CS代考 PSY 4036 Week 6: Reading and Low Vision

PSY 4036 Week 6: Reading and Low Vision

Week 6: Reading and Low Vision
Methods for measuring visual reading performance.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Print size and display size.
Fonts and spacing.
Impact of central-vision loss and other forms of low vision on reading.
The visual span for reading.
Impact of digital devices for low-vision reading accessibility.

Glass Half Full

Flashcard (6 sec, 100  wpm)

Flashcard (3 sec, 200 wpm)

Flashcard (2 sec, 300 wpm)

Flashcard (1.5 sec, 400 wpm)

Flashcard (1 sec, 600 wpm)

Flashcard method for measuring reading speed
A sentence is presented for a given exposure time T.
N is the number of words read correctly in time T.
Reading speed is computed as N/T

Example: 8 words are read correctly in 2 seconds
Reading speed= 8/2=4 words/sec =240 words/minute

RSVP: 250 wpm

RSVP: 500 wpm

RSVP: 1000 wpm

RSVP Method
RSVP Method for Measuring Reading Speed (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation)
Words of a sentence are presented sequentially at the same location on the display
Exposure time is varied to determine the value of T for 80% word recognition.
Reading speed is computed from this exposure time
Example: A subject achieves 80% word recognition when T is 0.2 sec. This means that 5 words are presented in one sec, 4 are read correctly in one sec, and the corresponding reading speed is 240 word/minute

MNREAD English

Print size
Reading Speed (wpm)
N = 15 Age = 70 ± 5 years
Measuring Normal Reading Vision

MNREAD template curve for a group of 15 normally sighted subjects age 70   [Replaced with corresponding slides from Osherson talk]

Print size

Reading Speed (wpm)
Reading with AMD

Sample AMD curves (from Allen’s study)
[Replaced with corresponding slides from Osherson talk]

MNREAD English (book fig. 5.1)  (RIT)

iPad Version of MNREAD

MNREAD English (book fig. 5.1)  (RIT)

Three Dimensions of Vision Measurement and Loss

Low vision is usually discussed in terms of:
Reduced acuity
Reduced contrast sensitivity
Visual-field loss.

Demo of Lighthouse Distance Acuity Chart [Position student at 4 m to demonstrate designation of viewing distance, and point out the various lines on the chart as I discuss them.]

Gordon’s Video Magnifier

Computer Screen Magnification Using ZoomText

Trade-off Between Print Size and Screen Size

Flashcard (2 sec, 300 wpm)
contrast level 90%

Flashcard (2 sec, 300 wpm)
contrast level 10%

Flashcard (2 sec, 300 wpm)
contrast level 3%

Flashcard (2 sec, 300 wpm)
contrast level 1.5%

Reading speed vs. contrast
Normal and cataract

Visual span model

The Trigram Method and Visual Span Profile

Trigram (Central Vision)

Trigram (Central Vision)

Trigram (Central Vision)

Trigram (peripheral vision)

Trigram (peripheral vision)

Personalized Remapping Schemes


Most people with low vision are able to read print, but with varying degrees of difficulty.

Reading problems in low vision can be studied with computer-based tests and reading-acuity charts such as MNREAD.
Three visual dimensions can account for most reading deficits in low vision: decreased spatial acuity, contrast limitations, and field loss, especially central field loss.

The visual span is the number of letters that can be recognized on each reading fixation.  In peripheral vision the visual span gets smaller. This shrinkage of the visual span helps us understand why people with central-field loss from macular degeneration read slowly.

