CSE 1729 – Introduction to Principles of Programming March, 2020
Laboratory Assignment 6
Ob jectives
• Work with lists, pairs, and a dened data type.
In this lab, you will
• dene a datatype and some associated functions for complex numbers that you represent using pairs.
• write some functions that manipulate lists, and
1. Implementing complex numbers.
Mathematical preliminaries
A complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, which satises the equation i2 = −1. 1 For a + bi we call a the real part and b the imaginary part.
We dene addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division as follows: Addition:
(a+bi)+(c+di) = (a+c)+(b+d)i
(a+bi)−(c+di) = (a−c)+(b−d)i (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac−bd)+(bc+ad)i
(a+bi) ac+bd bc−ad (c+di)= c2+d2 + c2+d2 i
Dene the following Scheme functions that allow you to implement complex numbers:
(a) (make-complex a b), which constructs a complex number with real part a and imaginary part b
(b) (real x), which returns the real part of complex number x, and
(c) (imag x), which returns the imaginary part of complex number x. Hint: use pairs for your
information, as in Monday’s lecture.
2. Using the functions from the previous problem, dene the following Scheme functions. These should use the functions you dened for the last question, so if you need to get the real part of a number x you should use (real x), not some other function.
from Wikipedia page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number
(a) (complex-add x y), which returns the sum of two complex numbers
(b) (complex-sub x y), which returns the dierence of two complex numbers
(c) (complex-mult x y), which returns the product of two complex numbers Note: all of these return complex numbers. You do not need to implement complex-div, but feel free if you have time.
3. Using your complex numbers.
The complex conjugate of a number z = a + bi is a − bi, and is denoted z ̄. It has the interesting propertythatzz ̄isarealnumber;ifz=a+bi,thenzz ̄=a2+b2,whichfollowsfromi2 =−1 and the rules of multiplication.
Dene a Scheme function (complex-conj x) which returns the complex conjugate of x. Demon- strate that it works as expected by multiplying a couple of complex numbers times their conju- gates.
4. Write the following functions on lists.
(a) Write a Scheme function (count-positives lst) that counts the number of positive num- bers in a list of numbers. See examples below.
(b) Write a Scheme function (sum-list lst) that adds up the elements in a list of numbers.
(c) The following Scheme function (consecutive-ints a b) evaluates to a list of numbers
from a to b, where a and b are integers; if a > b the result is the empty list ‘().
(define (consecutive-ints a b) (if (> a b)
(cons a (consecutive-ints (+ a 1) b))))
In similar fashion, write a Scheme function (consecutive-squares a b) that evaluates to the list of perfect squares from a2 to b2. a and b should be integers; if a > b the result should be the empty list ‘().
; some examples:
> (count-positives (list 1 -23 0 -11 3 1002)) 3
> (count-positives ‘()) 0
> (sum-list ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) 15
> (consecutive-ints -4 6) (-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
> (consecutive-squares 1 10) (1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100) > (consecutive-squares 4 -6) ()