CS代考 — Test examples used by the autograder.

— Test examples used by the autograder.
— If you want to use them, just paste everything here into your
— file (anywhere) if they’re not already there.
— 1. Use the ones before the line directly. You don’t need to read anything

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

— after that.
— 2. Type “showDefs” in ghci to see a list of all the examples.
— 3. To use the examples, you can just use the names in a term and then
— run elimDefs to replace the names by the terms they stand for.
— E.g. pp $ elimDefs $ parse “id id” = “(%x. x)(%x. x)”.

[u,v,w,x,y,z] = words “u v w x y z”

[(“id”, “%x. x”)
,(“true”, “%x,y. x”)
,(“false”, “%x,y. y”)
,(“pair”, “%x,y,f. f x y”)
,(“fst”, “%p. p true”)
,(“snd”, “%p. p false”)
,(“zero”, “id”)
,(“one”, “pair false zero”)
,(“two”, “pair false one”)
,(“three”, “pair false two”)
,(“isZero”, “%x. fst x”)
,(“if”, “%b,x,y. b x y”)
,(“s”, “%n. pair false n”)
,(“p”, “%n. snd n”)
,(“Y”, “% f. (%x. f(x x)) (% x. f(x x))”)

defs = map (fmap parse) defStrs

isDef :: String -> Bool
isDef = (`elem` (map fst defStrs))

— replace all defined variables by the term they define
elimDefs :: L -> L
elimDefs m =
let substAll term = foldr (\ (name, n) m -> subst m n name) term defs
in if null (freeVars m)
else elimDefs (substAll m)

— succeed Or Die
od :: Maybe a -> a
od (Just x) = x
od Nothing = error “od: Nothing”

def name = od $ lookup name defs

showDef :: String -> IO ()
showDef name =
putStrLn $ unwords [name, “=”, pp $ def name]

showDefs :: IO ()
showDefs =
mapM showDef (map fst defStrs) >> return ()

lId = def “id”
lTrue = def “true”
lFalse = def “false”
lPair = def “pair”
lFst = def “fst”
lSnd = def “snd”
lZero = def “zero”
lOne = def “one”
lTwo = def “two”
lThree = def “three”
lIsZero = def “isZero”
lIf = def “if”
lS = def “s”
lP = def “p”
lY = def “Y”

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com