程序代写 #include “ParseTree.h”

#include “ParseTree.h”

using namespace std;

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

* A node in a Parse Tree data structure
* @param type The type of node (see element types).
* @param value The node’s value. This should only be present on terminal nodes/leaves, and empty otherwise.
ParseTree::ParseTree(string type, string value) {
ParseTree::type = type;
ParseTree::value = value;

* Adds a ParseTree as a child of this ParseTree
* @param child The ParseTree to add
void ParseTree::addChild(ParseTree* child) {

* Get a list of child nodes in the order they were added.
* @return A LinkedList of ParseTrees
vector ParseTree::getChildren() {
return ParseTree::children;

* Get the type of this Node
* @return The type of node (see element types).
string ParseTree::getType() {
return ParseTree::type;

* Get the value of this Node
* @return The node’s value. This should only be used on terminal nodes/leaves, and empty otherwise.
string ParseTree::getValue() {
return ParseTree::value;

* Generate a string from this ParseTree
* @return A printable representation of this ParseTree
string ParseTree::tostring() {
return ParseTree::tostring(0);

* Generate a string from this ParseTree
* @return A printable representation of this ParseTree with indentation
string ParseTree::tostring(int depth) {
// Set indentation
string indent = “”;
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { indent += " \u2502 "; // Generate output string output = ""; if (ParseTree::children.size() > 0) {
// Output if the node has children
output += ParseTree::type + “\n”;
for (ParseTree* child : children) {
output += indent + ” \u2514 ” + child->tostring(depth + 1);
output += indent + “\n”;
// Output if the node is a leaf/terminal
output += ParseTree::type + ” ” + ParseTree::value + “\n”;
return output;

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com