CS代考 ‘name’: ‘Problem 2’,

‘name’: ‘Problem 2’,
‘points’: 3,
‘suites’: [
‘cases’: [

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

‘answer’: ‘fb0be894e1636bc283d3e4e9f586faa3’,
‘choices’: [
A single tile that an Ant can be placed on and that connects to
other Places
‘The entire space where the game takes place’,
‘The tunnel that bees travel through’,
‘Where the bees start out in the game’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘What does a Place represent in the game?’
‘answer’: ‘8a060fb5f87941cc197bf03eab6db796’,
‘choices’: [
‘When p is constructed’,
‘When q is constructed’,
‘Never, it is always set to None’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘p is a Place whose entrance is q and exit is r (q and r are not None). When is p.entrance first set to a non-None value?’
‘answer’: ‘b8392d3d93b632375cfbca7bd5396aac’,
‘choices’: [
‘When p is constructed’,
‘When q is constructed’,
‘Never, it is always set to None’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘p is a Place whose entrance is q and exit is r (q and r are not None). When is p.exit first set to a non-None value?’
‘scored’: False,
‘type’: ‘concept’
‘cases’: [
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Simple test for Place
>>> place0 = Place(‘place_0’)
>>> print(place0.exit)
>>> print(place0.entrance)
>>> place1 = Place(‘place_1’, place0)
>>> place1.exit is place0
>>> place0.entrance is place1
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing if entrances are properly initialized
>>> tunnel_len = 9
>>> len(gamestate.bee_entrances)
>>> tile_1 = gamestate.bee_entrances[0]
>>> tile_2 = tile_1.exit
>>> tile_3 = tile_2.exit
>>> tile_1.entrance is gamestate.beehive
>>> tile_1.exit is tile_2
>>> tile_2.entrance is tile_1
>>> tile_2.exit is tile_3
>>> tile_3.entrance is tile_2
>>> tile_3.exit is gamestate.base
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘scored’: True,
‘setup’: r”””
>>> from ants import *
>>> from ants_plans import *
>>> # Create a test layout where the gamestate is a single row with 3 tiles
>>> beehive, layout = Hive(make_test_assault_plan()), dry_layout
>>> dimensions = (1, 3)
>>> gamestate = GameState(None, beehive, ant_types(), layout, dimensions)
‘teardown’: ”,
‘type’: ‘doctest’

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com