留学生作业代写 import os, shutil, datetime, json, sys, pathlib

import os, shutil, datetime, json, sys, pathlib

“”” Helper utility class containing various functions for use across all other classes

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

def clear_out_dir(path_to_dir, exclude=[]):
“”” This method will remove all files and folders in a path
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(path_to_dir)

# File removal
for direc in current_dirs:
if direc not in exclude:
shutil.rmtree(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, direc), ignore_errors=True)
for file in current_files:
if file == ‘.gitignore’:
if file not in exclude:
os.remove(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, file))

def get_dir_contents(path_to_dir):
“”” This method will return all files and directories in a path as a tuple of lists
current_files, current_dirs = [], []
for (_, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(‘{}’.format(path_to_dir)):
return current_files, current_dirs

def find_files_recursive(path_to_dir, prefix=”, output=[]):
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(path_to_dir)
for direc in current_dirs:
next_prefix = ‘{}/{}’.format(prefix, direc) if prefix != ” else direc
find_files_recursive(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, direc), prefix=next_prefix, output=output)

for cfile in current_files:
filename = ‘{}/{}’.format(prefix, cfile) if prefix != ” else cfile
output += [filename]

return output

def get_datetime():
“”” Helper to get formatted date time
now = datetime.datetime.now
tz = datetime.timezone(-datetime.timedelta(hours=4))
time = now(tz=tz).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z”)
return ‘[{}]’.format(time)

def get_file_ext(filename):
“”” Return the file extension of a filename passed in
f = filename.split(‘.’)
return f[len(f) – 1]

def copy_files_from_dir(source_dir, dest_dir, include_types=[], exclude_types=[], keep_structure=False):
“”” This method will copy all files in a source folder to a destination folder.
Anything specified in include types (file extensions) will be copied. If blank,
all will be copied, less any exclude types.

Added recursive functionality on keep_structure
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(source_dir)
to_copy = []

if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
except Exception as e:
print(“ERROR Creating new directory: {}”.format(dest_dir))

for file in current_files:
if len(include_types) == 0 and len(exclude_types) == 0:
to_copy = current_files + current_dirs
elif len(include_types) > 0:
if get_file_ext(file) in include_types:
if get_file_ext(file) not in exclude_types and file not in exclude_types:
for elt in to_copy:
os.system(‘cp {}/{} {}’.format(source_dir, elt, dest_dir))

if keep_structure and len(current_dirs) > 0:
for direc in current_dirs:
copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/{}’.format(source_dir, direc), ‘{}/{}’.format(dest_dir, direc), include_types, exclude_types, keep_structure)

def get_file_contents_as_list(path):
”’ This function will retrieve a file and return it as a list
file = open(path, ‘r’)
contents = file.read().split(‘\n’)
return contents

def generate_blank_assignment_manifest():
output = “””
“assignment_overview”: {
“assignment_types”: [“jupyter”, “python”],
“required_files”: [],
“ignore_files”: [],
“required_functions”: {},
“extra_credit_functions”: {},
“extra_credit”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“scoring”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
# print(output)
return output

def generate_example_assignment_manifest():
output = “””
“assignment_overview”: {
“assignment_types”: [
“c”, “java”, “jupyter”, “python”
“required_files”: [
“ignore_files”: [“lcc”, “cpp”, “rcc”],
“required_functions”: {
“my_string.c”: [
“extra_credit_functions”: {
“my_string.c”: {
“my_strtok”: {
“check_test_cases.c” : “EC_testStrtok”
“extra_credit”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“check_test_cases”: {
“EC_testStrtok”: 5
“scoring”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“check_test_cases”: {
“testStrCatHelloWorld”: 1
# print(output)
return output

def parse_tests(base_path, asg_man_path):
”’ This function will go through and parse each test case so that it can be copied into the assignment manifest
std_output, ec_output = {}, {}
test_cases_path = ‘{}/test-env/test-cases’.format(base_path)

_, direcs = get_dir_contents(test_cases_path)
for direc in direcs:
std_output[direc], ec_output[direc] = {}, {}
files, sub_direcs = get_dir_contents(‘{}/{}’.format(test_cases_path, direc))

for file in files:
if file == ‘.gitignore’:
func = None
if direc == ‘jupyter’:
if get_file_ext(file) != ‘py’ or file == ‘runner.py’:
func = parse_jupyter_tests
elif direc == ‘python’:
if get_file_ext(file) != ‘py’ or file == ‘runner.py’:
func = parse_python_tests
elif direc == ‘java’:
if get_file_ext(file) == ‘jar’:
func = parse_java_tests
elif direc == ‘c’:
func = parse_c_tests
std_output[direc][file.split(‘.’)[0]], ec_output[direc][file.split(‘.’)[0]] = func(‘{}/{}/{}’.format(test_cases_path, direc, file))

# print(json.dumps(std_output, indent=2))
# print(json.dumps(ec_output, indent=2))

# Write it to the assignment manifest
f = open(asg_man_path, ‘r’)
contents = json.loads(f.read())

total_output = {}
for key in contents.keys():
if key != ‘scoring’:
total_output[key] = contents[key]

total_output[‘scoring’], total_output[‘extra_credit’] = std_output, ec_output

f = open(asg_man_path, ‘w+’)
f.write(json.dumps(total_output, indent=2))
print(json.dumps(total_output, indent=2))

def parse_jupyter_tests(filepath):
”’ Jupyter and python use same unittest framework, same parsing
return parse_python_tests(filepath)

def parse_c_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the python unittest framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents = f.read()
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
std_output, ec_output = {filename: {}}, {filename: {}}

for line in contents:
if ‘tcase_add_test’ in line:
testname = line.split(‘(‘)[1].split(‘)’)[0].split(‘,’)[1].strip()
if testname[:3] == ‘EC_’:
ec_output[filename][testname] = 1
std_output[filename][testname] = 1
return std_output[filename], ec_output[filename]

def parse_python_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the python unittest framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents = f.read()
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
output = {}

for line in contents:
if ‘def ‘ in line:
blocks = line.strip().split(‘ ‘)
testname = ”
for i in range(0, len(blocks)):
if ‘(‘ in blocks[i]:
if blocks[i][0] == ‘(‘:
testname = blocks[i – 1]
testname = blocks[i].split(‘(‘)[0]
if testname[0:4] != ‘test’:
if filename not in output.keys():
output[filename] = { testname: 1 }
output[filename][testname] = 1
return output[filename], {}

def parse_java_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the java junit framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents = f.read()
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
isTest = False
output = {}
for line in contents:
if in line:
isTest = True
elif isTest:
blocks = line.split(‘ ‘)
testname = ”
for i in range(0, len(blocks)):
if ‘()’ in blocks[i]:
if len(blocks[i]) < 3: testname = blocks[i - 1] testname = blocks[i].split('()')[0] if filename not in output.keys(): output[filename] = { testname: 1 } output[filename][testname] = 1 isTest = False return output[filename], {} class bcolors: """ Colors for color coded terminal printing HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' def main(): if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
if sys.argv[1] == ‘build_assignment_manifest’:
current_path = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute())
asg_man_path = current_path.split(‘/’)
asg_man_path = ‘/’.join(asg_man_path[:-1])
base_path = asg_man_path
asg_man_path += ‘/config/assignment_manifest.json’
f = open(asg_man_path, ‘w+’)
parse_tests(base_path, asg_man_path)

if __name__ == “__main__”:

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com