代写 android shell software react Computer Science

Computer Science
Mobile Application Development (18COB155) Coursework Specification
Dr Manfred Kufleitner
This coursework represents 100% of the total assessment of the module.
The Task
For this project, you will propose, specify, and develop a Hybrid Android Application. The app func- tionalities are implemented using native Android APIs, and the user guide is implemented using web technologies and wrapped in a native shell.
Students will work on their own. Every student is required to propose his own app idea, specify the application’s functionalities, and develop the app.
Propose and Specify an App (10%)
You will need to:
• Propose an application and draft a short specification (no more than two pages) of what the application does, and what problem it solves.
• Create mock screens for all user-facing screens. Hand-drawn sketches are OK, but they must be in a digital format.
The proposal will be submitted on Learn by 3pm on Wednesday of Week 5. Feedback on the pro- posals will be given to each student in the lab sessions within a week of submission. Any necessary modification can be made to the proposal according to the feedback given before the final submission.
Develop the App (75%)
1. Develop your application, make sure it implements the functionalities that you have specified (10%).
2. Make sure your application meets the technical requirements listed below:
Mandatory requirements (20%) Your project should:
• Haveaminimumoftwodistinctscreens(excludingtheuserguideandpotentialloginscreens). • Work properly with the app lifecycle (including rotate screen changes).
• Use permissions and use them responsibly.
• Use Intents to move inside your app and to an outside app.
• Create and use your own Content Provider. • Make use of local storage.
Optional requirements (20%)
Your application should also include three of the following:

• Receive Broadcast events and make use of them in meaningful ways. • Create and use a CustomView.
• Implement ShareActionProvider.
• Use Services.
• Use Notifications.
• Capture touch gestures and make reasonable use of them.
3. Create a user guide of the app using web technologies, and include it as a WebView in a separate activity in your app; the user guide has to be included in the assets of the app (rather than being accessed over the web). The user guide should be fully responsive, containing images and texts as necessary. (10%)
The remaining 15% of marks are awarded on code style, readability, quality and smoothness of user interface.
Presentation and Report (15%)
Presentations will be held in week 12. Each student will be given the opportunity (8 minutes) to present their app and answer questions. The exact time and venue for each presentation will be allocated 1-2 weeks in advance. The presentation should include a short app introduction, an overview of the program implementation and a live demo.
The report should include at least the following parts:
• The introduction of the application developed.
• An overview structure of the software at both application and programming level. • Details of how each functionality is implemented.
• Discussion and justification on the technical requirements met (or not met).
• Any test done, with test plan and result.
• Conclusion with discussion of challenges and limitations.
In all of the above, marks will be awarded for completeness, accuracy, clarity and conformance to standards. Please note the final report should have a maximum of 1500 words.
Final Submission
Please submit one .zip file that contains a single folder starting with your student id as a name (e.g. B123456). Inside this folder you need to have:
• the report as a pdf file,
• a folder with a copy of your (possibly updated) specification including the mock screens, • the Android Studio folder of your project,
• an .apk file of your app,
• a folder with sources of all the websites you created for this app.
The .zip file is to be submitted on Learn by 3pm on Wednesday of Week 11.