程序代写代做 graph database 6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project

6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
Submit Assignment
Due Jun 8 by 11:59pm Points 90 Submitting a file upload Available after May 19 at 8am
Note: this final project is the “Portfolio Assignment” for the course. This means that you
are allowed to post the entirety of the assignment publicly (e.g. Github, personal
website, etc.). You can use this as an opportunity to showcase your work to potential employers.
In this assignment you will pull together all of the pieces you have worked on up to this point. You will need to implement a REST API that uses proper resource based URLs, pagination and status codes. In addition you will need to implement some sort of system for creating users and for authorization. You will deploy your application on Google Cloud Platform.
The default is that you must use
Datastore to store your data, and
Either Node.js or Python 3, and
Google App Engine to deploy your project
However, contact the instructor if you want to use
A different database supported on GCP, or
A different programming language, or
A different GCP service to deploy your project
The instructional staff may not be able to provide much help if you follow this path, but requests to use something different are very likely to be accepted.
Your application needs to have
An entity to model the user.
At least two other non-user entities.
The two non-user entities need to be related to each other.
The user needs to be related to at least one of the non-user entities.
Resources corresponding to the non-user entity related to the user must be protected.
Looking back at the assignments you have done, let’s consider Assignment 4
Assignment 4 didn’t model users. If you were adapting Assignment 4 for this project, you would need to create an additional User entity.
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
There were two entities Boat and Load. This would meet the requirement for two non-user entities.
These entities had a relationship between them – a boat can have zero, one or more loads on it. This meets the requirement that the two non-user entities must have a relationship with each other.
For the final project, you need a relationship between the User entity and a non-user entity. If you were to enhance Assignment 4 so that a boat is owned by a user, then there would be a relationship between the User and Boat entities . This meets the requirement of User entity being related to at least one of the non-user entities.
You can also choose to have a relationship between User and Load, i.e., it is acceptable to have both entities be related to users. But this is not required and is your design choice.
Note: It is up to you to decide what entities your application has and what is the relationship between them. You are free to adapt a previous assignment for this project or have an entirely different data model as long as the requirements are met.
Requirements for non-user entities
1. For each entity a collection URL must be provided that is represented by the collection name.
E.g., GET /boats represents the boats collection
2. If an entity is related to a user, then the collection URL must show only those entities in the
collection which are related to the user corresponding to the valid JWT provided in the request E.g., if each boat is owned by a user, then GET /boats should only show those entities that are owned by the user who is authenticated by the JWT supplied in the request
3. For an entity that is not related to users, the collection URL should show all the entities in the collection.
4. The collection URL for an entity must implement paging showing 5 entities at a time
At a minimum it must have a ‘next’ link on every page except the last
The collection must include a property that indicates how many total items are in the collection
5. Every representation of an entity must have a ‘self’ link pointing to the canonical representation of that entity
This must be a full URL, not relative path
6. Each entity must have at least 3 properties of its own.
id and self are not consider a property in this count.
Properties to model related entities are also no consider a property in this count.
E.g., a boat is not a property of a load in this count, and neither is the owner of a boat. Properties that correspond to creation date and last modified date will be considered towards this count.
7. Every entity must support all 4 CRUD operations, i.e., create/add, read/get, update/edit and delete.
You must handle any “side effects” of these operations on an entity to other entities related to the entity.
E.g., Recall how you needed to update loads when deleting a boat.
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
Update for an entity should support both PUT and PATCH.
8. Every CRUD operation for an entity related to a user must be protected and require a valid JWT
corresponding to the relevant user.
9. You must provide an endpoint to create a relationship and another to remove a relationship
between the two non-user entities. It is your design choice to make these endpoints protected or unprotected.
E.g., In Assignment 4, you had provided an endpoint to put a load on a boat, and another
endpoint to remove a load from a boat.
10. If an entity has a relationship with other entities, then this info must be displayed in the
representation of the entity
E.g., if a load is on a boat, then
The representation of the boat must show the relationship with this load
The representation of this load must show the relationship with this boat
11. There is no requirement to provide dedicated endpoints to view just the relationship
E.g., Assignment 4 required an endpoint /boats/:boat_id/loads. Such an endpoint is not
required in this project.
12. For endpoints that require a request body, you only need to support JSON representations in
the request body.
Requests to some endpoints, e.g., GET don’t have a body. This point doesn’t apply to such endpoints.
13. Any response bodies should be in JSON, including responses that contain an error message. Responses from some endpoints, e.g., DELETE, don’t have a body. This point doesn’t apply to such endpoints.
14. Any request to an endpoint that will send back a response with a body must include ‘application/json’ in the accept header. If it doesn’t have such a header, such a request should be rejected.
User Details
1. You must have a User entity in your database.
2. You must support the ability for users of the application to create user accounts. There is no
requirement to edit or delete users.
3. You may choose from the following methods of handling user accounts
You can handle all account creation and authentication yourself.
You can use a 3rd party authentication service.
4. You must provide a URL where a user can provide a username and password to login or create
a user account.
5. Requests for the protected resources must use a JWT for authentication. So you must show the
JWT to the user after the login. You must also show the user’s unique ID after login.
6. The choice of what to use as the user’s unique ID is up to you.
You can use the value of “sub” from the JWT as a user’s unique ID. But this is not required.
