ECS130 Homework Assignment #2 Due: 4:00pm, Feburary 3, 2017 1. A real symmetric matrix A = AT is positive definite if any of the following equivalent condi-
tions hold:
- The quadratic form xT Ax > 0 for all nonzero vectors x.
- All determinants formed from submatrices of any order centered on the diagonal of A are positive.
- All eigenvalues of A are positive.
- There is a lower triangular matrix L such that A = LLT , called Cholesky decomposition
of A.
As you can see, the best way to check the positive definiteness is with Cholesky decomposition.(a) Let n = 3 and write the formulas for computing the entries lij of L for a given 3 × 3 symmetric positive definite matrix A.
(b) Use the observations in (a) to derive formulas to compute the Cholesky decomposition for an n × n symmetric positive definite (spd) matrix A.
(c) Program your formulas to compute the Cholesky decomposition of an n × n spd matrix
A. Check the correctness of your program by comparing with MATLAB’s built-in function
cholfor the matrices A = (aij) with aij = 1 with n = 3,4,5. i+j −1
2. Read section 2.9, and present your error analysis for the two “computed” solutions x =
1.01 and x 2 = 20.97 of the linear system of equations
999 998 1997
1.01 −18.99
1000 999 x= 1999 .
- Assume you have a base-2 computer that stores floating-point numbers using a 6 bit normal- ized mantissa and a 4 bit exponent, and a sign bit for each.
(a) For this machine, what is machine precision?
(b) What is the smallest positive normalized number that can be represented in this machine? - Consider the following program
x = 1; delta = 1 / 2^(53); for j = 1 : 2^(20),
x = x + delta; end
By mathematical reasoning, what is the expected final value of x? Use your knowledge of floating-point arithemtic to predict what it actually is. Verify by running the program and explain the result.
- Using mathematical reasoning, we know that for any positive number x, 2x is a number greater than x. Is this true of floating-point numbers? Run the following program and explain your result
x = 1; twox = 2*x; k = 0; while (twox > x)
x = twox; twox = 2*x; k = k + 1;
- The polynomial p1(x) = (x − 1)6 has the value zero at x = 1 and is positive elsewhere. The expanded form of the polynomial
p2(x) = x6 − 6×5 + 15×4 − 20×3 + 15×2 − 6x + 1,
is mathematically equivalent. Plot p1(x) and p2(x) for 101 equally spaced points in the interval[0.995, 1.005]. Explain the plots. (you should evaluate the polynomial p2(x) by Horner’s rule).
- (a) Write a MATLAB function that computes the two roots of a quadratic polynomial
q(x) = x2 + bx + c with good precision.
(b) Compare your computed results with MATLAB’s built-in function roots([a b c]) forthe following set of data:
1) b=−56,c=1 2) b=−108,c=1.