# coding=utf-8
import util, xml_parser, json
from xml.etree import ElementTree
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
class grader:
“”” This class exists to perform the actual grading functions. It should be isntantiated after
testing is complete (using the tester) as it relies on file output from tester. That said,
it is independent of the tester itself and should be governed by the manager.
Basic flow:
1. Instantiate the grader
2. Run grade_submission
def __init__(self, manager):
“”” Initialization function.
self.manager = manager
self.name = “grader”
self.test_funcs = {
“c”: (self.retrieve_c_output, None),
“java”: (self.retrieve_java_text_output, None),
“python”: (self.retrieve_python_based_output, “python”),
“jupyter”: (self.retrieve_python_based_output, “jupyter”)
self.tests, self.ungraded_tests = {}, {}
self.debug_mode = manager.debug_mode
def grade_submission(self):
“”” This function will grade a given submission. It first registers the tests that languages,
test files, and test cases that exist as well as their weights, then retrieves the test results
output to the log folder. It then determines the test result outcomes and calculates a grade.
return: (received, possible, int_percentage, tests)
received: total points received on all tests aggregated (inclusive of extra credit)
possible: total points possible on all tests aggregated
int_percentage: received / possible as an integer multiplied by 100
tests: the full dictionary of all tests
return self.calculate_grade()
def determine_test_outcomes(self):
“”” Go through the test_funcs dictionary, then figure out which function needs to be called.
This is a helper to reduce needing 4+ if statements
for lang in self.tests:
fn, arg = self.test_funcs[lang]
if arg is None:
def calculate_grade(self):
“”” Calculate the final grade, then return: possible, received, grade (% rounded)
self.debug(“Calculating grade. Current tests:”)
self.debug(json.dumps(self.tests, indent=2))
possible, received = 0, 0
for lang in self.tests:
if not self.tests[lang][‘included’]:
for test_file in self.tests[lang]:
# Skip the ‘included’ flag (boolean)
if test_file == ‘included’:
for test_case in self.tests[lang][test_file]:
test_case = self.tests[lang][test_file][test_case]
if ‘extra_credit’ not in test_case.keys():
possible += float(test_case[‘weight’])
elif not test_case[‘extra_credit’]:
possible += float(test_case[‘weight’])
received += float(test_case[‘weight’]) if test_case[‘passed’] else 0
if ‘percent_received’ in test_case.keys():
received *= test_case[‘percent_received’]
return received, possible, int(round((received / possible) * 100)), self.tests, self.ungraded_tests
def register_all_tests(self):
“”” Add all of the possible test files, cases to the self.tests dictionary
# Grab the languages to be included
for lang in self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘assignment_types’]:
self.tests[lang] = {“included”: True}
self.ungraded_tests[lang] = {“included”: True}
# Grab the test files and test cases
self.debug(“Registering tests”)
# Grab the extra credit, if available
self.debug(“Registering EC”)
def register_all_tests_helper(self, ec=False):
“”” Helper function to remove duplicate code; only difference between EC and standard scoring
is name, structure is same
contents = self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘scoring’]
contents = self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘extra_credit’]
for lang in contents:
self.debug(“Finding all tests for {} language”.format(lang))
test_files = contents[lang]
self.debug(“Found all files: {}”.format(json.dumps(test_files, indent=2)))
for file in test_files:
self.debug(“Looking specifically at {}”.format(file))
if file not in self.tests[lang].keys():
self.tests[lang][file] = {}
test_cases = test_files[file]
self.debug(“Now looking at test cases: {}”.format(test_cases))
for test_case in test_cases:
self.debug(“Adding test case: {}”.format(test_case))
self.tests[lang][file][test_case] = {
“weight”: test_cases[test_case],
“passed”: False,
“message”: None,
“extra_credit”: ec,
“performed”: False
def retrieve_python_based_output(self, output_lang):
“”” This method will go out and retrieve the output for python classes
self.debug(“Retrieving python results”)
contents = util.get_file_contents_as_list(‘{}/results_{}.txt’.format(self.manager.log_path, output_lang))
test_lang, test_class, test_case, tc = output_lang, None, None, None
active_test, active_message = False, False
break_counter = 0
self.debug(“Found {} records in file converted to list”.format(len(contents)))
for line in contents:
line = line.strip()
line = line.split(‘ ‘)
# Empty line checking
if len(line) == 0:
# Test case result parsing
elif not active_test and line[0][0:4] == ‘test’:
test_case = line[0]
line[1] = line[1].split(‘.’)
test_class = line[1][0].strip().replace(‘(‘, ”)
self.debug(“Trying to retrieve test case. Lang: {}\tClass: {}\tCase: {}”.format(test_lang, test_class, test_case))
self.debug(“Tests look like this:”)
self.debug(json.dumps(self.tests, indent=2))
tc = self.tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case]
if len(line) > 2:
tc[‘message’] = line[len(line) – 1]
tc[‘passed’] = tc[‘message’] == ‘ok’
active_test = False
tc[‘performed’] = True
active_test = True
except KeyError as e:
self.debug(“Found a test that appears not to exist. Adding to ungraded”)
if test_class not in self.ungraded_tests[test_lang].keys():
self.ungraded_tests[test_lang][test_class] = {}
if test_case not in self.ungraded_tests[test_lang][test_class].keys():
self.ungraded_tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case] = {}
tc = self.ungraded_tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case]
if len(line) > 2:
tc[‘message’] = line[len(line) – 1]
tc[‘passed’] = tc[‘message’] == ‘ok’
active_test = False
tc[‘performed’] = True
tc[‘weight’] = 0
active_test = True
elif active_test:
tc[‘message’] = line[len(line) – 1]
tc[‘passed’] = tc[‘message’] == ‘ok’
tc[‘performed’] = True
active_test = False
# Message parsing
elif line[0][0:5] == ‘=====’:
active_message = True
test_class, test_case, tc = None, None, None
break_counter = 0
elif active_message:
if line[0][0:5] == ‘FAIL:’:
test_case = line[1]
line[2] = line[2].split(‘.’)
