程序代做 CS530 Programming Assignment 2

CS530 Programming Assignment 2

1 . Fill in the blank spaces
The SIC machine has memory architecture consisting of 8‐bit bytes, and _______ consecutive bytes form

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a word. Instructions on a SIC machine are _____bits in length; there are _____ bits in the opcode field
and _____ bits in the address field of the instruction; there are total ___________ bytes in the memory.
There are five registers (A, X, L, PC, and SW) defined in the standard SIC machine, each register has
______ bits in length. Among these registers, ________ is used for index addressing, ______ contains
the address of the next instruction, ________ is typically used for arithmetic operations, and ________
contains a variety of information such as condition code, and _______ stores the return address for
subroutine jump.
The maximum memory available on a SIC/XE machine is ____MB (megabyte), since the SIC/XE has up to
______ bits in the address field of the instruction.
Most assemblers make two passes over source program. Pass ___ performs most of the actual
translation. Pass ___ scans the source for label definitions and assigns address.
2 . TRUE or FALSE (20 points)
The following addressing mode descriptions are for SIC/XE:
(TRUE FALSE) PC‐relative/Base‐relative addressing: op m
(TRUE FALSE) Indirect addressing: op m, X
(TRUE FALSE) Immediate addressing: op #c
(TRUE FALSE) Extended format: +op m
(TRUE FALSE) Index addressing: op @m
(TRUE FALSE) In the SIC machine, Integers are stored as 16‐bit binary number.
(TRUE FALSE) No floating‐point hardware on the standard version of SIC.
(TRUE FALSE) The SIC machine uses signed magnitude representation for negative values.
(TRUE FALSE) Input and output are performed by transferring 1 byte at a time, to or from the
rightmost 8 bits of register A, on the standard version of SIC.
(TRUE FALSE) For base‐relative addressing, the displacement (disp) field in Format 3 is interpreted as a 12‐bit unsigned integer.

Q. 12 (Page 116)

Q. 7 (Page 117)

Q. 17, 18, 19 (Page 119, 120)

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