311 Housing Issues¶
We’re hoping to model the relationship between pests and missed garbage collection in NYC.
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
For convenience, we’ll assume the 311 Service Requests cover all requests made to the city for both complaints about pests and complaints about missed garbage collection.
Below is a query to find 311 requests that mention “pest” in their descriptor. Its purpose is to give you a template query for the following problems.
Reference for LIKE
Reference for functions dealing with strings like LOWER
Reference for date_extract_y, this is unique to SoQL on this platform
Reference for using AND in our WHERE statement
import requests
import pandas as pd
# url = “https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/erm2-nwe9.json”
# query = “””
# agency, agency_name,
# complaint_type,
# descriptor,
# COUNT(unique_key) as cnt,
# date_extract_m(created_date) as month
# lower(descriptor) like ‘%pest%’ AND
# date_extract_y(created_date) = 2021 AND
# month > 10
# agency, agency_name, complaint_type, descriptor, month
# 50000
# params = {“$query”: query}
# resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
# assert resp.status_code == 200
# df = pd.DataFrame(resp.json())
# df[“cnt”] = df.cnt.astype(float)
# df.sort_values(“cnt”).tail(10)
Question 0 – getting the response variable¶
All references to time should be extracted from the created_date variable. I highly recommend you to limit the time range you’re querying when you’re still testing out your query, e.g. limit to a single year and month.
Using the SoQL language similar to the example above, please create a data frame, called pest, where each row corresponds to a different year, month, and borough.
The columns should be the year, month, borough, and number of requests made. Please make sure the number of requests made is of type float.
Please make sure all data with the following constraints are included:
The agency should be ‘HPD’
The year should be 2021 or earlier (so the data likely remains static during this assignment)
The lower-cased value from complaint_type should be “unsanitary condition”
The lower-cased value from descriptor must contain the word pest
You can assume that the number of data are less than 50000.
Do NOT use pandas functionalities to perform the aggregation.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_311_get_y
Question 1 – getting the independent variable¶
All references to time should be extracted from the created_date variable. I highly recommend you to limit the time range you’re querying when you’re still testing out your query, e.g. limit to a single year and month.
Using the SoQL language similar to the example above, please create a data frame, called missed_collect, where each row corresponds to a different year, month, and borough.
The columns should be the year, month, borough, and number of requests made. Please make sure the number of requests made is of type float.
Please make sure all data with the following constraints are included:
The agency should be ‘DSNY’
The year should be 2021 or earlier (so the data likely remains static during this assignment)
The lower-cased value from complaint_type must contain the word miss (this includes recycles and other variables which we will aggregate over)
You can assume that the number of data are less than 50000.
Do NOT use pandas functionalities to perform the aggregation.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_311_get_x
Question 2 – examine the data¶
If you cannot solve the two problems above, please use pest.csv and missed_collect.csv to proceed.
For data in Manhattan, please use seaborn.lineplot, to plot the requests about pests and missed collections on the same plot.
Make sure the two lines have different colors.
Please make a data frame with both sets of data titled mdf Make sure mdf has a column titled “date” for the x-axis and is a timestamp see pandas.to_datetime()
Make sure mdf only has data from Manhattan
Make sure mdf has a column titled “counts” for the y-axis
You should set the different colored lines using the hue argument. The variable you pass to this from mdf should be called “var”.
Your graph should clearly show which dataset has more available data
Hint: you may need to call reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if you encounter errors about duplicate index.
Side comment: in an exam you would be asked about interpreting this graph.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_plot_wrangle
Question 3 – creating a base model dataset¶
Please create a new data frame called bdf where we will model the relationship between the number of pest requests vs the number of missed collection requests.
Here are some specifications for bdf:
It should have a column titled “counts” which are the number of pest requests
It should have a column titled “month”
It should have a column titled “log_counts” which are log(1 + the number of pest requests) where log is the natural log.
It should have a column titled lag0 which are the number of missed collection requests.
All the variables above should be aligned by date, i.e. the data should be sourced from the same date. Please create a column named lag1 which is similar to lag0 except that it is one month behind. (e.g., if lag0 corresponds to a record in Januray, 2010, then lag1 is from February, 2010.)
You should have an “indicator” column for each borough but one (which one you drop will not matter), i.e. the values in this column should be 1 if the record is from this borough and 0 otherwise. Their titles do not matter.
You should have a column titled year that contains the year of the pest request counts.
Each row should maintain the same interpretation as a record for a year, month, and borough.
WARNING, this can be very time consuming….it’s best to assume some months are missing in 2020 for some boroughs, i.e. “shifting” the data is not advised for obtaining the lag1.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_model_wrangle
Question 4 – Split the data¶
Please use the file hw4_q3.csv if you want to move on for the following problems.
Please call reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) on your data frame once more.
Please create a variable called validate that is a boolean series with values True corresponding to records with year being 2020.
Please create a variable called test that is a boolean series with values True corresponding to records with year being 2021.
Please create a variable called train that is a boolean series that is the complement of the two boolean series above.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_data_split
Question 5 – Choosing the best model¶
Let’s fit several different models (finally) using the data points that correspond to train then predict on the validate records to calculate the root mean squared error, i.e. $\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_i|Y_i – \hat{Y}_i|^2}$. All the following model will be a ordinary linear regression that includes an intercept.
counts regressed on the all the borough columns (recall we dropped one), this is the baseline
counts regressed on lag0 with all the borough columns (recall we dropped one)
counts regressed on lag1 with all the borough columns (recall we dropped one)
log_counts regressed on lag0 with all the borough columns (recall we dropped one)
log_counts regressed on lag1 with all the borough columns (recall we dropped one)
For each model, please perform the appropriate transformation so the units for the RMSE are comparable across models. Please store the RMSEs in a list called rmse for the different models in the order listed above.
### TEST FUNCTION: test_models
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com