计算机代考 Introduction

At first I thought to give you as one of the tutorial exercises a task to write a simple client server protocol that exchanges keys and prints the shared secret on the standard output. The plan was to just give you the client and server code and leave out the key generation and calculation of the shared secret for you to do. But then I changed my mind and here is the complete setup.
What did I start with?
To better understand which part was already done (in python docs and HowTos) and which part was written as an example for you, here I will place the code with comments that shows what I started with.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

The Server
The imports
At the beginning we only need socketserver and we want some sort of exit (although not very elegant) from the server that listens for client requests. So for the exit we need sys. So for the server the imports are
import socketserver
import sys
main() function
As usual I used #!/usr/bin/env python3 to tell bash to call the env executable which will find python3 interpreter to read and execute the rest of the file. I will make the file executable by issuing chmod +x dh_server.py and to run it simply issue ./dh_server.py. Then habitually use def main() to define a main function and the condition if __name__ == ‘__main__’: to call main if the code is run from command line. So the code so far
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socketserver
import sys
def main(): pass
if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main()
Python¡¯s socketserver
Now is time to write the server code. We will use python¡¯s socketserver. To do so we need to tell on what hostname or IP address and what port to listen to. We also need to decide whether we want to use TCP or UDP. I chose TCP as I want a reliable and in order delivery of messages. We need to then write our own request handler by overriding methods of a class defined in python¡¯s socketserver for this purpose. Let¡¯s call this request handler for our DH server Dh_Handler. This will do all the required work to respond to client¡¯s requests. We do not need to worry about TCP sides of things as all of that work is done by python¡¯s socketserver.
So the code so far
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socketserver
import sys
def main():
# choosing to listen on any address and port 7777
host, port = ”, 7777
# create an instance of python’s tcp server class, we specify which ip address or hostname
# and what request handler to use which in this case is the one we defined as DH_Handler
dh_server = socketserver.TCPServer((host, port), Dh_Handler)
# we don’t bother with threading and forking but we want to stop the server and shutdown the socket # so we capture the KeyboardInterrupt exception
# this will start to listen in an infinite loop
dh_server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt:
# we need to be able to stop the service, for now we don’t care if our implementation is ugly # we just want it to work
if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main()
Now the try: and except KeyboardInterrupt is an ugly way of exiting the code (hitting Ctrl+C) which sometimes even does not properly shutdown the service but the purpose was to give a quick example so for now we put up with this ugliness.
The Request will be a new class derived from socketserver.BaseRequestHandler. So all we have to do is to override some of the methods and leave the rest for socketserver. We need to do this as no one else knows what our server will do. So which methods should we override? Well we may need some initialisation, for instance in our case we need to read the DH MODP parameters from a file. For this we override __init__() function by defining it for our class. We can now read the file and store it in a variable for the class. We do this by using self.VARIABLE_NAME so the variable is unique for each instance. We can create a state variable to keep track of the state (although we are not running this as a multi-threaded or forking process so this is not really a concern). Then we just need to pass the variables we receive from socketserver to the socketserver.BaseRequestHandler init function. Next we will override/implement the handle method which does nothing in socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.
Where I find more information?
If you wish to gain a better understanding of the python¡¯s socketserver module check the documentations at https: //docs.python.org/3.4/library/socketserver.html.
The Server
All-right we start with the server, the assumption is that DH parameters are generated and stored in a file in local directory. You need to code that part yourself or use command line to generate the parameters. The code has plenty of comments explaining the process. It is not well designed or considers much of security for handling potential errors. The goal is just to provide a very simple example of writing a network protocol to play with the DH key exchange primitives.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dh
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import *
# instead of importing the following methods and attributes
# individually we import them all by specifying a *
#from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_parameters #from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_public_key #from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ParameterFormat
#from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import PublicFormat #from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding import binascii as ba
import socketserver
import sys
def load_dh_params(): ”’
Load DH parameters from a file which is hard coded here for simplicity
generating DH parameters is a time consuming operation so we rather use
generated values in practice several defined primes and generators
are hard-coded into programs
with open(‘./dh_2048_params.bin’, ‘rb’) as f:
# the load_pem_parameters is part of serialization which reads binary # input and converts it to proper objects in this case it is
# DH parameters
params = load_pem_parameters(f.read(), default_backend())
print(‘Parameters have been read from file, Server is ready for requests …’) return params
def generate_dh_prvkey(params): ”’
Generate a random private key (and a public key) from DH parameters ”’
return params.generate_private_key()
def check_client_pubkey(pubkey): ”’
Check whether the client public key is a valid instance of DH
shouldn’t we check whether the key is valid under the parameters
sent by the server?
if isinstance(pubkey, dh.DHPublicKey): return True
return False
class Dh_Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): ”’
The request handler class for DH server
It is instantiated once per connection to the server.
def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): ”’ here we do our service specific initialisation
in this case we want to load the DH parameters
that we have generated in advance
# the params variable of the class will store the DH parameters
self.params = load_dh_params()
# current state, received a request but not handled yet
# the state variable is made up, it helps us keep track of what is happening self.state = 0
# we just pass the variables we receive to the BaseRequestHandler to do
# whatever tcp needs to do
socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server)
def handle(self): ”’
This function handles the requests and sends proper responses
# we read the first message sent by the client up to 3072 bytes # what if the message is longer?
# should we check the size of the message?
self.data = self.request.recv(3072).strip()
# here we are inventing our own protocol so say the first message sent by the client # must be the text Hello, this message will only be valid if we are in state 0, ready # and just received the first request
if self.state == 0 and self.data == b’Hello’:
# we have received proper request and the state changes to initiated
self.state = 1
# we print the received data and state on the server so we could follow how things # work
print(self.data, self.state)
# now let’s say the proper response in our protocol to the client’s Hello message # is the text message Hey There!
response = b’Hey there!’
