代写 C algorithm Java math python CS378, Spring 2019 Homework 6 due: Sunday, April 21

CS378, Spring 2019 Homework 6 due: Sunday, April 21
Topic: Implementing RSA Cryptosystem Programming Project
1 Overview
The objective of this project is to implement components of the RSA cryptosystem. You will implement three modules that make up this cryptosystem.
Key setup: This module will compute and output the keys: public and private. The keys will be output to two separate files named public key and private key.
Encryption: This module will take the public key and a message to be encrypted as the inputs. They will be read from the files public key and message, respectively. The module will output the ciphertext (encrypted message) which will be stored in a file named ciphertext.
Decryption: This module will take the public key, the private key and the ciphertext to be decrypted as the inputs. They will be read from the files public key, private key and ciphertext, respectively. The module will output the decrypted message and store it in a file named decrypted message.
In the project you will have to do computations on very large integers (at least 200-digit numbers in decimal). Therefore, you will need do use a language with built in large integers (such as Python) or use existing large integer package (such as PARI/GP). You can also choose to implement your own large integer arithmetic package.
2 Key setup
To compute the keys you need to implement a modular exponentiation algorithm, that is, an algorithm that inputs integers x, a and n, and returns xa (mod n). Use the algorithm described on pages 78–79 of the textbook. Modular exponentiation will also be used in encryption and decryption modules.
You will need to implement an algorithm to generate large prime numbers. Two key components of that algorithm are: (1) an algorithm to generate large integers at random, and (2) a primality testing algorithm. You can use Fermat Primality Test or Miller-Rabin Primality Test.
Finally, you will have to implement the Extended Euclid Algorithm, needed to compute multiplicative inverses.
To set up a public key you will generate two different prime numbers p and q with at least 100 decimal digits each, and making sure the difference between them is at least 1095.

Next you will compute n = pq and choose an integer e relatively prime to (p − 1)(q − 1). Usually, e = 216 + 1 = 65537 is a good choice (you will need to check that it works). At this point your public key (n, e) is ready. To compute the private key d you will apply the Extended Euclid Algorithm to compute d=e−1 (mod(p−1)(q−1)).
3 Encryption and Decryption
The message to be encrypted will appear as a sequence of digits (an integer with 150 decimal digits. You will encrypt it using the public key and the modular exponentiation algorithm
To decrypt the ciphertext, you will use the private key and apply the modular exponentiation algorithm.
4 Programming languages/systems
To write your program you have to use one of the following programming languages: Python, C/C++, or Java. Python and Java have large-number arithmetic built in. Examples of C libraries implementing large-number arithmetic are: PARI/GP (available at http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/) and GMP (available at http://gmplib.org/).
You cannot use source code for any components of this project from the web or elsewhere.
If you use C/C++, you should use OpenStack ubuntu virtual machine (the common choice in other CS classes) to write and compile the source code. If you use Java or Python, use Java 1.8, python 2.7.12 or python 3.5.2. If you have questions contact the grader directly.
5 Documentation
Submit a single .zip file which should contain the following files:
• A narrative report (in pdf format) describing how your program works and what algorithms you implemented. List the major components of the program and explain how they fit together. Describe how you tested the program and how you verified its correctness. Write about the problems that you encountered and how you overcame them. If your program does not work correctly, explain what parts do not work and what parts you believe work correctly. The report should also contain compilation and execution instructions for your program.
• The source code for all modules implemented, thoroughly documented. In each module explain the functionality of the module (what is the input and the output). Describe in comments all important variables.

• The results of a test run for the message (a single integer of 150 digits): 111111111111111222222222222222333333333333333444444444444444555555555555555
666666666666666777777777777777888888888888888999999999999999000000000000000 as plaintext. The results of the test should be documented by including the files public key,
private key, message, ciphertext and decrypted message as described in the Overview Section. The .zip file must be turned in on Canvas by 11:59 pm, April 21, 2011.