程序代写代做 C finance King’s College London

King’s College London
Department of Mathematics
MSc in Mathematical Finance Academic year 2019–2020, Spring term
7CCMFM18 Machine Learning Problem sheet 1,
Solutions will be discussed between 20 January and.
Problem 1
Consider the logical operations
NAND(x1, x2) :=
0, x1=1,×2 =0, 0, x =0,x =1,
0, x1 =0,×2 =0, 
1, x1=1,×2=0, 1, x =0,x =1,
0, x1=0,×2 =0, 
AND(x1,x2):= 
 1 2 
12 
1, x1=1,×2=1, 1, x1 =0,×2 =0,

1, x1=1,×2=0,
1, x =0,x =1,  1 2

0, x1=1,×2=1,
1, x1=1,×2 =1, 0, x1=0,×2 =0,

1, x1=1,×2 =0,
1, x =0,x =1, 12

0, x1=1,×2 =1.
Recall also the two-input perceptron
f (x1,x2;w1,w2,b):= H(w1x1 +w2x2 +b),
with weights w1,w2 ∈ R and bias b ∈ R, where H is the Heaviside function (as defined on page 13 of lecture notes).
(a) ShowthateachoftheoperationsOR,ANDandNANDcanberepresentedby theperceptronwithsomeweightsw1,w2 ∈{−1,1}andbiasb∈R.
(b) ShowthattheoperationXORcannotberepresentedbytheperceptronwith any choice of weights w1, w2 ∈ R and bias b ∈ R.

Problem 2
(a) ProveProposition2.5inlecturenotes.
(b) Prove Proposition 2.6 in lecture notes. Hint: Consider first the special case wheredk′ =dk+1forsomek=1,…,r−1whiledi′ =di fori̸=k. Usethis then to deduce the general statement.
Problem 3
Let r ≥ 2 and I,d1,…,dr−1,O ∈ N. Additionally, let σ be a function RO → RO. Show that there exists d ∈ N such that
Nr (I,d1,…,dr−1,O;ReLU,…,ReLU,σ) ⊂Nr+1(I,d1,…,dr−1,d,O;ReLU,…,ReLU,σ).
Hint: A linear combination of two ReLUs can represent the identity function. This way you can add a “dummy” layer to the network that does nothing.
Problem 4
(a) Let d ≥ 2 and let Softmaxd : Rd → Rd denote the d-dimensional softmax function. Suppose that x = (x1,…,xd) ∈ Rd is such that there exists i = 1,…,d for which xi > xj for all j ̸= i (that is, there is unique maximal com- ponent). For scalar λ > 0, determine the limit
lim Softmaxd(λx). λ→∞
Does this explain why the function is called “softmax”?
(b) Represent the convolutional layer C k (i.e., with stride = 1) of Definition 2.12 in lecture notes in matrix form,
Ck(x)=Wx, x∈Rd, withweightmatrixW ∈R(d−l−l′)×d determinedexplicitly.