CS代考 FM321: Risk Management and Zhu

Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling – Part II
FM321: Risk Management and Zhu
11 October 2022
LSE Finance

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LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling – Part II 1 / 31

Volatility modelling
Univariate volatility modelling (one financial asset)
Moving average models ARCH
Model estimation Diagnostics
Alternative approaches
Multivariate volatility modelling
LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling – Part II 2 / 31

GARCH: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity The defining equation of a GARCH(1,1) process is
σ2 =ω+αr2 +βσ2
The general specification GARCH(P,Q) allows for an arbitrary number of lags in both terms:
σ2 =ω+Xα r2
Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling – Part II

σ2 =ω+Xα r2
αp captures the effect of news on conditional variance.
βq correspond to memory, and they lead to persistence in volatility
Parameter restrictions: ω > 0, αp ≥ 0, βq ≥ 0, and at least one of
the αp’s and βq’s is strictly positive.
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GARCH(1,1): unconditional variance
Assume that rt is a GARCH(1,1) process with finite unconditional variance σ2.
σ2 =ω+αr2 +βσ2
Take the unconditional expectation of the above equation,
E[σ2 ] = ω + αE[r2] + βE[σ2] t+1 t t
Recall that E[rt2] = E[σt2] = σ2.
σ2 = ω + ασ2 + βσ2
Solve for σ2,
σ2= ω 1−α−β
It is necessary to require α + β < 1 in order for the unconditional variance to exist. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 5 / 31 GARCH(P,Q): unconditional variance Similarly, for a GARCH(P,Q) process with finite unconditional variance σ2: σ2 =ω+Xα r2 σ2 =ω+Xαpσ2 +Xβqσ2 p=1 q=1 Thus, the unconditional variance is 1 − P Pp = 1 α p − P Qq = 1 β q In order for the unconditional variance to exist, we need X αp + X βq < 1 p=1 q=1 LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 6 / 31 GARCH(1,1): conditional variance What would you expect σ2 to be when there is a shock to σ2 ? For a GARCH(1,1) process, we have σ2 = ω + αr2 Take conditional expectations at time t, E [σ2 ] = ω + αE [r2 ] + βE [σ2 t t+k−1 = ω + (α + β)E [σ2 Recall that σ2 = ω 1−α−β Rearrange, . Use it to replace ω above, + βσ2 t+k−1 ]=σ2(1−α−β)+(α+β)E [σ2 ] − σ2 = (α + β)E [σ2 ] − σ2 t t+k−1 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II GARCH(1,1): conditional variance Iterate backward to the current period, ] − σ2 = (α + β)E [σ2 ] − σ2 t t+k−1 Bydefinition,E[σ2 ]=σ2 ,so t t+1 E [σ2 ] − σ2 = (α + β)k−1 σ2 mean reverting to σ2. =(α+β)2E [σ2 =(α+β)k−1E [σ2 ]−σ2 ]−σ2 Given α + β < 1, we can see that conditional variance forecasts are LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 8 / 31 GARCH(1,1): tail behavior One can show that the unconditional kurtosis of a GARCH(1,1) process is given by E[rt4] =3 1−(α+β)2 E[rt2]2 1−(α+β)2 −2α2 We need (α+β)2 +2α2 < 1 for this to be finite. If it is, the process exhibits unconditionally heavy tails. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 9 / 31 GARCH vs. ARCH GARCH carries the same benefits of ARCH, and in addition leads to more stable volatility estimates. This comes at a price in terms of an increase in complexity of the estimation algorithms, but usually this isn’t serious. In fact, since one can typically use much shorter lag lengths with GARCH, the number of parameters is smaller and the estimation is faster. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 10 / 31 Model estimation We use the maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters based on the data. Maximum likelihood asks the following question: which set of values for the parameters is more likely to have generated the observed data? Example: suppose we have the following observed i.i.d. sample from a normally distributed random variable: −0.2, −0.2, −0.1, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3 Which of the following sets of parameters is more likely to have led to this sample being observed? Mean Std. Dev. A 0 0.2 B01 C 2 0.2 LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 11 / 31 Maximum likelihood: example 1 Normal density: recall that, if X is a random variable with a normal distribution N(μ,σ2), its density is given by 1 h (x−μ)2i fX(x)=σ√2πexp − 2σ2 How can we estimate (μ,σ2) in the previous example? LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 12 / 31 Maximum likelihood: example 2 Now suppose we have four return observations, r0, r1, r2, and r3. How can we estimate ARCH(1) given zt ∼ N(0,1)? Recallthatrt =σtzt,wherezt ∼N(0,1)andσt2 =ω+αrt2−1. The conditional density for one observation is given by 2π(ω + αr2 ) 2(ω+αrt−1) h r2 i f(rt|rt−1)=q exp − t 2 The joint density of the observations except the first one is given by T Yf(rt|rt−1) t=2 This expression needs to be maximized with respect to ω and α. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 13 / 31 ARCH(1): log likelihood There are a number of theoretical reasons to work with log-likelihood instead of the original likelihood. For ARCH(1), this means T−1 1XT logL=− log(2π)− log(ω+αr2 )− t−1 t 2 ω+αrt−1 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II Parameter estimation: numerical optimization Suppose we’re trying to estimate a single parameter θ, which belongs to a parameter space Θ. Typically, no closed-form solution exists, which implies we need to use a numerical algorithm to find the optimal value of θ. Often, black boxes exist to do so (say, in R or Matlab). Numerical problems often arise in this process, rendering the solution uncertain. