代写代考 COMP2207 – 2022/23 – Coursework Specification

COMP2207 – 2022/23 – Coursework Specification

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

COMP2207: Distributed File System coursework

Course: COMP2207

Document version: 1.0 – March 16, 2023

1 Introduction

In this coursework you will build a distributed storage system. This will involve knowledge

of Java, networking and distributed systems. The system has one Controller and N Data

Stores (Dstores). It supports multiple concurrent clients sending store, load, list, remove

requests. You will implement Controller and Dstores; the client will be provided. Each file

is replicated R times over different Dstores. Files are stored by the Dstores, the

Controller orchestrates client requests and maintains an index with the allocation of files

to Dstores, as well as the size of each stored file. The client actually gets the files directly

from Dstores – which improves scalability. For simplicity, all these processes will be on

the same machine, but the principles are similar to a system distributed over several

servers. Files in the distributed storage are not organised in folders and sub-folders.

Filenames do not contain spaces.

The Controller is started first, with R as an argument. It waits for Dstores to join the

storage system (see Rebalance operation). The Controller does not serve any client

request until at least R Dstores have joined the system.

As Dstores may fail and new Dstores can join the storage system at runtime, rebalance

operations are required to make sure each file is replicated R times and files are

distributed evenly over the Dstores.

2 Networking

Controller, Dstores and Clients will communicate with each other via TCP connections.

Because they will be on the same machine, the Dstores will listen on different ports.

Each client will submit requests to the Controller sequentially over a separate TCP


The Dstores will establish connections with the Controller as soon as they start. These

connections will be persistent (i.e., they are expected to be kept alive for as long as the

Dstore is running). All the communications between a Dstore and the Controller must

take place over that connection; no further connections must be established between a

Dstore and the Controller. If the Controller detects that the connection with one of the

Dstores dropped, then such a Dstore will be removed from the set of Dstores that are

part of the storage system.

Processes should send textual messages (e.g., LIST – see below) using the println()

method of PrintWriter class, and receive using the readLine() method of BufferedReader

class. For data messages (i.e., file content), processes should send using the write()

method of OutputStream class and receive using the readNBytes() method of

InputStream class.

3 The Index

The index refers to the data structure used by the Controller to keep track of stored files.

As Store and Remove operations involve a number of messages to be completed (see

Section 4), it is important to ensure that other possibly conflicting concurrent operations

are served properly. To achieve that, the index data structure should include a dedicated

field for each file to record its current state.

For example, while a file F is being stored (i.e., corresponding index entry updated with

state set to “store in progress”), we do not want the storage system to serve any Load or

Remove operations on F, nor to include F when List operations are invoked. In this

sense, it should be as if F does not exist yet. However, if another concurrent Store

operation is requested for another file with the same name of F, then we want to reply

with an ERROR ALREADY_EXISTS message. Handling this kind of situations requires to

explicitly manage the lifecycle of files, e.g., from “store in progress” to “store complete” to

“remove in progress” to “remove complete”. The expected behaviour of the storage

system in these situations is defined at the end of Section 4.

4 Code development

Only use Java openjdk-17-jdk, on Linux/Unix. Do not use Windows. The code must be

testable and not depend on any IDE directory structure/config files.

Command line parameters to start up the system:

Controller: java Controller cport R timeout rebalance_period

A Dstore: java Dstore port cport timeout file_folder

A client: java Client cport timeout

The Controller is given a port to listen on (cport), a replication factor (R), a timeout in

milliseconds (timeout) and how long to wait (in seconds) to start the next rebalance

operation (rebalance_period).

A Dstore is started with the port to listen on (port) and the controller’s port to talk to

(cport), timeout in milliseconds (timeout) and where to store the data locally

(file_folder). Each Dstore should use a different path and port, so they don’t clash.

The client is started with the controller port to communicate with it (cport) and a timeout

in milliseconds (timeout).

Controller and Dstores do not need to keep any state between different executions. This
means the Controller does not need to save/load the index to/from disk, and Dstores
should empty their file folder at start up.

The timeout should be used when a process expects a response from another process;
for example, when the Controller waits for a Dstore to send a STORE_ACK message
(see below Store operation). Timeouts should not be used in other circumstances; for
example, when the Controller waits for a Client to send a request.

