19/01/2023, 16:26
31 October, 2022
Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models
Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

# Sample Correlations – all stocks
stocks_corr <- cor(log_returns_demean) knitr::kable(stocks_corr, digits=2) SP500 JPM CITI APPLE MSFT SP500 1.00 0.75 0.74 0.70 0.77 JPM 0.75 1.00 0.87 0.42 0.47 CITI 0.74 0.87 1.00 0.42 0.46 APPLE 0.70 0.42 0.42 1.00 0.62 MSFT 0.77 0.47 0.46 0.62 1.00 VZ 0.48 0.38 0.33 0.24 0.32 XOM 0.60 0.58 0.60 0.31 0.33 GE 0.58 0.57 0.58 0.33 0.33 https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html Select two stocks - MSFT and XOM Note that in the lectures the vector of returns r(t) has dimension N by 1. Therefore, for the whole sample of returns r is N by T. However, in the code we will preserve the dimension of the xts dataframe, i.e., rows denote dates T and columns denote stocks N. 0.48 0.58 0.38 0.57 0.33 0.58 0.24 0.33 0.32 0.33 1.00 0.29 0.34 0.51 0.29 1.00 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 log_returns_demean_2 <- log_returns_demean[, c('MSFT', 'XOM')] head(log_returns_demean_2) # Note that in the lectures the notation is transposed. R(t) is Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models ## MSFT XOM ## 2013-01-03 -0.014441540 -0.001974730 ## 2013-01-04 -0.019847716 0.004450369 ## 2013-01-07 -0.002826110 -0.011814985 ## 2013-01-08 -0.006213824 0.006065923 ## 2013-01-09 0.004679307 -0.004019093 ## 2013-01-10 -0.009984170 0.010663956 tail(log_returns_demean_2) ## MSFT XOM ## 2022-09-22 0.007504985 -0.004356076 ## 2022-09-23 -0.013734080 -0.054856183 ## 2022-09-26 -0.002932040 -0.021026612 ## 2022-09-27 -0.005344088 0.020571490 ## 2022-09-28 0.018565146 0.035573434 ## 2022-09-29 -0.015874382 -0.002196960 Sample Correlations - two stocks stocks_corr <- cor(log_returns_demean_2) knitr::kable(stocks_corr, digits=2) https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 MSFT 1.00 0.33 XOM 0.33 1.00 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models GARCH(1,1) Univariate conditional volatilities for MSFT and XOM GARCH_1_1 <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", gar chOrder = c(1, 1)), mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0), incl ude.mean = FALSE)) GARCH_1_1_fit_M <- ugarchfit(spec = GARCH_1_1, data = log_returns_d emean_2[, 1], solver = 'hybrid') sigmaGARCH_1_1_M <- GARCH_1_1_fit_X <- ugarchfit(spec = GARCH_1_1, data = log_returns_d emean_2[, 2], solver = 'hybrid') sigma2GARCH_1_1_X <- # Summarize parameter coefficients param <- as.table(t(rbind(c(coef(GARCH_1_1_fit_M)["omega"],coef(GAR CH_1_1_fit_M)["alpha1"], coef(GARCH_1_1_fit_M)["beta1"]),c (coef(GARCH_1_1_fit_X)["omega"],coef(GARCH_1_1_fit_X)["alp ha1"], coef(GARCH_1_1_fit_X)["beta1"])))) colnames(param) = c('MSFT','XOM') knitr::kable(param, digits=3) omega 0.000 0.000 https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 alpha1 0.214 0.098 beta1 0.700 0.899 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models Moving Average Conditional Correlation - WE 100 corrMA <- rollapply(data = log_returns_demean_2, width = 100, FUN = function(x) cor(x)[2,1], by.column = FALSE) # Alternative: roll_cor(x = log_returns_demean_2[, 1], y = log_returns_demean_2[, 2], width = 100) corrMA <- lag(corrMA, k = 1, na.pad = TRUE) # lagging by 1 to ensur e that observations from t = 1 to t = we predict volatilit y at t = we + 1 par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(x = index(corrMA), y = corrMA, type = 'l', main = 'MA Correlat ion', xlab = 'Trading Days', ylab = 'Correlation') lines(x = index(corrMA), y = stocks_corr['XOM', 'MSFT'] * rep(x = 1, t = length(index(corrMA))), col = 'red') https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html Multivariate EWMA To determine the number of columns in the covariance matrix, we need to figure out how many parameters we are estimating in every time period. For any given time t we will be estimating the conditional variance of each asset, and the conditional covariances for N assets, this is N+N(N-1)/2. In our case, it is 3. Column 1 will hold the conditional variance of MSFT, column 2 will hold the conditional covariance between MSFT and XOM, and column 3 will hold the conditional variance for XOM. 19/01/2023, 16:26 It is necessary to determine how to estimate the conditional covariances of the first period. For this, we will use the unconditional covariance of the sample and ¡°burn¡± the first few observations. The effect of a given conditional covariance from a past period quickly dies out as time passes, so the effect of initializing the EWMA matrix with the unconditional sample covariance will not be a problem after a few time periods. Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 lambda = 0.94 TS <- dim(log_returns_demean_2)[1] # Number of days in sample N <- dim(log_returns_demean_2)[2] # Number of stocks X <- N+N*(N-1)/2 # Number of variance/covariances to estimate for e EWMA <- xts(matrix(nrow = TS, ncol = X), order.by = index(log_retur ns_demean_2)) # Vectorizing covariance matrix. S <- cov(log_returns_demean_2) # Initialize matrix using sample cov ariance EWMA[1, ] <- S[upper.tri(S, diag = TRUE)] # Using the fact that cov ariance matrix is symmetric, use upper triangle and includ e the diagonal. Alternative code to include diagonal S[!up per.tri(S)]. for (i in 2:length(index(log_returns_demean_2))) { S <- lambda * S + (1-lambda) * t(log_returns_demean_2[i-1,]) %*% log_returns_demean_2[i-1,] EWMA[i, ] <- S[!upper.tri(S)] # Matrix multiplication %*% sigmaEWMA1 <- sqrt(EWMA[, 1]) sigmaEWMA2 <- sqrt(EWMA[, 3]) corrEWMA <- EWMA[, 2] / (sigmaEWMA1 * sigmaEWMA2) vcvEWMA <- cbind(sigmaEWMA1, corrEWMA, sigmaEWMA2) plot(x = index(corrEWMA), y = corrEWMA, type = 'l', main = 'EWMA Co rrelation', xlab = 'Trading Days', ylab = 'Correlation') lines(x = index(corrEWMA), y = stocks_corr['XOM', 'MSFT'] * rep(x = 1, t = length(index(corrEWMA))), col = 'red') Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html BEKK estimation The BEKK model specification is H(t) = CC¡¯+A¡¯r(t-1)r(t-1)¡¯A + G¡¯H(t-1)G 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 BEKK_model <- bekk_spec(model = list(type = "bekk", asymmetric = FA LSE), init_values = NULL, signs = NULL, N = NULL) BEKK_model_fit <- bekk_fit(spec = BEKK_model, data = log_returns_de QML_t_ratios = FALSE, max_iter = 50, cri t = 1e-09) vcvBEKK <- BEKK_model_fit$sigma_t corrBEKK <- vcvBEKK[, 2] summary(BEKK_model_fit) Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html ## BEKK estimation results ## ----------------------- ## Log-likelihood: 14040.77 ## BEKK model stationary: TRUE ## Number of BHHH iterations: 27 ## AIC: -28062.53 ## BIC: -28054.12 ## Estimated paramater matrices: ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 0.0057900648 0.000000000 ## [2,] 0.0007465491 0.001144361 ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 0.41640423 0.05575069 ## [2,] 0.05361679 0.25666507 ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 0.836270485 -0.02185699 ## [2,] -0.009659171 0.96416645 ## t-values of paramater matrices: ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 21.271180 0.000000 ## [2,] 3.643374 9.446941 19/01/2023, 16:26 ## [,1] ## [1,] 21.520093 3.545351 ## [2,] 3.839503 22.979069 ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 63.379866 2.447653 ## [2,] 1.809282 316.451287 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models plot(x = index(corrBEKK), y = corrBEKK, type = 'l', main = 'BEKK Co rrelation', xlab = 'Trading Days', ylab = 'Correlation') lines(x = index(corrBEKK), y = stocks_corr['XOM', 'MSFT'] * rep(x = 1, t = length(index(corrBEKK))), col = 'red') https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html The BEKK scalar model specification is H(t) = CC¡¯+ar(t-1)r(t-1)¡¯ + gH(t-1) 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 BEKK_models <- bekk_spec(model = list(type = "sbekk", asymmetric = FALSE), init_values = NULL, signs = NULL, N = NULL) BEKK_model_fits <- bekk_fit(spec = BEKK_models, data = log_returns_ t = 1e-09) summary(BEKK_model_fits) QML_t_ratios = FALSE, max_iter = 50, cri Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html ## Scalar BEKK estimation results ## ------------------------------ ## Log-likelihood: 13999.58 ## Scalar BEKK model stationary: TRUE ## Number of BHHH iterations: 37 ## AIC: -27992.17 ## BIC: -27973.75 ## Estimated paramater matrices: ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 0.0027877905 0.000000000 ## [2,] 0.0002826643 0.001869056 ## [1] 0.08284876 ## [1] 0.898595 ## t-values of paramater matrices: ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 24.170418 0.00000 ## [2,] 2.974531 17.39567 ## [1] 17.86764 19/01/2023, 16:26 ## [1] 161.2876 DCC estimation Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models # Specify the default univariate GARCH model with no mean xspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0), include.m ean = FALSE)) # Replicate it into a multispec() element uspec = multispec(replicate(2, xspec)) # Define the specification for the DCC model spec = dccspec( # GARCH specification uspec = uspec, # DCC specification dccOrder = c(1, 1), # Distribution, here multivariate normal distribution = 'mvnorm') # Fit the specification to the data res <- dccfit(spec, data = log_returns_demean_2) # In sample conditional covariance https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 ## *---------------------------------* ## * DCC GARCH Fit * ## *---------------------------------* ## Distribution ## No. Parameters ## [VAR GARCH DCC UncQ] : [0+6+2+1] Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html ## [MSFT].omega 0.000028 ## [MSFT].alpha1 0.214350 0.000008 3.38122 0.000722 0.050634 4.23332 0.000023 0.054944 12.74389 0.000000 0.000003 0.75729 0.448878 0.035504 2.75030 0.005954 0.034189 26.28477 0.000000 0.016020 3.45454 0.000551 0.039232 21.87106 0.000000 ## [MSFT].beta1 ## [XOM].omega ## [XOM].alpha1 ## [XOM].beta1 ## [Joint]dcca1 ## [Joint]dccb1 ## Information Criteria ## --------------------- ## Shibata ## Hannan-Quinn -11.435 : DCC(1,1) :9 ## No. Series ## No. Obs. ## Log-Likelihood ## Av.Log-Likelihood ## Optimal Parameters ## ----------------------------------- ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
