IT代写 COMP1100 -> rules1100) (optN options) (optHeight options) (optWidth options

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Dragons.Main where

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import AI (ais)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Data.Streaming.Network (bindPortTCP, getSocketTCP)
import Dragons.ConsecutiveDots (toAITable, rules1100)
import Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.CodeWorld (codeWorldUI)
import Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.Text (textUI)
import Dragons.Game (GameConfig(..), MoveSource(..), player, runGame)
import Dragons.Game.Network (mkGameSocket)
import Dragons.Game.UI.Json (jsonUI)
import Dragons.Options
import Network.Socket (accept, close)

appMain :: IO ()
appMain = do
options <- parseOptions (toAITable ais) -- Only print when running in interactive mode putStrLnInteractive s = case optUI options of Json -> pure ()
_ -> putStrLn s

:: MoveSource st mv Proxy
-> IO (MoveSource st mv IORef)
addSocketToSource source = case source of
Human -> pure Human
AI name f -> pure $ AI name f
Network _ -> case optNetworkMode options of
Nothing -> error “appMain: Network move source but no network config.”
Just (Host port) -> do
server <- bindPortTCP port "*" putStrLnInteractive "Waiting for other player to connect..." (s, _) <- accept server close server Network <$> mkGameSocket s
Just (Connect host port) -> do
putStrLnInteractive “Connecting to remote game…”
(s, _) <- getSocketTCP host port Network <$> mkGameSocket s

— Set up the network sockets, if we need to.
p1Source <- addSocketToSource $ optPlayer1 options p2Source <- addSocketToSource $ optPlayer2 options config = GameConfig { configMoveSource = player p1Source p2Source , configAITimeout = optTimeout options , configDebugFlags = optDebugFlags options rules = (case optMode options of COMP1100 -> rules1100) (optN options) (optHeight options) (optWidth options)

— Launch the UI that the command-line asked for.
case optUI options of
Text -> runGame rules $ textUI config
CodeWorld -> runGame rules =<< codeWorldUI config Json -> runGame rules =<< jsonUI config 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: