程序代写代做 Objective of the project

Objective of the project
Group Project Guide
SS3850G winter term, 2020
• The ultimate goal of this project is for you to learn and try something new and explain them to your peers.
Independent work. Provide references.
• Credits are given if you have combined information from different sources. • It is essential to provide references for your report.
Make sure that your audience understand what you are doing! You might want to include:
1. Introduction:
• clearly state the goal of your project.
• Describe the dataset you are using.
• Provide a literature review of what other people have done what you will be doing with the dataset
2. Analysis:
• Clearly describe your analysis procedure and the R packages that you have used
• State your results. Compare the result if you have used more than one methods.
3. Conclusion.
• State what you have learned from the project. You could state here the packages or methods you have learned.
4. References
• List all the references you have used.
You may use whatever packages you choose (learned). In fact, extra points will be given if you show that (1) you learned a new package (2) designed a simulation to show a point (illustrate a concept).
Some detailed marking scheme
The marks for the presentation is intended to reflect the efforts you put on the project. Half of the marks are based on the presentation and half based on the slides provided. Specifically:
• 95: Outstanding presenation and slides. Great efforts are shown. • 85: Very good presenation and slides. Great efforts are shown.

• 75: good presenation and slides. Good efforts are shown. • 65: Okay presenation and slides. Some efforts are shown. • 0-50: Show clearly that minimal efforts in preparing for it.
Details of the presentation
• Each presentation will last 12 minutes and 4 presentations in one class.
• The order of the presenations will be released by the end of February.
• Before the presentation, each group will need to submit the slides to OWL forum (the output file only) and to OWL assignment: group project slides (rmd and output files, for markign purpose)
• Attendances for ALL the presentations are required. Attendances will be taken. Missing one will cost 3 points from your presentation marks.