#lang racket
(provide make-compound compound-name compound-pl compound?
make-part part-size part-eoc part?
make-element element-name element-mmass element?
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
hydrogen carbon oxygen sodium sulfur argon calcium
iron phosphorus po-four so-four calcium-phosphate
glucose iron-sulfate cinnamaldehyde
e1 e10 e100 c123 c45 c200 c489 c304)
(define-struct compound (name pl) #:transparent)
;; A compound is a structure (make-compound n l) where n is a symbol and l
;; a list of parts.
(define-struct part (size eoc) #:transparent)
;; A part is a structure (make-part s e) where s is an integer and e is
;; an element or a compound.
;; A list of parts is either empty or (cons p lop) where p is a part and
;; lop is a list of parts.
(define-struct element (name mmass) #:transparent)
;; An element is a structure (make-element n m) where n is a symbol and
;; m is a number (the molar mass).
;; Molar mass is the mass of one mole of the substance (6.02 x 10^23 particles).
;; Fake definitions for easy testing
;; Elements
(define e1 (make-element ‘e1 1))
(define e10 (make-element ‘e10 10))
(define e100 (make-element ‘e100 100))
;; Compounds made only of elements
(define c123 (make-compound ‘c123
(list (make-part 1 e100) (make-part 2 e10) (make-part 3 e1))))
(define c45 (make-compound ‘c45
(list (make-part 4 e10) (make-part 5 e1))))
(define c200 (make-compound ‘c200 (list (make-part 2 e100))))
;; Compounds made of compounds and elements
(define c489 (make-compound ‘c489
(list (make-part 1 c123) (make-part 1 c45) (make-part 3 e100)
(make-part 2 e10) (make-part 1 e1))))
(define c304 (make-compound ‘c304
(list (make-part 1 c200) (make-part 1 e100) (make-part 4 e1))))
;; Definitions for examples
(define hydrogen (make-element ‘H 1.01))
(define carbon (make-element ‘C 12.01))
(define oxygen (make-element ‘O 16.00))
(define sodium (make-element ‘Na 22.99))
(define sulfur (make-element ‘S 32.07))
(define argon (make-element ‘Ar 39.95))
(define calcium (make-element ‘Ca 40.08))
(define iron (make-element ‘Fe 55.85))
(define phosphorus (make-element ‘P 30.97))
(define po-four (make-compound ‘PO4 (list (make-part 1 phosphorus) (make-part 4 oxygen))))
(define so-four (make-compound ‘SO4 (list (make-part 1 sulfur) (make-part 4 oxygen))))
(define calcium-phosphate
(make-compound ‘calcium-phosphate (list (make-part 3 calcium) (make-part 2 po-four))))
(define glucose
(make-compound ‘glucose
(list (make-part 6 carbon) (make-part 12 hydrogen) (make-part 6 oxygen))))
(define iron-sulfate
(make-compound ‘iron-sulfate (list (make-part 2 iron) (make-part 3 so-four))))
(define cinnamaldehyde
(make-compound ‘cinnamaldehyde
(list (make-part 9 carbon) (make-part 8 hydrogen) (make-part 1 oxygen))))
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