: 14043.26 : 5.72

19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5
## Elapsed time : 4.07681
Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models
# In sample conditional correlations
DCCrho=xts(vector(length=dim(log_returns_demean_2)[1]), order.by = index(log_returns_demean_2))
for(i in 1:dim(log_returns_demean_2)[1]){ DCCrho[i] = H[1,2,i]/sqrt(H[1,1,i]*H[2,2,i])
Y <- dim(log_returns_demean_2)[1] X <- dim(log_returns_demean_2)[2] + dim(log_returns_demean_2)[2] * (dim(log_returns_demean_2)[2] - 1) / 2 vcvDCC <- xts(matrix(nrow = Y, ncol = X), order.by = index(log_retu rns_demean_2)) vcvDCC[, 1] <- sqrt(H[ 1, 1,]) vcvDCC[, 2] <- DCCrho vcvDCC[, 3] <- sqrt(H[ 2, 2,]) plot(x = index(DCCrho), y = DCCrho, type = 'l', main = 'DCC Correla tion', xlab = 'Trading Days', ylab = 'Correlation') lines(x = index(DCCrho), y = stocks_corr['XOM', 'MSFT'] * rep(x = 1, t = length(index(DCCrho))), col = 'red') https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html Calling the function plot() on a DCC object gives us a menu of options: Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit): 1. Conditional Mean (vs Realized Returns) 2. Conditional Sigma (vs Realized Absolute Returns) 3. Conditional Covariance 4. Conditional Correlation 5. EW Portfolio Plot with conditional density VaR limits plot(res, which=4) 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Comparing conditional volatility vs conditional correlation Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models ggplot(data = vcvEWMA, mapping = aes(x = index(vcvEWMA))) + xlab('Date') + ggtitle('EWMA') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvEWMA[, 1] * 5), color = 'red') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvEWMA[, 2]), color = 'blue') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvEWMA[, 3] * 5), color = 'red') + scale_y_continuous(name = 'Correlation', sec.axis = sec_axis(~./ 5, name = 'Volatility')) + theme(axis.line.y.left=element_line(color="blue")) + theme(axis.line.y.right=element_line(color="red")) + theme(axis.title.y.left = element_text(color = 'blue')) + theme(axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = 'red')) https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 ggplot(data = vcvDCC, mapping = aes(x = index(vcvDCC))) + xlab('Date') + ggtitle('DCC') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvDCC[, 1] * 5), color = 'red') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvDCC[, 2]), color = 'blue') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvDCC[, 3] * 5), color = 'red') + scale_y_continuous(name = 'Correlation', sec.axis = sec_axis(~./ 5, name = 'Volatility')) + theme(axis.line.y.left=element_line(color="blue")) + theme(axis.line.y.right=element_line(color="red")) + theme(axis.title.y.left = element_text(color = 'blue')) + theme(axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = 'red')) Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 ggplot(data = vcvBEKK, mapping = aes(x = index(vcvBEKK))) + xlab('Date') + ggtitle('BEKK') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvBEKK[, 1] * 5), color = 'red') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvBEKK[, 2]), color = 'blue') + geom_line(aes(y = vcvBEKK[, 3] * 5), color = 'red') + scale_y_continuous(name = 'Correlation', sec.axis = sec_axis(~./ 5, name = 'Volatility')) + theme(axis.line.y.left=element_line(color="blue")) + theme(axis.line.y.right=element_line(color="red")) + theme(axis.title.y.left = element_text(color = 'blue')) + theme(axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = 'red')) Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models plot(x = index(DCCrho), y = vcvBEKK[,2], type = 'l', main = 'DCC/BE KK/EWMA Correlations', xlab = 'Trading Days', ylab = 'Corr elation') lines(x = index(DCCrho), y = vcvDCC[,2], col = 'red') lines(x = index(DCCrho), y = vcvEWMA[,2], col = 'blue') legend('topleft', legend = c('BEKK','DCC','EWMA'), col = c('blac k','red', 'blue'), lty=1) https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 19/01/2023, 16:26 CW5 Multivariate Conditional Correlation Models https://moodle.lse.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/2183513/mod_resource/content/0/CW5.html 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com