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Grade: /100 Mark(s)¶
Assignment 02: Maximum Likelihood¶
Maximum Likelihood¶
The poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution often used to describe count-based data, like how many snowflakes fall in a day.
If we have count data $y$ that are influenced by a covariate or feature $x$, we can use the maximum likelihood principle to develop a regression model that estimates the mean of $Y$ given $X = x$.
#Packages for this assignment
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import gammaln
from sklearn import linear_model
Question 1: /10 Marks¶
The negative log likelihood for a Poisson random variable is
$$\ell(\lambda; \mathbf{y}) = -\sum_{i=1}^N\Bigg( y_{i}\cdot \ln(\lambda) – \lambda – \ln(y_i!) \Bigg)$$Here, $\mathbf{y}$ is a vector of counts and $\lambda$ is a scalar value.
Write a function called poissonNegLogLikelihood that takes a vector of counts $\mathbf{y}$ and a parameter $\lambda$ and returns the negative log likelihood. The $\sum_{i} \ln(y!)$ does not affect the location of the maximum, and so you can omit the $ \ln(y!)$ in your function.
Test your function by calling it with lam = 1.3 and y=np.array([2,1,0,0]).
What happens when you call the function when lam=np.array([1,0.5,1,3]) and y=np.array([2,1,0,0])?
Answer the following below in markdown: What happens when you set an element of lam to 0 or a negative number and why?
Written Answer:¶
Answer: A lam of zero gives an error – The likelihood of making an observation when lam = 0 should be zero and the log likelihood -inf. Logarithms not defined for zero and negatives.
def poissonNegLogLikelihood(lam,y):
neg_log_lik = -np.sum(y*np.log(lam)-lam)
# neg_log_lik = -np.sum(y*np.log(lam)-lam-gammaln(y+1))
return neg_log_lik
Question 2: /10 Marks¶
Write a function called poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood that takes as arguments a vector $\mathbf{y}$ of counts, a design matrix $\mathbf{X}$ of features for each count, and a vector $\mathbf{\beta}$ of parameters. The function should return the negative log likelihood of this dataset, assuming that each element of $\mathbf{y}$ is independent and Poisson distributed with parameter $\lambda = \exp(\mathbf{X}\beta)$.
Hint: You can use poissonNegLogLikelihood in this answer!
Test your function by calling it with
def poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood(b, X, y):
lam = np.exp(X @ b)
# lam is technically a vector here, so why can we pass it to poissonNegLogLikelihood
# when that function was intended to take a scalar?
# The answer is vectorization. So long as lam and y have the same shape, everything should work as expected
neg_log_lik = poissonNegLogLikelihood(lam, y)
return neg_log_lik
poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood(b, X, y)
Question 3: /10 Marks¶
a) In poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood, why did we apply the exponential function to $\mathbf{X}\beta$? Hint: Can an exponential ever be negative?
b) What might have happened had we just passed $\lambda = \mathbf{X}\beta$?
Answer parts a) and b) below in this cell. Write no more than 2 sentences per answer!
a) The expoential is applied so as to constrain lambda to be positive
b) Using a linear function in place of lamba might allow for negative lambda
Question 4: /5 Marks¶
Write a function called modelPrediction which accepts as its first argument a vector of coefficents $\beta$ and a design matrix $\mathbf{X}$. The function should return predictions of the form $\widehat{\mathbf{y}} = \exp(\mathbf{X}\beta)$.
Hint: Numpy implements the exponential using np.exp.
Test your function by calling it with
def modelPrediction(b,X):
yhat = np.exp(X @ b)
return yhat
array([ 148.4131591 , 2980.95798704, 148.4131591 ])
Question 5: /15 Marks¶
Write a function called fitModel which accepts as its first argument argument a design matrix $\mathbf{X}$ and as its second argument a vector of outcome counts $\mathbf{y}$. The function should return the maximum likelihood estimates for the coefficients of a Poisson regression of $\mathbf{y}$ onto $\mathbf{X}$.
Test your function by calling it with
What is your estimated b?
def fitModel(X,y):
# Need to give the optimizer a guess of where to start
# Zeros sound good to me
beta_start = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
# When we call the optimizer this time around, we set jac=False (the default) since our objective function
# does not return gradients. The optimizer will numerically approximate the gradients if we set jac=False
# which can sometimes (but rarely) come back to bite us.
# Luckily, the likelihood is well behaved (or as we say in stats, “satisfies mild regularity conditions”)
# and so letting the optimizer compute the gradient is just fine.
mle = minimize(poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood, beta_start, args=(X,y))
# The optimizer stores the coefficients under the .x method
# So call mle.x to get the coefficients
betas = mle.x
return betas
X = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,1]]).T
y = np.array([0,2,10])
b = fitModel(X,y)
[ 0.94827556 -0.5295352 ]
Question 6: /15 Mark(s)¶
Load in the data from poisson_regression_data.csv. Plot a scatterplot of the data. Fit a poisson regression to this data using the functions you wrote above. Plot the model predictions over $x \in [-2,2]$ on the same graph as the scatterplot of the data.
