程序代写代做 assembly Lab 3: ASCII-risks (Asterisks)

Lab 3: ASCII-risks (Asterisks)
Due Tuesday, 12 May, 11:59 PM
Minimum Submission Requirements
● Ensure that your Lab3 folder contains the following files (note the capitalization convention):
○ Lab3.asm
○ README.txt
● Commit and push your repository
● Complete the ​Google Form​ with the correct commit ID of your final submission
This lab will introduce you to the MIPS ISA using ​MARS​. You will write a program with several nested loops to print variable-sized ASCII diamonds and a sequence of embedded numbers.
In addition, this lab will introduce you to several different syscalls to incorporate
I/O into your program.
Documentation Standards
Introduction To MIPS Assembly Language Programming
section 1.3, chapters 2, 3, and 7
Intro to MIPS
MIPS Instructions
Registers and Memory
Intro to MARS
Hello Assembly!
Getting User Input
This program will print out a pattern with numbers and stars (asterisks).
1. It will first prompt for the height of the pattern. If the user enters an invalid
input such as a negative number or zero, an error message will be printed and the
user will be prompted again.
2. Each symbol(either a number or space) should be separated by a ​tab (not space)

3. Then your program should print the following pattern using numbers and stars with
a tab between each of them.
Example Outputs
User inputs 0, -1, and then 5
Enter the height of the pattern (must be greater than 0): 0 Invalid Entry!
Enter the height of the pattern (must be greater than 0): -1 Invalid Entry!
Enter the height of the pattern (must be greater than 0): 5
1********1 23******32 456****654 7 8 9 10 * * 10 9 8 7 11 12 13 14 15 15 14 13 12 11
— program is finished running —
For a triangle with height 3, see the figure below. Note that the ‘⊔’ character indicates a tab. Also, note that there is a newline after the triangle is finished printing before the program terminates.
Enter the height of the pattern (must be greater than 0):​⊔​3
1⊔*⊔*⊔*⊔*⊔1 2⊔3⊔*⊔*⊔3⊔2 4⊔5⊔6⊔6⊔5⊔4
— program is finished running —

To receive all possible points, ​the output should match the sample format exactly​.
You ​may use syscall 11 (print character), syscall 4 (print
string) and syscall 1 (print integer) ​to print the triangle, but you
must use ​syscall 4 (print string)​ to print the prompt message. You may
collect user input using ​syscall 5 (read integer)​. When finished, your
program should end by calling ​syscall 10 (exit)​. See below for a summary of syscalls and their uses.
Print integer
Prints an integer in ASCII
Print string
Print prompt
Read integer
Read user input
Successfully end the program
Print character
Prints an ASCII character
Table: Required Syscalls
Turn Off Delayed Branching
From the settings menu, make sure ​Delayed branching is unchecked

Checking this option will insert a “delay slot” which makes the next instruction
after a branch executes, no matter the outcome of the branch. To avoid having your
program behave in unintended ways, make sure ​”Delayed branching”​ is turned
OFF​. In addition, add a NOP instruction after each branch instruction. The NOP instruction guarantees that your program will function properly even if you forgot to turn off delayed branching. For example:
LI $t12
ADDI $t0 $t0 1
BLT $t0 $t1 LOOP
NOP # nop added after the branch instruction ADD $t3 $t5 $t6
Note that our grading script is automated, so ​it is imperative that your program’s output matches the specification exactly​. The output
that deviates from the spec will cause point deduction.
Instructions for the README can be found ​here​.
This file contains your pseudocode and assembly code. Include a header comment as indicated in the documentation guidelines ​here​.
Google Form
You are required to answer questions about the lab in ​is Google Form​. Question answers, excluding the ones asking about resources used and collaboration, should total at the very least 150 words.
A Note About Academic Integrity
This is the lab assignment where most students get flagged for cheating. Please review the ​syllabus​ and look at the examples in the first lecture for acceptable and unacceptable collaboration. ​You should be doing this assignment completely by yourself!

Grading Rubric (80 points total)
20 pt assembles without errors
50 pt output matches the specification
5 pt exact wording and spacing of prompt (tab after colon) and error message
5 pt error check zero and negative heights
5 pt prompts user until a correct input is entered
5 pt correct line indentation (must use tabs)
5 pt number of levels match user input
5 pt tabs between numbers and asterisks
5 pt correct asterisks and numbers on each line
15 pt uses correct syscalls
​Note:​ credit for this section ​only​ if program assembles without errors
10 pt documentation
5 pt README file complete
5 pt Google form complete with at least 150 words
-15 pt for incorrect naming convention
Extra credit
20 pt – Program is less than 54 instructions (​Fill Out This Form​)