程序代写代做 graph HD in SE (IT114105)/ GSD (IT114107)

HD in SE (IT114105)/ GSD (IT114107)
P a g e | 1
Module Name: Module Code: Assignment Number: Hand-in:
Weighting of This Assignment:
Object-oriented Technology
Wednesday 29 April 2020 at 16:30
30% of the Assessment (50% of the End of Module Assessment)
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education IT Discipline
This assignment must be done by individual only. Plagiarism will be treated seriously. Any answers that are found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism (no matter the answers are from the original authors or from the plagiarists) will score Zero mark. Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Problem Scenario – Web-based Video Management System
A start-up company operates an online video sharing platform for people in Hong Kong. The Chief Executive Officer of the company wants to develop a web-based video management system (WVMS) for people to create online videos and buy online videos.
A public user can register as a client of the company using WVMS. The public user enters his/her name, email address, mobile phone number and password. WVMS creates a client record for the public user and sends a confirmation registration email to the public user’s email address.
A client can create an online video using WVMS. The client first logs in WVMS by entering his email address and password. WVMS asks the client to enter the video title and description. The client enters the video title and description. WVMS displays the “create free video” and “create paid video” buttons. If the client clicks the “create paid video” button, WVMS asks the client to enter the price of the video and upload the video file. The client enters the price of the video and uploads the video file. If the client clicks the “create free video” button, WVMS asks the client to enter the duration of advertisement in the video and upload the video file. The client enters the duration of advertisement in the video and uploads the video file. After the client has entered the required information of the video and uploaded the video file, the system displays the information of the newly created video.
A user (a public user or client) can browse online videos using WVMS. WVMS displays an online video list. The user selects a video, WVMS displays the information of the video (e.g. title, description, etc.).
A client can buy a paid video using WVMS. The client first browses online videos and selects a video as described in previous paragraph. The client clicks the “buy” button. WVMS asks the client to log in. The client enters his/her email address and password. WVMS asks the client to enter the credit card information (type, number and expiry date of the credit card). The client enters the credit card information. WVMS sends the credit card information and the amount to an external payment gateway. If the credit card transaction is successful, the external payment gateway sends the approval code to WVMS and WVMS displays a successful message to the client, adds the price of the video to the balance of the client who has created the paid video and save the payment information. Otherwise, the external payment gateway sends back an error code and WVMS asks the client to re-enter the credit card information again.
Object-oriented Technology (ITP4909)

HD in SE (IT114105)/ GSD (IT114107) P a g e | 2
A client can submit a withdrawal request to transfer money to his/her bank account. The client first logs in WVMS by entering his/her email address and password. The client enters the withdrawal amount, the bank code and account number of his/her bank account. The system displays the information of the newly created withdrawal request.
A manger can process a withdrawal request of a client. The manger first logs in WVMS by entering his/her email address and password. The manager selects a withdrawal request. WVMS displays the information of the withdrawal request and the “Complete” and “Reject” buttons. If the manager clicks the “Complete” button, WVMS updates the status of the withdrawal request to “completed”. If the manager clicks the “Reject” button, WVMS asks the manager to enter the reason for rejecting the withdrawal request. The manager enters the reason. WVMS updates the status of the withdrawal request to “rejected” and save the reason in the withdrawal request.
Task Specification
1. Identify the actors of WVMS and write the actor description for the actors.
2. Draw the finalized use case diagram of WVMS with relationships of use cases (e.g. “extend” and “include” relationships).
3. Write the initial use case description for each base use case given in your answer to Task 2.
4. Prepare the base use case descriptions for all concrete use case(s) and abstract use case(s) related to the process
of “creating an online video”.
5. Perform textual analysis to identify the candidate classes for the whole system. Prepare a data dictionary for the
candidate classes.
6. Draw a domain class diagram to show the relationships among the candidate classes found in Task 5. Show attributes of classes, the inheritances and multiplicities of the associations between classes. Give appropriate names to associations.
7. Draw a 3-tier sequence diagram at design level for the following scenario of the “Create Video” use case as described as below:
 The client enters a wrong password in the first-time login to WVMS and enters the correct password in the second time login to WVMS.
 The client creates a paid video successfully.
Assume that one user interface and one controller object are required for the diagram.
8. Draw a state machine diagram at design level for the control object for the “Create Video” use case.
9. Refine the class diagram of Task 6 with the information from the sequence diagram of Task 7 and the state
machine diagram of Task 8.
Object-oriented Technology (ITP4909)

HD in SE (IT114105)/ GSD (IT114107) P a g e | 3 Mark Allocation
Your assignment work will be marked according to the following criteria.
Mark Allocated
Actor Descriptions, Initial Use Case Descriptions, finalized Use Case Diagram and base use case descriptions for all use cases related to the process of “creating an online video”
Data Dictionary for candidate classes, Domain Class Diagram and Refined Class Diagram at design level
Sequence Diagram at design level
State Machine Diagram at design level
Consistency between Sequence Diagram and State Machine Diagram and Consistency between Sequence Diagram and Refined Class Diagram
Submission of Assignment Work
1. This assignment should be done by you only. Plagiarism will be treated seriously. Any answers that are found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism (no matter the answers are from the original authors or from the plagiarists) will score Zero mark.
2. Upload your work as a Microsoft Word file to Moodle by Wednesday 29 April 2020 at 16:30. Late submission will NOT be accepted.
3. Submit all your work described in the Task Specification section. Your report should have page numbers and the following sections:
o Actor Descriptions
o InitialUseCaseDescriptions
o FinalizedUseCaseDiagram
o Based Use Case Descriptions for all concrete use case(s) and abstract use case(s) related to the process of
“Create Video”
o Data Dictionary for candidate classes o DomainClassDiagramforTask6
o 3-tierssequencediagramsforTask7 o State Machine Diagram(s) for Task 8 o Refined Class Diagram for Task 9
4. You should declare any assumptions you make.
Object-oriented Technology (ITP4909)