# Loading in the data. This is pretty standard
df = pd.read_csv(‘poisson_regression_data.csv’)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi = 80)
# Scatter the data. Pretty standard
df.plot.scatter(‘x’,’y’, ax = ax, alpha = 0.5)
# Fit the model. You can use your functions. First step is to construct the design matrix X
x = df.x.values
# Add intercept
X = np.c_[np.ones(x.size), x]
# Now, we can find the betas by calling fitModel. fitModel should optimize the poissonRegressionNegLogLikelihood
y= df.y.values
betas = fitModel(X,y)
# We need to predict on data from -2 to 2.
# We need to first create an array of linearly spaced points between -2 and 2
# Then, we need to turn that into a design matrix
newx = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),1001)
# Add intercept
newX = np.c_[np.ones(newx.size), newx]
# We can use the betas we found above to make new predictions
# Here is where we use modelPrediction
y_predicted = modelPrediction(betas,newX)
#Finally, plot the predictions on the same axis and color the predictions red
ax.plot(newx,y_predicted,color = ‘red’)
Question 7: /20 Mark(s)¶
We wish to do an experiment to determine if ants search for food using a random search or directed search method. To help design the experiment we first will run some simulations. In the experiment, ants are placed inside a 50 mm $\times$ 50 mm box. They cannot climb the wall, but can escape through an opening of size 5 mm in the wall. Repeated measurements of how far an ant travels in 1 second show an average speed of 2 mm per second. Our simulation needs to determine the probability that an ant escapes the box in 600 seconds (hint: so your main iteration would look like for t in range(600):) if their motion is indeed random. Assume the ant is always initially placed in the center of the box and simulate a simple random walk in 2D on discrete time in this fashion: Have the ant live on a discrete lattice. The ant takes 2 mm to the left if a random number $u$ satisfies $u < 0.25$. The ant moves 2 mm to the right if $0.25 \leq u < 0.5$, the ant moves 2 mm up if $0.5 \leq u < 0.75$, and 2 mm down if $0.75 \leq u \leq 1.0$. $u$ is distributed uniformly between 0 and 1 (hint: use np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1) to generate it). If a step would take the ant into a wall, repeat the step until it is successful (result is still one time-step). With attempts = np.linspace(10, 1000, 19), run your main iteration under the loop for M in attempts: and construct a dataframe with columns for number of attempts (i.e. M), number of escapes, and probability of escape for every M. Your dataframe would eventually look something like this with 19 rows and real values:
attempts escapes probability
... ... ...
1000 x19 y19
attempts = np.linspace(10, 1000, 19)
x = 50 # box size in x-direction
y = 50 # box size in y-direction
time = 600 # in seconds
# coordinate of one arbitrary opening of size 5 mm
x_open = [25, 30]
y_open = y-1
# distance in millimeters that the ant travels per second
delta = 2
number_of_attempts = np.zeros([0])
number_of_escapes = np.zeros([0])
for M in attempts:
escape = 0
for trial in range(int(M)):
# initialize X and Y coordinates for the ant
X = np.zeros([time])
Y = np.zeros([time])
# ant's initial location
x_ant = x/2
y_ant = y/2
## Main loop:
for t in range(time):
u = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0) # generates uniform random number
# in case you are interested to examine normal random distribution:
# u = abs(np.random.normal()) # generates absolute normal random number
if ( u < 0.25 ):
x_ant = x_ant - delta
if ( u >= 0.25 ) & ( u < 0.5 ):
x_ant = x_ant + delta
if ( u >= 0.5 ) & ( u < 0.75 ):
y_ant = y_ant + delta
if ( u >= 0.75 ) & ( u <= 1 ):
y_ant = y_ant - delta
if (x_ant > 0) & (x_ant < x) & (y_ant > 0) & (y_ant < y):
X[i] = x_ant
Y[i] = y_ant
x_ant_pre = x_ant
y_ant_pre = y_ant
# if a wall is hit keep producing random numbers
# till a new coordinate fall inside the box:
while (x_ant <= 0) | (x_ant >= x) | (y_ant <= 0) | (y_ant >= y):
u = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0) # generates uniform random number
