CS代写 1 Hashassin

1 Hashassin
Systems Programming Project 1
March 19, 2024
For Projects 1 and 2 we will be working on a library (and front end) called Hashassin. Hashassin is a tool for generating and using hashes. For Project 2, you will be adding functionality to handle rainbow tables, but for Project 1 we are going to be working on the basic building blocks.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

You can accept the GitHub classroom assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/B4CBWnvw. This is a group project with a maximum of three students per group.
2 Instructions
This project is relatively straight forward as we are mostly interested in making sure that you are able to write a relatively complicated program that uses threading and deals with IO. To that end, you will be creating a workspace with two crates, one binary and one a library.
Your binary crate should be in a directory called cli and it should compile to a binary named hashassin.
Your library crate should be in a directory called core and it should be available called hashassin-core and usable by other crates via use hashassin core::Whatever.
Your CLI will support two commands: 1) gen-passwords and 2) gen-hashes.
gen-passwords will generate random passwords and save them to a file. gen-passwords must have
several options that can be set:
1. –min-chars, which specifies the minimum number of characters to be used in generated passwords. This value must be greater than zero and the maximum value should be the maximum length of an array on whatever system the program is being run on. –min-chars should have a default value of 4.

2. –max-chars, which specifies the maximum number of characters to be used in generated passwords. This value must be greater than zero and the maximum value should be the maximum length of an array on whatever system the program is being run on. It must also be greater than or equal to whatever the –min-chars value is. –max-chars should have a default value of 4.
3. –out-path, which, if present, will write the output of the command to the specified file, one passwords per line (using Unix new lines and no empty lines between them). If not present, results should be written to stdout.
4. –threads, the number of threads to use to generate passwords. This value must be greater than zero and the maximum value should be the maximum length of an array on whatever system the program is being run on. –threads must have a default value of 1.
5. –num-to-gen, which is the number of passwords to generate. It must be greater than zero and the maximum value should be the maximum size of an array on the system it’s being run.
All passwords generated should be valid ASCII, both caps and lower case, and including punctuation and spaces but not including non-printable characters like
NB: You can add additional functionality that can restrict or expand the set of characters to be used in generated passwords, but by default, generated passwords should adhere to the above guidelines.
gen-hashes will generate hashes from a set of input passwords. gen-hashes must have several options that can be set:
1. –in-path, which specifies the path to read plaintext passwords from.
2. –out-path, which, if present, will write the output of the command to the specified file, one hashed password per line (using Unix new lines and no empty lines between them). If not present, results should be written to stdout
3. –threads, the number of threads to use to generate hashes. This value must be greater than zero and the maximum value should be the maximum length of an array on whatever system the program is being run on. –threads must have a default value of 1.
4. –algorithm, which should be the algorithm used to generate hashes.
You are free to add other options and functionality, but whatever you add should not be required
to be set by a user. I.e., it should either be optional or have sensible defaults.

This project is relatively straight forward. You will receive points according to the following list. Please note that there are more than 100 points available. Also please note that some items on the list are required to be implemented by groups with at least one graduate student and do not grant additional points (undergrad only groups can complete these for additional points).
• -1,000 points: If you do not update CREDITS.md with the names of your group members, as well as an honest break down of the work each group member did, you will receive NEGATIVE ONE THOUSAND points. I.e., it would be next to impossible to get anything higher than a zero on this project.
• -1,000 points: If running cargo fmt results in any change to your repository, you will get NEGATIVE ONE THOUSAND points. Be sure to run cargo fmt!!!!!!!!!
• 25 points: Program compiles, as well as the items noted below as required for graduate groups.
• 20 points: All required functionality of gen-passwords is implemented (e.g., setting –threads
actually uses multiple threads, etc.)
• 20 points: All required functionality of gen-hashes is implemented (e.g., setting –threads actually uses multiple threads, etc.).
• 5 points: Comprehensive documentation. Points will be determined by looking at the docu- mentation built when running cargo doc –document-private-items –no-deps.
• 10 points: No warnings from cargo check with no use of directives that would suppress default warnings (e.g., #[allow(dead code)])
• 10 points: No warnings from cargo clippy with no use of directives that would suppress default warnings (e.g., #[allow(dead code)])
• 5 points: Support one hashing algorithm.
• 0.25 points: Support an additional hashing algorithm (0.25 points per algorithm)
• 5 points: REQUIRED FOR GRADUATE GROUPS. Proper error handling. Create and use proper error types in library code and appropriate handling in any user code (e.g., CLI).
• 5 points: No unwraps or expects. Add #![deny(clippy::unwrap used, clippy::expect used)] to the top of your main.rs and lib.rs. If running cargo clippy doesn’t result in any errors, then you get the 5 points.
• 5 points: REQUIRED FOR GRADUATE GROUPS. Add proper logging. Using the tracing crate to generate logs. Points will be determined on comprehensiveness of logs, as well as the usage of different log levels.

• Unlimited points: Cool factor. Points are determined subjectively by me, but if I find anything about your project to be particularly unique, difficult, clever, etc., you can get some extra points. Be sure to point out anything we should pay special attention to in your README.md file.
In addition to the above, you must have a README.md to summarize what you did and give any and all instructions on how to run things! I’m going to go off what’s in the README.md to grade, so make sure you tell us everything you did and test all the instructions, etc.
3.1 Allowed Crates
Generally speaking, you are free to use any crates listed on https://blessed.rs. Any crates not on Blessed.rs need to be approved by Jeremy.
Be sure to note what crates you use in your README.md!
3.2 Due Date
April 3rd, 6:00 AM.
NB: Write access to your repositories will be revoked at the deadline!
3.3 Academic Honesty Statement
In addition to the code in your repository, you must include an academic honesty statement as per the class syllabus. If you do not include this academic honesty statement in your repository, you will receive a ZERO on the project.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com