Store operation
• Client -> Controller: STORE filename filesize
• Controller

o updates index, “store in progress”
o Selects R Dstores, their endpoints are port1, port2, …, portR
o Controller -> Client: STORE_TO port1 port2 … portR

• For each Dstore i
o Client->Dstore i: STORE filename filesize

o Dstore i -> Client: ACK

o Client->Dstore i: file_content

o Once Dstore i finishes storing the file,
Dstore i -> Controller: STORE_ACK filename

• Once Controller received all acks
o updates index, “store complete”
o Controller -> Client: STORE_COMPLETE

Dstores might be terminated during this operation. You can assume all files are not empty
(i.e., file size is always greater than zero) and their size is lower than 100KB.

Failure Handling

• Malformed message received by Controller/Client/Dstore
o Ignore message (it would be good practice to log it)

• If not enough Dstores have joined
o Controller->Client: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DSTORES

• If filename already exists in the index

• Client cannot connect or send data to all R Dstores
o No further action, the state of the file in the index will remain “store in

progress”; future rebalances will try to sort things out by ensuring the file is
replicated to R Dstores

• If the Controller does not receive all the acks (e.g., because the timeout expires),
the STORE_COMPLETE message should not be sent to the Client, and filename

should be removed from the index

Load operation
• Client -> Controller: LOAD filename

• Controller selects one the R Dstores that stores that file, let port be its endpoint
• Controller->Client: LOAD_FROM port filesize

• Client -> Dstore: LOAD_DATA filename

• Dstore -> Client: file_content

Dstores might be terminated during this operation.

Failure Handling

• Malformed message received by Controller/Client/Dstore
• Ignore message (it would be good practice to log it)

• If not enough Dstores have joined
o Controller->Client: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DSTORES

• If file does not exist in the index
o Controller -> Client: ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST

• If Client cannot connect to or receive data from Dstore
o Client -> Controller: RELOAD filename

o Controller selects a different Dstore with endpoint port’
o Controller->Client: LOAD_FROM port’ filesize

o If Client cannot connect to or receive data from any of the R Dstores
▪ Controller->Client: ERROR_LOAD

• If Dstore does not have the requested file
o Simply close the socket with the Client

Remove operation
• Client -> Controller: REMOVE filename

• Controller updates index, “remove in progress”
• For each Dstore i storing filename

o Controller->Dstore i: REMOVE filename

o Once Dstore i finishes removing the file,
Dstore i -> Controller: REMOVE_ACK filename

• Once Controller received all acks
o updates index, “remove complete”
o Controller -> Client: REMOVE_COMPLETE

Dstores might be terminated during this operation.

Failure Handling

• Malformed message received by Controller/Client/Dstore
• Ignore message (it would be good practice to log it)

• If not enough Dstores have joined
o Controller->Client: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DSTORES

• If filename does not exist in the index
o Controller->Client: ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST

• Controller cannot connect to some Dstore, or does not receive all the ACKs within
the timeout

o No further action, the state of the file in the index will remain “remove in
progress”; future rebalances will try to sort things out by ensuring that no
Dstore stores that file

• If Dstore does not have the requested file
o Dstore -> Controller: ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST filename

List operation
• Client->Controller: LIST

• Controller->Client: LIST file_list

o file_list is a space-separated list of filenames

Dstores might be terminated during this operation.

Failure Handling

• Malformed message received by Controller/Client
o Ignore message (it would be good practice to log it)

• If not enough Dstores have joined
o Controller->Client: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DSTORES

Storage Rebalance operation
This operation is started periodically by the Controller (i.e., based on the
rebalance_period argument) and when a new Dstore joins the storage system. In the

latter case, this is the message (where port is the endpoint of the new Dstore)
Dstore -> Controller: JOIN port

• For each Dstore i
o Controller -> Dstore i: LIST

o Dstore i -> Controller: LIST file_list
• Controller revises file allocation to ensure (i) each file is replicated over R Dstores,

and (ii) files are evenly stored among Dstores
o With N Dstores, replication factor R, and F files, each Dstore should store

between floor(RF/N) and ceil(RF/N) files, inclusive
• Controller produces for each Dstore i a pair