# in case you are interested to examine normal random distribution:
# u = abs(np.random.normal()) # generates absolute normal random number
if ( u < 0.25 ): x_ant = x_ant_pre - delta if ( u >= 0.25 ) & ( u < 0.5 ): x_ant = x_ant_pre + delta if ( u >= 0.5 ) & ( u < 0.75 ): y_ant = y_ant_pre + delta if ( u >= 0.75 ) & ( u <= 1 ): y_ant = y_ant_pre - delta X[i] = x_ant Y[i] = y_ant # check if the ant escapes through the opening if (X[i] >= x_open[0]) & (X[i] <= x_open[-1]) & (Y[i] == y_open): escape += 1 X_plot = X; Y_plot = Y # storing the last escape event for visualization in the next cell ## End of main loop. ## End of trial loop. number_of_attempts = np.append(number_of_attempts, np.array([M])) number_of_escapes = np.append(number_of_escapes, np.array([int(escape)])) ## End of outer loop. df_attempts = pd.DataFrame({"attempts": pd.Series(number_of_attempts)}) df_escapes = pd.DataFrame({"escapes": pd.Series(number_of_escapes)}) df_probability = pd.DataFrame({"probability": pd.Series(np.divide(number_of_escapes,number_of_attempts))}) ant = pd.concat([df_attempts, df_escapes, df_probability], axis=1) ant.head(20) attempts escapes probability 0 10.0 4.0 0.400000 1 65.0 21.0 0.323077 2 120.0 35.0 0.291667 3 175.0 50.0 0.285714 4 230.0 54.0 0.234783 5 285.0 91.0 0.319298 6 340.0 92.0 0.270588 7 395.0 121.0 0.306329 8 450.0 113.0 0.251111 9 505.0 141.0 0.279208 10 560.0 129.0 0.230357 11 615.0 171.0 0.278049 12 670.0 188.0 0.280597 13 725.0 166.0 0.228966 14 780.0 179.0 0.229487 15 835.0 199.0 0.238323 16 890.0 241.0 0.270787 17 945.0 232.0 0.245503 18 1000.0 282.0 0.282000 # Let's visualize the last escape event from pylab import rcParams rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 5,4 plt.figure() X_plot[ X_plot==0 ] = np.nan Y_plot[ Y_plot==0 ] = np.nan plt.scatter(X_plot[0], Y_plot[0], c='red', label="Ant Start Point") plt.plot(X_plot,Y_plot, c='b', label="Ant Trajectory") plt.plot(x_open, [y_open,y_open], 'red', label="Opening") plt.xlabel("X$_{Ant}$") plt.ylabel("Y$_{Ant}$") plt.xlim([0,x]) plt.ylim([0,y]) plt.legend(loc="lower right") Question 8: /5 Mark(s)¶ Explore the dataframe created in the previous step. Do you see any trend in probability? What value for probability would you report if you are asked what is the probability of the escape event? fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi = 80) ant.plot.line('attempts','probability', ax = ax, alpha = 0.5, c='orange') ax.set_ylim([0,1]) print("Probability of escape event is about {}%.\n".format((ant.probability.tail(5).mean()*100).round(1))) Probability of escape event is about 25.3%. Written Answer:¶ As the number of attempts goes up the probability converges to a value around 0.26, which is the value to report for the probability of the escape event. Question 9: /10 Mark(s)¶ Now scatter plot attempts versus escapes and use what you have learned so far to apply linear regression (ordinary least squares) to the data, and plot the predictions over the same range. Report your fit coefficients and compare them against your answer to the previous question and report what you witness and explain why? fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi = 80) ant.plot.scatter('attempts','escapes', ax = ax, alpha = 0.5, label='Data Points') x = ant.attempts.values X =x.reshape(-1,1) y = ant.escapes.values ols_fit = linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(X, y) print(ols_fit.coef_.round(2)) newx = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),1001) newX = newx.reshape(-1,1) y_predicted_ols = ols_fit.predict(newX) ax.plot(newx, y_predicted_ols, color = 'red', label='Fit') plt.legend() Written Answer:¶ Y-intercept is zero which makes sense because you do not expect to see any escape without any attempt made. The other coefficient (slope i.e., $\Delta escapes \div \Delta attempts$) is the same as the probability of escape event, this makes sense because we are witnessing a linear relationship between escapes and attempts, and probability remains the same as the number of attempts goes to infinity. Follow These Instructions¶ Once you are finished, ensure to complete the following steps. Restart your kernel by clicking 'Kernel' > ‘Restart & Run All’.
Fix any errors which result from this.
Repeat steps 1. and 2. until your notebook runs without errors.
Submit your completed notebook to OWL by the deadline.
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