
how the conversion is done.
Suppose that a company introduces a new Internet application, but decides to
keep the application layer protocol proprietary. Discuss the impact this decision
would have on users who are considering using the new application.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com