(files_to_send, files_to_remove), where

o files_to_send is the list of files to send and is in the form

number_of_files_to_send file_to_send_1 file_to_send_2 …

o and file_to_send_i is in the form filename number_of_dstores

dstore1 dstore2 … dstoreM

o files_to_remove is the list of filenames to remove and is in the form

number_of_files_to_remove filename1 filename2 … filenameL

• For each Dstore i
o Controller->Dstore i: REBALANCE files_to_send files_to_remove

▪ Assume that (where pi is the port where Dstore i is listening on)

• file f1 needs to be sent to Dstores p1 and p2
• file f2 needs to be sent to Dstore p3
• file f2 needs to be removed
• file f3 needs to be removed

▪ REBALANCE 2 f1 2 p1 p2 f2 1 p3 2 f2 f3

o Dstore i will send required files to other Dstores, e.g., to send a file

to Dstore j
▪ Dstore i -> Dstore j: REBALANCE_STORE filename filesize

▪ Dstore j -> Dstore i: ACK

▪ Dstore i -> Dstore j: file_content

o Dstore i will remove specified files
o When rebalance is completed

Dstore i -> Controller: REBALANCE_COMPLETE

Additional notes on Rebalance operations

• The first rebalance operation must start rebalance_period seconds after the

Controller started

• Clients’ requests are queued by the Controller during rebalance operations; these
requests will be served once the rebalance operation is completed

• A rebalance operation should wait for any pending STORE and REMOVE
operation to complete before starting

• At most one rebalance operation should be running at any time

• Dstores will not be terminated during this operation (but might fail)

• If it turns out that the index includes a file that no Dstore included in the list sent to
the Controller, then it would be safe to remove this file from the index

Failure Handling

• Malformed message received by Controller/Dstore
o Ignore message (it would be good practice to log it)

• Controller does not receive REBALANCE COMPLETE from a Dstore within a

o No further action; future rebalance operations will sort things out

Concurrent Operations
• Ongoing operation: Store file

o If a concurrent Store operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent Load operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent Remove operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent List operation is received, then do not include file in the list to

• Ongoing operations: Remove file
o If a concurrent Store operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent Load operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent Remove operation on the same file is received, then return

o If a concurrent List operation is received, the do not include file in the list to

5 Submission Requirements

• Your submission should include the following files:
o Controller.java
o Dstore.java

As well as all the additional .java files you developed

• These files should be contained in a single zip file called .zip

• There should be no package structure to your java code

• When extracted from the zip file, the files should be located in the current directory

• These files will be executed at the Linux command line by us for automatic testing

6 Marking Scheme

You are asked to implement the Controller and Dstores. You will be given the client, as an
obfuscated jar. The client allows the execution of operations via a terminal.

• Up to 50 marks are awarded based on whether the storage system works in
compliance with the protocol and correctly serves sequential requests from a single

• Up to 10 marks are awarded based on whether each file is replicated R times and
files are evenly spread over the Dstores (only when stored, not when Dstores fail or
new Dstores join the storage system)

• Up to 10 marks are awarded based on whether the storage system correctly serves
concurrent requests from more clients (up to 10 concurrent clients)

• Up to 10 marks are awarded based on whether the storage system correctly
tolerates the failure of one Dstore

• Up to 10 marks are awarded based on whether the storage system correctly
tolerates the failure of up to N-R Dstores

• Up to 10 marks are awarded based on whether files are evenly spread over the
Dstores despite Dstores failing and new Dstores joining the storage system

7 Code development suggestions

There are various things to develop step-by-step. This includes making TCP connections

and passing data to/from, implementing timeouts for when the communication is broken,

and so on. This is a good place to start.

• Draw an outline of your system to keep track of the functionality/code structure

• Use techniques you tested from the Java sockets worksheet.

• For the Controller, you can start by making it accept connections

• Avoid multithreading until you are ready for it

• Make sure your Controller and Dstores print detailed log messages to stdout/stderr

• Work with just the Dstore to be able to save and read files

• Progressively add the features such as delete and allocating files to Dstores

• Test progressively so you know each area works and can return errors.

• Finally write the rebalance operations

8 Objectives

This coursework has the following module aims, objectives and learning outcomes:

A5. Client-server applications and programming

D1. Build a client-server solution in Java

D2. Build a distributed objects solution in Java

D3. Build and operate simple data networks

B5. Understand the use and impact of concurrency on the design of distributed systems

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com