MNREAD Acuity Chart CARD 1

M size logMAR

My father takes me
to school every day
in his big green car

8.0 20/400 1.3

Everyone wanted to
go outside when the
rain finally stopped

6.3 20/320 1.2

They were not able
to finish playing the
game before dinner

5.0 20/250 1.1

© 1994, 2012, Regents of the University of Minnesota, All Rights Reserved. MNREAD EN1 600

MNREAD Acuity Chart CARD 1

M size logMAR

My father asked me
to help the two men
carry the box inside

4.0 20/200 1.0

Three of my friends
had never been to a
circus before today

3.2 20/160 0.9

My grandfather has
a large garden with
fruit and vegetables

2.5 20/130 0.8

He told a long story
about ducks before
his son went to bed

2.0 20/100 0.7

My mother loves to
hear the young girls
sing in the morning

1.6 20/80 0.6

The young boy held
his hand high to ask
questions in school

1.3 20/63 0.5

My brother wanted
a glass of milk with
his cake after lunch

1.0 20/50 0.4

I do not understand
why we must leave
so early for the play

0.8 20/40 0.3

It is more than four
hundred miles from
my home to the city0.6 20/32 0.2

Our father wants us
to wash the clothes
before he gets back0.5 20/25 0.1

They would love to
see you during your
visit here this week0.4 20/20 0.0

The teacher showed
the children how to
draw pretty pictures0.32 20/16 −0.1

Nothing could ever
be better than a hot
fire to warm you up0.25 20/13 −0.2

The old man caught
a fish here when he
went out in his boat0.20 20/10 −0.3

Our mother tells us
that we should wear
heavy coats outside0.16 20/8.0 −0.4

One of my brothers
went with his friend
to climb a mountain0.13 20/6.3 −0.5

© 1994, 2012, Regents of the University of Minnesota, All Rights Reserved. MNREAD EN1 600

lated for each sentence. Sentences read at
minimum or maximum speed (those
below the 10th or above the 90th percen-
tile) and sentences with the highest stand-
ard deviations (above 90th percentile)
were excluded. A few more sentences were
excluded based on the repeatability of
errors due to difficulties in pronunciation,
text flow or misleading contextual cues.
Of note is the fact that several sentences
highly scored by the adult group were

excluded due to consistent errors made by
the children.

Chart creation and validation
The 57 remaining sentences were distrib-
uted for print into three versions of the
MNREAD-GR chart (19 sentences each).
Three sentences with an interesting
content were chosen for the top of each
chart, to draw the attention and facilitate
co-operation when using the chart on chil-

dren (Figure 3). Sentences with reading
speed values and standard deviations close
to the mean were first distributed ran-
domly in the three charts and the remain-
ing sentences were distributed in the three
charts, also randomly. Finally, the sen-
tences within each chart were also placed
in random order.

The three MNREAD-GR charts were
validated by testing on 20 normal-sighted
adults (aged 21 to 60 years, mean 35.4 !
9.7 years, nine males).

The mean measured near VA of the
20 adults was 0.03 ! 0.06, their mean
maximum reading speed was 198.10 !
30.93 wpm and mean critical print size was
0.09 ! 0.10. For near VA and maximum
reading speed, the subject (between-
subjects component) contributed the
major part to the variance (72 and 87 per
cent, respectively), hence the intraclass
correlation coefficient was 0.72 and 0.87
in the total group (Table 3). For the criti-
cal print size, the subject accounted for
45.5 per cent of the total variance (ICC:
0.46). The between-charts within-session
within-subject component accounted for a
maximum of five per cent of the variance.
The between-sessions within-subject com-
ponent had a maximum of one per cent.
The standard error of measurement
without session and standard error of
measurement results were similar because
the session variability was negligible; this
also resulted to similar reproducibility and
repeatability coefficients. The coefficient
of repeatability was 0.08 logMAR for VA,
46.96 words per minute for maximum
reading speed and 0.10 logMAR for criti-
cal print size.


