import os, shutil, datetime, json, sys, pathlib
“”” Helper utility class containing various functions for use across all other classes
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
def clear_out_dir(path_to_dir, exclude=[]):
“”” This method will remove all files and folders in a path
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(path_to_dir)
# File removal
for direc in current_dirs:
if direc not in exclude:
shutil.rmtree(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, direc), ignore_errors=True)
for file in current_files:
if file == ‘.gitignore’:
if file not in exclude:
os.remove(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, file))
def get_dir_contents(path_to_dir):
“”” This method will return all files and directories in a path as a tuple of lists
current_files, current_dirs = [], []
for (_, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(‘{}’.format(path_to_dir)):
return current_files, current_dirs
def find_files_recursive(path_to_dir, prefix=”, output=[]):
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(path_to_dir)
for direc in current_dirs:
next_prefix = ‘{}/{}’.format(prefix, direc) if prefix != ” else direc
find_files_recursive(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_dir, direc), prefix=next_prefix, output=output)
for cfile in current_files:
filename = ‘{}/{}’.format(prefix, cfile) if prefix != ” else cfile
output += [filename]
return output
def get_datetime():
“”” Helper to get formatted date time
now =
tz = datetime.timezone(-datetime.timedelta(hours=4))
time = now(tz=tz).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z”)
return ‘[{}]’.format(time)
def get_file_ext(filename):
“”” Return the file extension of a filename passed in
f = filename.split(‘.’)
return f[len(f) – 1]
def copy_files_from_dir(source_dir, dest_dir, include_types=[], exclude_types=[], keep_structure=False):
“”” This method will copy all files in a source folder to a destination folder.
Anything specified in include types (file extensions) will be copied. If blank,
all will be copied, less any exclude types.
Added recursive functionality on keep_structure
current_files, current_dirs = get_dir_contents(source_dir)
to_copy = []
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
except Exception as e:
print(“ERROR Creating new directory: {}”.format(dest_dir))
for file in current_files:
if len(include_types) == 0 and len(exclude_types) == 0:
to_copy = current_files + current_dirs
elif len(include_types) > 0:
if get_file_ext(file) in include_types:
if get_file_ext(file) not in exclude_types and file not in exclude_types:
for elt in to_copy:
os.system(‘cp {}/{} {}’.format(source_dir, elt, dest_dir))
if keep_structure and len(current_dirs) > 0:
for direc in current_dirs:
copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/{}’.format(source_dir, direc), ‘{}/{}’.format(dest_dir, direc), include_types, exclude_types, keep_structure)
def get_file_contents_as_list(path):
”’ This function will retrieve a file and return it as a list
file = open(path, ‘r’)
contents =‘\n’)
return contents
def generate_blank_assignment_manifest():
output = “””
“assignment_overview”: {
“assignment_types”: [“jupyter”, “python”],
“required_files”: [],
“ignore_files”: [],
“required_functions”: {},
“extra_credit_functions”: {},
“extra_credit”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“scoring”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
# print(output)
return output
def generate_example_assignment_manifest():
output = “””
“assignment_overview”: {
“assignment_types”: [
“c”, “java”, “jupyter”, “python”
“required_files”: [
“ignore_files”: [“lcc”, “cpp”, “rcc”],
“required_functions”: {
“my_string.c”: [
“extra_credit_functions”: {
“my_string.c”: {
“my_strtok”: {
“check_test_cases.c” : “EC_testStrtok”
“extra_credit”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“check_test_cases”: {
“EC_testStrtok”: 5
“scoring”: {
“java”: {},
“jupyter”: {},
“python”: {},
“check_test_cases”: {
“testStrCatHelloWorld”: 1
# print(output)
return output
def parse_tests(base_path, asg_man_path):
”’ This function will go through and parse each test case so that it can be copied into the assignment manifest
std_output, ec_output = {}, {}
test_cases_path = ‘{}/test-env/test-cases’.format(base_path)
_, direcs = get_dir_contents(test_cases_path)
for direc in direcs:
std_output[direc], ec_output[direc] = {}, {}
files, sub_direcs = get_dir_contents(‘{}/{}’.format(test_cases_path, direc))
for file in files:
if file == ‘.gitignore’:
func = None
if direc == ‘jupyter’:
if get_file_ext(file) != ‘py’ or file == ‘’:
func = parse_jupyter_tests
elif direc == ‘python’:
if get_file_ext(file) != ‘py’ or file == ‘’:
func = parse_python_tests
elif direc == ‘java’:
if get_file_ext(file) == ‘jar’:
func = parse_java_tests
elif direc == ‘c’:
func = parse_c_tests
std_output[direc][file.split(‘.’)[0]], ec_output[direc][file.split(‘.’)[0]] = func(‘{}/{}/{}’.format(test_cases_path, direc, file))
# print(json.dumps(std_output, indent=2))
# print(json.dumps(ec_output, indent=2))
# Write it to the assignment manifest
f = open(asg_man_path, ‘r’)
contents = json.loads(
total_output = {}
for key in contents.keys():
if key != ‘scoring’:
total_output[key] = contents[key]
total_output[‘scoring’], total_output[‘extra_credit’] = std_output, ec_output
f = open(asg_man_path, ‘w+’)
f.write(json.dumps(total_output, indent=2))
print(json.dumps(total_output, indent=2))
def parse_jupyter_tests(filepath):
”’ Jupyter and python use same unittest framework, same parsing
return parse_python_tests(filepath)
def parse_c_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the python unittest framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents =
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
std_output, ec_output = {filename: {}}, {filename: {}}
for line in contents:
if ‘tcase_add_test’ in line:
testname = line.split(‘(‘)[1].split(‘)’)[0].split(‘,’)[1].strip()
if testname[:3] == ‘EC_’:
ec_output[filename][testname] = 1
std_output[filename][testname] = 1
return std_output[filename], ec_output[filename]
def parse_python_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the python unittest framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents =
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
output = {}
for line in contents:
if ‘def ‘ in line:
blocks = line.strip().split(‘ ‘)
testname = ”
for i in range(0, len(blocks)):
if ‘(‘ in blocks[i]:
if blocks[i][0] == ‘(‘:
testname = blocks[i – 1]
testname = blocks[i].split(‘(‘)[0]
if testname[0:4] != ‘test’:
if filename not in output.keys():
output[filename] = { testname: 1 }
output[filename][testname] = 1
return output[filename], {}
def parse_java_tests(filepath):
”’ This function will parse out test methods from the java junit framework
f = open(filepath, ‘r’)
contents =
contents = contents.split(‘\n’)
filename = filepath.split(‘/’)[-1].split(‘.’)[0]
isTest = False
output = {}
for line in contents:
if in line:
isTest = True
elif isTest:
blocks = line.split(‘ ‘)
testname = ”
for i in range(0, len(blocks)):
if ‘()’ in blocks[i]:
if len(blocks[i]) < 3:
testname = blocks[i - 1]
testname = blocks[i].split('()')[0]
if filename not in output.keys():
output[filename] = { testname: 1 }
output[filename][testname] = 1
isTest = False
return output[filename], {}
class bcolors:
""" Colors for color coded terminal printing
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
def main():
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
if sys.argv[1] == ‘build_assignment_manifest’:
current_path = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute())
asg_man_path = current_path.split(‘/’)
asg_man_path = ‘/’.join(asg_man_path[:-1])
base_path = asg_man_path
asg_man_path += ‘/config/assignment_manifest.json’
f = open(asg_man_path, ‘w+’)
parse_tests(base_path, asg_man_path)
if __name__ == “__main__”:
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: