程序代写代做 Time: 16:20 ~18:10

Time: 16:20 ~18:10
Time Allowed: 1 Hour 50 Minutes

Note: all questions should be answered in English

Student Name Student ID
Specialty Class

• Write a program to illustrate the rules of constructors and destructors:
(1) Constructors are invoked in the following order:
a) Virtual base class constructors in the order of inheritance;
b) Non-virtual base class constructors in the order of inheritance;
c) Member objects’ constructors in the order of declaration;
d) Derived class constructor;
(2) Destructors are invoked in the reverse order.
(copy the results on the display, and explain them)

• Create an application to display Lissajous figure, and implement following functions:
• Load a bitmap file as the background.
• Supposed that , , and changes from 0 to with step , display the animation.

[File Folder:]
IDE VC++6.0