Testing near vision has been somewhat
under-represented in most major studies
aiming to assess treatment effects in ocular
diseases. This may well reflect the fact that
no near vision optotype has been as widely
used as the ETDRS (Early Treatment
for Diabetic Retinopathy Study) optotype
used to measure distance acuity. In the
quest for a standardised near vision test in
Greek, a choice was made to develop and
validate the MNREAD chart in the Greek

-2 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5-1 0 1 2 3

Normalised Distance From Mean

Data Probability Density Function

Figure 2. Mean reading time of candidate sentences when tested on adults

Figure 3. One of the produced versions of the MNREAD-GR (front and back surface)

Greek version of the MNREAD acuity chart Mataftsi, Bourtoulamaiou, Haidich, Antoniadis, Kilintzis, Tsinopoulos and Dimitrakos

© 2012 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2012

Clinical and Experimental Optometry © 2012 Optometrists Association Australia 5


Notation M logMAR

La lecture demeure
difficile même avec
vos petites lunettes

Ma mère aime bien
écouter le chant des
cigales en plein été

Les enfants de mon
quartier vont tous à
la fête ce dimanche

© Copyright 2001, MNREAD development MNREAD™ 3.1–1 600


Notation M logMAR

Mon chat aime bien
se promener la nuit
près de la boucherie

La neige tombe tout
doucement en cette
nuit de réjouissance

J’ai bien hâte d’aller
dîner chez mon ami
dimanche prochain

La nouvelle adresse
de la compagnie est
sur mon cahier noir

Le petit garçon des
voisins aime suivre
des cours de karaté

Elles ne sont jamais
venues chercher les
dessins de ma mère

Il faut vraiment que
je m’occupe de mon
appartement ce soir

La nouvelle voisine
possède un superbe
chien beige et blanc

Le fromage blanc et
les framboises sont
sur le grand meuble 0.20.6

Les cinq chats de la
voisine sont montés
dans un gros chêne 0.10.5

Les enfants de mon
professeur sont des
athlètes très connus 0.00.4

Le jardin botanique
aura une collection
de papillons jaunes – 0.10.32

Le mariage de mon
cousin avait lieu sur
un très beau bateau – 0.20.25

J’aime lorsque mon
enfant joue avec ses
cousins et cousines – 0.30.20

Ma soeur va bientôt
acheter une voiture
de couleur argentée – 0.40.16

Le dessert favori de
mon jeune frère est
la mousse aux noix – 0.50.13

© Copyright 2001, MNREAD development MNREAD™ 3.1–1 600

for 30cm (12 inches)
M sizeD.A. SnellenlogMAR
© Copyright 1997, Minnesota Laboratory for Low-Vision Research. MNREAD™ J.1–0 600

Test de Agudeza MNREAD Test 1

Escala M Decimal

El automóvil de mi
vecino tiene puertas
de un color extraño

8.0 0.05 1.320/400

Correr por la noche
es un buen ejercicio
para todo el mundo

6.3 0.06 1.220/320

Ayer encontré unas
cuantas monedas de
plata sobre una silla

5.0 0.08 1.120/250

© 2012 The Research Foundation of SUNY, Regents of the University of Minnesota, & University of Houston. All Rights Reserved. MNREAD ES1 600