7. You must provide an unprotected endpoint GET /users that returns all the users currently
registered in the app, even if they don’t currently have any relationship with a non-user entity. The response does not need to be paginated.
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
Minimally this endpoint should display the unique ID for a user. Beyond that it is your choice
what else is displayed.
8. There is no requirement for an integration at the UI level between the login page and the REST
API endpoints.
Status Codes
Your application should support at least the following status codes
1. 200 2. 201 3. 204 4. 401 5. 403 6. 405 7. 406
Submission Details
You need to submit 4 files:
1. A file YourONID_project.pdf that should contain the following things The URL where your application is deployed on GCP.
The URL for account creation/login (can be the same as above). A data model section that includes the following information:
For all entities (user and non-user) their properties For each property,
Its type
Whether or not it is required Valid values
A description of the relationship between the non-user entities.
A description of how you are modeling the user entity in your application, including
What is the unique identifier for a user in your data model.
If a request needs to supply a user identifier, what needs to be specified by the person making the request.
How your application maps a supplied JWT to the identifier of a user.
What is the relationship between the user entity and non-user entity.
An API specification that details
All endpoints, i.e., the URL and the method.
For every endpoint, whether or not it is protected. Status codes that an endpoint can return.
Sample requests and responses for these status codes.
You must use the API doc for Assignment 3 as a guide to what you need to specify.
2. A file YourONID_project.postman_collection.json with a Postman Collection of a test suite.
See below for details about what tests this collection should contain.
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
3. A file YourONID_project.postman_environment.json with the Postman Environment your Postman test collection uses. This environment must contain at least the following 4 variables
jwt1 user_id1 jwt2 user_id2
The tests for protected endpoints must use the value of one of the jwt variables as the JWT for authentication.
If an endpoint requires a user_id is the URL, then the tests for this endpoint must use the variable user_id1 or user_id2
4. A file YourONID_project.zip that should include all the source code for your project. Please don’t include node_modules or Python env in the zip file.
Postman Test Collection
1. It must demonstrate create, read, update and delete operations for all non-user entities.
2. It must demonstrate read operations for all collections of non-user entities.
3. It must demonstrate creating and deleting relationships between non-user entities.
4. There must be at least one test per required status code showing things working as intended.
5. It must demonstrate user accounts working as intended
Show that entities created by one user can be read, updated and deleted by that user. Show that entities created by one user cannot be read, updated and deleted by another user.
Show that requests to protected resources are rejected if the JWT is invalid.
Show that requests to protected resources are rejected if the JWT is missing.
6. The tests must verify at least the response code. It is not required that the tests verify the
response body. However, the response body must match your API spec.
7. In your spec you need to specify valid values for the properties in the request body. However,
your application and your tests don’t need to cover input validation. You can assume that the
input will be valid per your specification.
8. A possible Postman test to show that one user can’t read, edit or delete an entity created by
another user is the following;
Call your REST API to create an entity using jwt1 and then have a test that shows that attempts to read, edit and delete that entity using jwt2 are rejected.
9. A possible Postman test to verify the endpoints that create and remove relationships is as follows
Show the resources before the relationship is created (or removed) Create (or remove) the relationship
Show the resources after the relationship has been created (or removed)
What if you can’t get something working?
In the event that you are unable to meet a requirement you may still get half credit by either of two ways:
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
1. Providing a 3 paragraph description in your PDF document for that requirement describing:
How you intended to meet the requirement.
What steps you attempted in order to meet the requirement. What you suspect was the most likely reason it didn’t work.
2. Meeting the requirement for at least one of the entities.
Specify in your PDF document the entity for which that requirement is met by your application.
For each item, the grading rubric given below specifies if either or both of the above choices are available for getting half credit for that item.
Grading Criteria
Grading will be based on the rubric below.
Final Project Rubric
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
All non-user entities have a root URL that returns the collection of that entity
The collection for an unprotected entity must show all the entities in the collection.
The collection for a protected entity must shown only the entities corresponding to the JWT.
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
All root non-user entity collections implement paging of 5 items at a time
All non-user entities have a self link that points to the most canonical representation of that entity instance
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
4.0 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
4.0 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
4.0 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
6.0 pts
Text discussion with no implementation or requirement met for at least one entity
5.0 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
5.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
All non-user entities support at least 3 properties in addition to any properties modeling relationships, or the id and self property
5.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Every non-user entity supports create operation
The endpoint must be protected for a protected entity.
8.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
8.0 pts
Every non-user entity supports read operation
The endpoint must be protected for a protected entity.
8.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
8.0 pts
Every non-user entity supports update operations
The endpoint must be protected for a protected entity.
8.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
8.0 pts
Every non-user entity supports delete operation
The endpoint must be protected for a protected entity.
6.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
6.0 pts
Endpoints are provided to create and remove relationship between non-user entities
10.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
10.0 pts
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6/1/2020 Portfolio Assignment: Final Project
200, 201 and 204 status codes are supported
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
401, 403 and 405 status codes are supported
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Requests that do not accept JSON are rejected with status code 406
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Users can create new accounts
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Users can login, and is shown a JWT and their user id
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
An endpoint is provided to show the collection of all users
5.0 pts Full Marks
2.5 pts
Text discussion with no implementation
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Total Points: 90.0
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