程序代写代做 Homework 7: Publishing IMU Data

Homework 7: Publishing IMU Data
MECH 5970/6970 Software for Sensors & Systems
Due: Friday 3-27-20 at 11:59 PM
Your assignment this week is a make a ‘fake’ IMU sensor driver that will publish values from a text file.

• Create a new branch called imu-publisher-hw8 from the from imu-publisher-devel that you made from Homework 6 and check out the branch (1 pt).

• Read in the accel, gyro, and mag values from the text file from HW3. This should largely be copy/pasting from your previous assignments (2 pts).

• Publish the accel and gyro data using sensor_msgs/Imu message type. Name the message imu (2 pts).

• Publish the mag data using the sensor_msgs/MagneticField message type. Name the message mag (2 pts).

• Specify the sampling period and file path using rosparams (1 pt)

• Write a launch file for your node. Specify the file path and the sampling period in the launch file (1 pt).

• Commit your code back to the imu-publisher-hw8 branch