Test de Agudeza MNREAD Test 1

Escala M Decimal

No me digas que él
salió del hospital el
mismo mes que ella

4.0 0.10 1.020/200

Yo quisiera irme de
vacaciones si tú me
compras los pasajes

3.2 0.13 0.920/160

La mariposa blanca
vuela lentamente en
el patio de mi nieto

2.5 0.16 0.820/130

Compré la casa roja
con un balcón lleno
de rosas aromáticas

2.0 0.20 0.720/100

Quiso terminar con
eso para poder salir
a montar su caballo

1.6 0.25 0.620/80

Mi abuelo me llevó
a un circo a ver dos
leones bien feroces

1.3 0.32 0.520/63

A mí no me gusta ir
a pasear en la tarde
o cuando cae nieve

1.0 0.40 0.420/50

La sinceridad es de
gran importancia en
toda buena relación

0.8 0.50 0.320/40

Yo no entiendo por
qué debemos entrar
a tu casa en silencio0.6 0.63 0.220/32

Esa música no deja
que pueda escuchar
lo que tú dices de él0.5 0.79 0.120/25

Los planetas se ven
tan brillantes desde
que comenzó el año0.4 1.00 0.020/20

Ese payaso está tan
cansado que casi no
puede hacer chistes0.32 1.26 −0.120/16

Aquel señor quería
salir afuera cuando
la maestra los llamó0.25 1.58 −0.220/13

Los niños comieron
frutas frescas en los
árboles de manzana0.20 2.00 −0.320/10

Antes del accidente
yo podía levantar el
brazo sin problema0.16 2.51 −0.420/8.0

Sonreír nos permite
demostrar la alegría
y felicidad de amar0.13 3.16 −0.520/6.3

© 2012 The Research Foundation of SUNY, Regents of the University of Minnesota, & University of Houston. All Rights Reserved. MNREAD ES1 600

MNREAD™ Tabela de Acuidade e Leitura TABELA 1

Amanhã as crianças
irão passear de trem
junto com a sua avó

8.0 20/400 1.3

O rapaz entrega sua
mercadoria todas as
manhãs de bicicleta

6.3 20/320 1.2

Coloquei os lápis e
as canetas dentro da
mochila dos alunos

5.0 20/250 1.1

©Copyright 2003, Universidade Federal de São Paulo−Dra Celina Tamaki, Plattsburgh State University of , & Regents of the University of Minnesota MNREAD™− 600

MNREAD™ Tabela de Acuidade e Leitura TABELA 1

O esquilo pulou do
alto do galho e caiu
no meio da floresta

4.0 20/200 1.0

O mar está calmo e
as crianças brincam
na areia e nas ondas

3.2 20/160 0.9

Os professores irão
para a reunião com
as mães e a diretora

2.5 20/130 0.8

Os jogadores foram
treinar para o nosso
campeonato infantil

2.0 20/100 0.7

O ninho do pássaro
vermelho está nesta
árvore perto de casa

1.6 20/80 0.6

O colorido da nossa
bandeira é bonito e
todos gostam de ver

1.3 20/63 0.5

Os dentes do jacaré
são bem fortes para
cortar a sua comida

1.0 20/50 0.4

A vitrine está cheia
de roupas lindas de
outono e primavera

0.8 20/40 0.3

Da janela da minha
cozinha posso ver a
árvore bonita da rua0.6 20/32 0.2

A borboleta pousou
nas pequenas flores
para respirar e caiu0.5 20/25 0.1

A vovó fez um bolo
de chocolate gelado
e eu levei de lanche0.4 20/20 0.0

Meu irmão estudou
bastante hoje para a
difícil prova do ano0.32 20/16 −0.1

As cadeiras da sala
estão novas e o sofá
grande é bem velho0.25 20/13 −0.2

As janelas da nossa
casa estão pintadas
de cinza e vermelho0.20 20/10 −0.3

Choveu bastante de
manhã e agora o sol
está belo e radiante0.16 20/8.0 −0.4

Minhas amigas e eu
fomos à igreja para
preparar a sua festa0.13 20/6.3 −0.5

©Copyright 2003, Universidade Federal de São Paulo−Dra Celina Tamaki, Plattsburgh State University of , & Regents of the University of Minnesota MNREAD™− 600

MNREAD™ Tabela de Acuidade e Leitura TABELA 2

O parque está cheio
de patos e pássaros
que brincam felizes

8.0 20/400 1.3

O jardineiro coloca
algumas pedras nos
canteiros da piscina

6.3 20/320 1.2

Os trovões fortes da
noite assustaram os
animais da fazenda

5.0 20/250 1.1

©Copyright 2003, Universidade Federal de São Paulo−Dra Celina Tamaki, Plattsburgh State University of , & Regents of the University of Minnesota MNREAD™− 600