if test_class not in self.tests[test_lang].keys():
test_class = line[2][0].strip().replace(‘(‘, ”)
tc = self.tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case]
elif tc is not None:
if line[0][0:5] == ‘—–‘:
if break_counter >= 1:
active_message = False
test_class, test_case, tc = None, None, None
break_counter = 0
break_counter += 1
tc[‘message’] += ‘\n{}’.format(‘ ‘.join(line))
tc[‘performed’] = True
def retrieve_java_text_output(self):
logpath = self.manager.log_path
filename = “results_java.txt”
self.manager.log(“Trying to retrieve text version of java output”, raising_class=self)
contents = util.get_file_contents_as_list(“{}/{}”.format(logpath, filename))
current_class = ‘n/a’
# Check each line
self.manager.log(“Found {} lines in text-output”.format(len(contents)), raising_class=self)
for line in contents:
# Ignore mostly-blank or blank lines
if len(line) < 3:
line = line.split('─')
if len(line) < 2:
line = line[1].strip()
line = line.split(' ')
self.manager.log("Examining line: {}".format(' '.join(line)), raising_class=self)
# Bool values to figure out what we're doing here...
is_test = '()' in line[0]
is_junit_declaration = 'JUnit' in line[0]
is_class = not (is_test or is_junit_declaration)
self.manager.log("Junit Garbage: {}\tClass: {}\tTest: {}".format(
# Set class if it is one
if is_class:
current_class = line[0]
self.manager.log("Determined this is class: {}".format(current_class), raising_class=self)
# Set test values
elif is_test:
self.manager.log("Determined this is test: {}".format(line[0]), raising_class=self)
passed = line[1] == SUCCESS
msg = None
if not passed:
msg = " ".join(line[2:])
test_name = line[0].split('(')[0]
if current_class not in self.tests['java']:
self.manager.log("Adding new test class; not in list\t[{}]".format(current_class), raising_class=self)
self.tests['java'][current_class] = {}
if test_name not in self.tests['java'][current_class]:
self.tests['java'][current_class][test_name] = {
"passed": False,
"message": None,
"performed": True,
"weight": 0,
"extra_credit": False
tc = self.tests['java'][current_class][test_name]
self.manager.log("TC pre-update: {}".format(json.dumps(tc, indent=2)), raising_class=self)
tc['passed'] = passed
tc['message'] = msg
tc['performed'] = True
self.manager.log("TC post-update: {}".format(json.dumps(tc, indent=2)), raising_class=self)
except Exception as e:
self.manager.log("Hit an error while trying to parse. Could be dummy line", e, raising_class=self)
def retrieve_java_output(self):
Read both the JUnit4 and JUnit5 test reports and extract the
number of achieved points, number of passed and failed tests
and the error messages from the failed tests.
## Refactored due to XML issues
self.manager.log("Retrieving java output", raising_class=self)
for filename in REPORT_FILES:
# Try standard approach
self.manager.log("Looking for {}".format(filename), raising_class=self)
test_lang = 'java'
tree = ElementTree.parse('{}/{}'.format(self.manager.log_path, filename)).getroot()
self.manager.log("Found. Loaded into tree: {}".format(tree), raising_class=self)
for t in tree.findall('testcase'):
self.manager.log("Test case is: {}".format(t), raising_class=self)
test_class = t.get('classname')
if '$' in test_class:
test_class = test_class.split('$')[0]
self.log("Test class: {}".format(test_class))
if test_class not in self.tests[test_lang]:
test_case = t.get('name').replace('()', '')
self.log("Test case name: {}".format(test_case))
fail = t.find('failure')
error = t.find('error')
failure = fail if fail is not None else error
# Update the tests structure with the passed status, message
tc = self.tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case]
tc['passed'] = failure is None
tc['message'] = 'ok' if tc['passed'] else '{}:\n{}'.format(
tc['performed'] = True
# If standard XML parsing doesn't work...
except Exception as e:
self.manager.log("Hit the exception. Parsing with alternate method", raising_class=self)
path_to_xml = '{}/{}'.format(self.manager.log_path, filename)
xml_parser.get_java_results(path_to_xml, self.tests)
self.manager.log("Tests currently look like: {}".format(self.tests), raising_class=self)
def retrieve_c_output(self):
Read the XML doc that is produced by the Check framework (stored in log folder),
parse it for test results
test_lang = 'c'
for filename in REPORT_FILES:
tree = ElementTree.parse('{}/{}'.format(self.manager.log_path, filename))
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
if 'suite' in child.tag:
for gchild in child:
if 'result' not in gchild.attrib:
result = gchild.attrib['result']
test_class, test_case, message = None, None, None
for ggchild in gchild:
tag = ggchild.tag.title().split('}')[1]
if tag == 'Id':
test_case = ggchild.text
elif tag == 'Fn':
test_class = ggchild.text.split('.')[0]
elif tag == 'Message':
message = ggchild.text
tc = self.tests[test_lang][test_class][test_case]
tc['passed'] = result == 'success'
tc['message'] = 'ok' if tc['passed'] else '{}: {}'.format(result, message)
tc['performed'] = True
def debug(self, msg):
if self.debug_mode:
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com