代写代考 COMP90073

School of Computing and Information Systems (CIS) The University of Melbourne COMP90073
Security Analytics
Tutorial exercises: Week 6
1. Howthefollowingmeasuresguidesusinanomalydetectionproblems?Givea scenario where each can be used.

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a. Precision b. Recall
c. F-score d. AUC
2. Following are the results observed for clustering 6000 data points into 3 clusters: A, B and C:
What is the F1-Score with respect to cluster B?
True Positive, TP = 1200
True Negative, TN = 600 + 1600 = 2200 False Positive, FP = 1000 + 200 = 1200 False Negative, FN = 400 + 400 = 800 Therefore,

Precision = TP / (TP + FP) = 0.5
Recall = TP / (TP + FN) = 0.6
F1 = 2 * (Precision * Recall)/ (Precision + recall) = 0.54 ~ 0.5
3. ConsidertheK-meansschemeforoutlierdetectiondescribedinandthebelow figure.
(a) The points at the bottom of the compact cluster shown in the above figure have a somewhat higher outlier score than those points at the top of the compact cluster. Why?
Solution: The mean of the points is pulled somewhat upward from the centre of the compact cluster by point D.
(b) Suppose that we choose the number of clusters to be much larger, e.g., 10. Would the proposed technique still be effective in finding the most extreme outlier at the top of the figure? Why or why not?
Solution: No. This point would become a cluster by itself.
(c) The use of relative distance adjusts for differences in density. Give an
example of where such an approach might lead to the wrong conclusion.
Solution: If absolute distances are important. For example, consider heart rate monitors for patients. If the heart rate goes above or below a specified range of values, then this has an physical meaning. It would be incorrect not to identify any patient outside that range as abnormal, even though there may be a group of patients that are relatively similar to each other and all have abnormal heart rates.

4. Iftheprobabilitythatanormalobjectisclassifiedasananomalyis0.01andthe probability that an anomalous object is classified as anomalous is 0.99, then what is the false alarm rate and detection rate if 99% of the objects are normal? (Use the definitions given below.)
o Detection rate = number of anomalies detected/total number of anomalies
o False alarm rate = number of false anomalies/number of objects classified as anomalies
Solution: The detection rate is simply 99%
The false alarm rate = 0.99m*0.01/(0.99m*0.01+0.01*0.99)=50%
5. When a comprehensive training set is available, a supervised anomaly detection technique can typically outperform an unsupervised anomaly technique when performance is evaluated using measures such as the detection and false alarm rate. However, in some cases, such as fraud detection, new types of anomalies are always developing. Performance can be evaluated according to the detection and false alarm rates, because it is usually possible to determine, upon investigation, whether an object (transaction) is anomalous. Discuss the relative merits of supervised and unsupervised anomaly detection under such conditions.
Solution: When new anomalies are to be detected, an unsupervised anomaly detection scheme must be used. However, supervised anomaly detection techniques are still important for detecting known types of anomalies. Thus, both super- vised and unsupervised anomaly detection methods should be used. A good example of such a situation is network intrusion detection. Profiles or signatures can be created for well-known types of intrusions, but cannot detect new types of intrusions
6. Distinguishbetweennoiseandoutliers.Besuretoconsiderthefollowing questions.
(a) Is noise ever interesting or desirable? Anomalies?
Solution: No, by definition. Yes.
(b) Can noise objects be outliers?
Solution: Yes. Random distortion of the data is often responsible for outliers. (c) Are noise objects always outliers?
Solution: No. Random distortion can result in an object or value much like a normal one.
(d) Are outliers always noise objects?

Solution: No. Often outliers merely represent a class of objects that are different from normal objects.
(e) Can noise make a typical value into an unusual one, or vice versa?
Solution: Yes.
7. AssumeyourunDBSCANwithMinPoints=6andepsilon=0.1foradatasetand obtain 4 clusters and 5% of the objects in the dataset are classified as outliers. Now you run DBSCAN with MinPoints=8 and epsilon=0.1. How do you expect the clustering results to change?
The graph whose nodes contain core and border points and whose edges connect directly-density-connected points will have less nodes and edges; as a result of that:
1. Therewillbemoreoutliers
2. Someclustersthatexistwhenusingthefirstparametersettingwillbe
deleted or split into several smaller sub-clusters
8. IfEpsilonis2andminpointis2,whataretheclustersthatDBScanwould discover with the following 8 examples: A1=(2,10), A2=(2,5), A3=(8,4), A4=(5,8), A5=(7,5), A6=(6,4), A7=(1,2), A8=(4,9).
The distance matrix based on the Euclidean distance is given below:
Draw the 10 by 10 space and illustrate the discovered clusters. What if Epsilon is increased to 10?
What is the Epsilon neighbourhood of each point?
N2(A1)={}; N2(A2)={}; N2(A3)={A5, A6}; N2(A4)={A8}; N2(A5)={A3, A6}; N2(A6)={A3, A5}; N2(A7)={}; N2(A8)={A4}
So A1, A2, and A7 are anomalies, while we have two clusters C1={A4, A8} and C2={A3, A5, A6}
If Epsilon is 10 then the neighbourhood of some points will increase:

A1 would join the cluster C1 and A2 would joint with A7 to form cluster C3={A2, A7}.
9. YoumayusePythonorWekaforthefollowingexercises
Download the Ionosphere data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/ionosphere
a. UseoftheLOFmethodanddeterminetherankingoftheanomalies
b. Rankthedatapointsbasedontheirk-nearestneighbourscores,for
values of k ranging from 1 through 5.
c. Normalize the data, so that the variance along each dimension is 1.
Rank the data points based on their k-nearest neighbour scores, for
values of k ranging from 1 through 5.
d. Howmanydatapointsarecommonamongthetop5rankedanomalies
using different methods?
10.Repeat the above exercise with the network intrusion data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/kdd+cup+1999+data

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