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 15 / 31 Optimization in one dimension Suppose we’re trying find θ that maximizes f (θ). The general process works as follows: choose an initial value θ0 for the parameters compute f ′(θ0) if f ′(θ0) > 0, should increase θ; if f ′(θ0) < 0, should decrease θ increment θ0 accordingly (details depends on algorithm) to find θ1 iterate until convergence LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 16 / 31 Optimization in one dimension: idea case With a smooth function that has a clear unique global maximum, the process usually works well: LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 17 / 31 Optimization in one dimension: issues If local maxima are not unique, problems can arise: LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 18 / 31 Optimization in one dimension: issues If the objective function is flat near the maximum, we can also have problems. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 19 / 31 Numerial optimization considerations There are no general solutions to these types of issues. The simpler the model, the less likely you’ll run into problems (GARCH of low orders is usually OK) For multivariate models (next topic), problems are common. This problem makes it particularly important to make sure that estimates are sensible. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 20 / 31 Diagnostics There are a number of tools one can use to evaluate models: Parameter tests Likelihood ratios Residual analysis LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 21 / 31 Parameter tests Consider two nested models (that is, one is a restricted version of the other) Example: ARCH(1) is a restricted version of GARCH(1,1) in which β = 0. Which specification is better? Estimation output usually produces a test statistic (valid asymptotically) that can be used to test the significance of individual parameters. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 22 / 31 Likelihood ratio tests Denote the likelihood ratio values for the restricted and unrestricted models LR and LU , respectively. We always have LR ≤ LU ; if the constraints actually hold in the data, we would have LR = LU . Even if the constraint holds for the parameters, in the sample we can observe a discrepancy due to statistical variation. The difference between LR and LU in the sample can be used as the basis for a statistical test of the validity of the hypothesis. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 23 / 31 Likelihood ratio tests Under the null hypothesis that the constraints hold, one can show that asymptotically LR = −2(logLR − logLU) ∼ χ2(k) where k is the number of constraints involved in the null hypothesis. For example, if we’re comparing ARCH(1) with GARCH(1,1), then k = 1 (as the only constraint is β = 0). Result holds asymptotically, so the more data we have the more precise the test is. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 24 / 31 Residual analysis We usually make a distributional assumption to be able to estimate our models. For instance, standardized residuals are normal. Once we estimate parameters, we can compute the model’s estimates for conditional variance. For instance, with GARCH(1,1) we have: 1 − αˆ − βˆ σˆ2 =ωˆ+αˆr2 +βˆσˆ2 fort=2,3,...,T t t−1 t−1 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II Residual analysis With a series for σˆt2, we can compute the model’s standardized residuals: Question: does {zˆ } satisfy our distributional assumptions? Can apply the methods from Lecture 1 to evaluate this question: Ljung-Box test for serial correlation Jarque-Bera test for normality QQ-Plots can help determine the distribution of {zˆt} LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 26 / 31 Extensions of GARCH GARCH models tend to produce reasonable estimates for conditional volatility, and for this reason it is often used as a workhorse model. GARCH has been extended in many different ways, to account for a number of economic, financial and statistical effects. We’ll go over some of those extensions below. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 27 / 31 Extensions of GARCH Non-Normal GARCH: Instead of assuming that zt is conditionally normal, we can adopt other specifications. For example, we could have zt ∼ tν . The parameter ν would need to be estimated, which typically requires lots of observations. Note that we assume that Et−1[zt2] = 1; since the Student-t distribution does not have unit variance, the zt is a normalized version of that distribution. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 28 / 31 Extensions of GARCH: GARCH-in-Mean GARCH-in-Mean: accounts for the possibility that in times of higher risk expected returns may be higher. In some cases, the zero mean assumption isn’t appropriate. One possible specification is rt =μt +σtzt σ2 =ω+αr2 +βσ2 t t−1 t−1 μ t = δ σ t2 where δ is an additional parameter to estimate. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 29 / 31 Extensions of GARCH: GJR-GARCH Leverage Effects: in many settings, it is observed that positive and negative shocks have different impact on conditional volatility. Effectively, this means that the ARCH term should read if r > 0 t−1
if r < 0 t−1 whereα′ >α>0.
Using the indicator function I[rt−1<0] (which equals 1 if rt−1 < 0 and 0 otherwise), we can write the model as σ2 =ω+α+γI r2 +βσ2 t [rt−1<0] t−1 t−1 where γ = α′ − α. This specification is known as the GJR-GARCH model. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 30 / 31 Model choice There is no cookbook recipe for how to choose models. Researchers make choices of models based on: Statistical considerations Economic performance characteristics Knowledge of factors outside the model that may be relevant When choosing a model, bear in mind that: Models with more parameters or more complex specification are harder to estimate, and require more data. More parameters usually imply lower precision in parameter estimates, and more model uncertainty. Data from a long time ago isn’t as representative of how markets operate today. LSE FM321 Leture 3: Univariate Volatility Modelling - Part II 31 / 31 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com