# here we send this out to the client
# we have received an invalid message since we can only expect a text Hello
# in state 0, anything else is invalid and we end the communication and return response = b’I do not understand you, hanging up’ self.request.sendall(response)
# so far so good, if we get here it means we have received a proper Hello # and have sent a proper Hey There!
# now is time to read the next client request
self.data = self.request.recv(3072).strip()
# we define the request be the text Params? and if we are in initiated state
if self.state == 1 and self.data == b’Params?’: # change the state to parameters requested self.state = 2
print(self.data, self.state)
dh_params = self.params
# here we convert the parameter object to binary so we could send it over the network response = dh_params.parameter_bytes(Encoding.PEM, ParameterFormat.PKCS3) self.request.sendall(response)
# if we get here then something was not right so we end the communication and return response = b’I do not understand you, hanging up’
# Ok we have come a long way, time to read the next client message
self.data = self.request.recv(3072).strip()
# now in our protocol we define that when the client wants to send the public key
# it would start the message with the text “Client public key:”, we check if the message # starts with that. We convert the received binary data to bytearray and take the first # 18-byte slice of it which must be our expected text. Of-course we must be in state 2 # (although we will not get here otherwise or would we?)
if self.state == 2 and bytearray(self.data)[0:18] == b’Client public key:’:
# now we convert the binary message to bytearray so we can choose the public key
# part of it and use key serialization method to turn it into an object
client_pubkey = load_pem_public_key(bytes(bytearray(self.data)[18:]), default_backend()) # now if the public key is loaded (we might not get to this point otherwise,
# something for you to check!)
if client_pubkey:
# client key is valid so we generate our own from the parameters
server_keypair = generate_dh_prvkey(self.params)
# we will send the public key to the client and we need to convert it to
# binary to send over the network
response = b’Server public key:’ + server_keypair.public_key().public_bytes(
Encoding.PEM, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
# then we will calculate the shared secret
shared_secret = server_keypair.exchange(client_pubkey)
# and we are done back to waiting
self.state = 0
print(self.data, self.state)
# we print the shared secret on the server and return print(‘Shared Secret:\n{}’.format(ba.hexlify(shared_secret))) return
# if we get here the client key is not right response = b’Invalid client public key, hanging up’ self.request.sendall(response)
def main():
# choosing to listen on any address and port 7777
host, port = ”, 7777
# create an instance of python’s tcp server class, we specify which ip address or
# hostname and what request handler
# the request handler is the one we defined as DH_Handler
dh_server = socketserver.TCPServer((host, port), Dh_Handler)
# we don’t bother with threading and forking but we want to stop the server and shutdown the socket # so we capture the KeyboardInterrupt exception
# this will start to listen in an infinite loop
dh_server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt:
# we need to be able to stop the service, for now we don’t care if our implementation is ugly # we just want it to work
if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main()
The Client
A quick how to for python¡¯s client sockets can be found here https://docs.python.org/3/howto/sockets.html.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dh
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import *
import binascii as ba
import socketserver
import socket
def main():
# we specify the server’s address or hostname and port host, port = ‘localhost’, 7777
# create a tcp socket for IPv4
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # connect to the tcp socket
sock.connect((host, port))
# set the first request according to our protocol request = b’Hello’
# send the request
# read the server’s response
received = sock.recv(3072).strip()
# print what we have received from the server print(‘Received:\n{}’.format(received))
# check if the response is valid acording to our protocol if received == b’Hey there!’:
# set the next request accordingly
request = b’Params?’
sock.sendall(request) else:
# if we get here something is not right
print(‘Bad response’)
# close the connection and return sock.close()
# this means we are still in the game and the next server response must be the DH parameters
received = sock.recv(3072).strip()
dh_params = load_pem_parameters(received, default_backend())
# check if the params are valid DH params (do we get here if the response was not valid or # do we get an error before getting here?)
if isinstance(dh_params, dh.DHParameters):
# based on received parameters we generate a key pair
client_keypair = dh_params.generate_private_key()
# create the next message according to the protocol, get the binary of the public key # to send to the server
request = b’Client public key:’ + client_keypair.public_key().public_bytes(
Encoding.PEM, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
print(‘Bad response’) sock.close()
# this means we are still in the game
received = sock.recv(3072).strip() print(‘Received:\n{}’.format(received))
# check the format of the message (or rather the beginning) if bytearray(received)[0:18] == b’Server public key:’:
# get the server’s public key from the binary and its proper index to the end
server_pubkey = load_pem_public_key(bytes(bytearray(received)[18:]), default_backend()) if isinstance(server_pubkey, dh.DHPublicKey):
# calculate the shared secret
shared_secret = client_keypair.exchange(server_pubkey)
# print the shared secret
print(‘Shared Secret\n{}’.format(ba.hexlify(shared_secret))) # close the connection
# if we get here it means something went wrong
print(‘Failed’) sock.close() return
if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main()
Typed/Copied it, what now?
Well if you typed/copied the code in (correctly) and generated the DH parameters, then you can open two terminals on the VM and run the server in one and the client in the other. Every time you run the client you should see a new shared secret being generated at the end of the communication. You can also open wireshark and listen to the loopback interface and you would be able to see the actual network communication. If you want to take this a step further, although it does not necessarily teaches you any thing new, you can create two containers and copy the server to one and the client to the other. You need to install the python cryptography module for this to work and you already know how to do that. The containers will be connected to the same default bridge so you can just choose and address range and assign static IP addresses to the client and server. You can add command line options using argparse module of python to for instance tell where the DH parameters file is or for client to tell what is the server¡¯s address.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com