MNREAD™ Tabela de Acuidade e Leitura TABELA 2

O zoológico recebe
muitos visitantes no
sábado e no feriado

4.0 20/200 1.0

Os sucos de laranja
e de morango estão
frescos e apetitosos

3.2 20/160 0.9

A praia ficou cheia
de gente pois o mar
estava belo e calmo

2.5 20/130 0.8

Os leões mostraram
os seus dentes para
o treinador do circo

2.0 20/100 0.7

Nosso gato gosta de
beber bastante leite
e também de correr

1.6 20/80 0.6

Papai viu o pássaro
que estava bem alto
no céu azul e limpo

1.3 20/63 0.5

A oficina de arte do
nosso bairro possui
muitos bons alunos

1.0 20/50 0.4

Todos se divertiram
no passeio de barco
que fizeram no lago

0.8 20/40 0.3

A menina sentou na
cadeira da sala para
conversar com a tia0.6 20/32 0.2

No muro do prédio
ao lado estão presos
os cartazes do filme0.5 20/25 0.1

A água do rio ficou
bem suja depois da
forte chuva da tarde0.4 20/20 0.0

No sítio do meu tio
as crianças brincam
e pescam na represa0.32 20/16 −0.1

A pintura da parede
deve ser com brilho
e clara como a neve0.25 20/13 −0.2

A menina está feliz
porque encontrou a
sua colega no jantar0.20 20/10 −0.3

A galinha cuida dos
seus pintinhos toda
hora e nos passeios0.16 20/8.0 −0.4

O telhado da minha
casa está pintado de
azul escuro e verde0.13 20/6.3 −0.5

©Copyright 2003, Universidade Federal de São Paulo−Dra Celina Tamaki, Plattsburgh State University of , & Regents of the University of Minnesota MNREAD™− 600


for 40cm (16 inches)
M size Snellen logMAR

Mi è piaciuto molto
camminare insieme
agli amici per le vie

1.3 20/4008.0

Da qualche giorno i
miei genitori vanno
al mare dopo le due

1.2 20/3206.3

Mio fratello è stato
molto felice di aver
camminato a lungo

1.1 20/2505.0

© Copyright 1999, Regents of the University of Minnesota. MNREAD™ 0.1–1 600


for 40cm (16 inches)
M size Snellen logMAR

La bambina oggi ha
fatto i compiti dopo
aver mangiato tutto

1.0 20/2004.0

Per tutti questi anni
mia mamma usciva
ogni giorno alle sei

0.9 20/1603.2

Invece di mangiare
io preferisco andare
al mare per nuotare

0.8 20/1252.5

La mamma pulisce
davanti alla porta e
intorno alle finestre

0.7 20/1002.0

La mia gatta dorme
tutto il giorno ma di
notte mangia molto

0.6 20/801.6

Mio fratello diceva
che gli piace molto
correre con la moto

0.5 20/631.3

La giornata è molto
bella ed io penso di
andare in montagna

0.4 20/501.0

Ecco che arriva suo
zio con la macchina
nuova di colore blu

0.3 20/400.8

Aspetto il treno per
andare in montagna
a salutare mio papà 0.2 20/320.6

Preferisco mangiare
con te piuttosto che
andare con mio zio 0.1 20/250.5

Da quando mi sono
tagliato i capelli mi
dicono che sto bene 0.0 20/200.4

© Copyright 1999, Regents of the University of Minnesota. MNREAD™ 0.1–1 600

Developed at the Minnesota Laboratory for Low-Vision Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 by (612) 626-7762
Print resolution 600 dpi is fine. >760 would be preferable . Bounding box (marked by + symbols) should be 14 by 11 inches, unacceptable if otherwise.


MNREAD Maatkaart gezichtsscherpte

M size logMAR








MNREAD Sehtest-Tafel

M size logMAR
Entfernung: 40 cm



gebaut Gestern

MNREAD-TR Keskinlik Çizelgesi KART 1

20/400 1.3

20/320 1.2

20/250 1.1

©Copyright 2006, Copyright statement goes here, MNREAD T0 1 600–

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