程序代写代做代考 assembly Java graph algorithm go mips Lab 5: Functions and Graphics

Lab 5: Functions and Graphics
Due Friday 5 June 2020, 11:59 PM
Minimum Submission Requirements
● Ensure that your Lab5 folder contains the following files (note the capitalization convention):
○ Lab5.asm
○ README.txt
○ It is ok if you also have lab5_s20_test.asm, but we will not require or
check it.
● Commit and push your repository
● Complete the ​Google Form​ with the correct commit ID of your final submission Lab Objective
In this lab, you will implement functions that perform some primitive graphics
operations on a small simulated display. These functions will clear the entire
display to a color, display a filled colored circle and display an unfilled colored
circle using a memory-mapped bitmap graphics display in MARS. To do this you will
1. Arrays
2. Memory-mapped Input/Output (IO)
3. Subroutines (a.k.a. Functions or Procedures)
4. Macros
5. The MIPS Stack (for arguments and subroutine call state)
Lab Preparation
1. Read some background on ​Raster graphics
2. Introduction To MIPS Assembly Language Programming
chapters 5, 6; sections 8.1, 8.2
3. Macros
4. Procedures
watch videos 2.7 – 2.12
5. Functions
watch video tutorials 15 – 18
6. Read up on ​Draw a circle without floating point arithmetic​ (don’t worry — we give you the pseudocode!)
7. Read up on ​Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm​ (don’t worry — we give you the pseudocode!)
Lab 5
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You will need to implement a set of specific subroutines indicated in these lab instructions. You are required to start with the skeleton code provided (​lab5_s20_template.asm​) and ​may not change the function names or arguments
at all.​ ​Please rename the file to Lab5.asm and start with it. To receive any credit
for your subroutines, ​Lab5.asm must assemble​ ​both​ ​on its own​ ​and with the test file. On its own, the template file shouldn’t print or draw anything — it is just a set of subroutines.
A test file (​lab5_s20_test.asm​) tests each one of your subroutines and includes (at the very end) your subroutines from Lab5.asm (based on the above template file). You should modify the test to include Lab5.asm instead of lab5_s20_template.asm. Don’t put the functions in this the test, they go in Lab5.asm. ​We will not use your
test file!​ In order for your subroutines to function properly, ​you must use​ the instructions ​JAL and JR​ to enter and exit subroutines. ​You must save and restore registers as required in MIPS​. Our test file will look very much like this one, so you should ensure that your functions work with it!
The functionality of your program will support the following:
1. All pixels should be in the range x in [0,128) and y in [0,128) (the parenthesis means not including 128).
2. Pixels start from (0,0) in the upper left to (127,127) in the lower right.
3. Pixel values are referenced in a single word using the upper and lower half of
the word. So, for example, 0x00XX00YY) where XX and YY can be 0x00 to 0x7F.
4. All colors should be RGB using a single 32-bit word where the top byte is
zero. So, for example, 0x00RRGGBB where RR, GG, and BB can be 0x00 to 0xFF.
5. Clear the entire bitmap display to a color c.
6. Draw a circle with center at (xc, yc) and radius r filled of a given color c.
7. Draw a circumference with center at (xc, yc) and radius r of a given color c.
Macro Descriptions
You are required to use these macro definitions without modification. These macros
should be in the Lab5.asm file. You may use additional macros if you like but be sure
to include them in Lab5.asm.
getCoordinates(%input %x %y): ​Macro that takes as input coordinates in the format (0x00XX00YY) and returns 0x000000XX in %x and returns 0x000000YY in %y. Do not use any registers other than the input registers to write this macro.
formatCoordinates(%output %x %y): ​Macro that takes Coordinates in (%x,%y) where %x = 0x000000XX and %y= 0x000000YY and returns %output = (0x00XX00YY). Do not use any registers other than the input registers to write this macro.
push(%reg): ​Macro that stores the value in %reg on the stack and moves the stack pointer. The only register that is altered in this macro is $sp.
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pop(%reg): ​Macro takes the value on the top of the stack and loads it into %reg then moves the stack pointer. The only registers altered are %reg and $sp.
Subroutine Descriptions
These subroutines should be in the Lab5.asm file.​ ​You may use additional functions if you like, but they should be included in Lab5.asm as well.
It is important that these subroutines do ​NOT ​display any text to the screen using syscalls. If so, this will interfere with the grading script and result in point deductions. ​You may print strings and characters in the lab5_s20_test.asm file, but not in Lab5.asm!
We recommend that you try to implement these functions in roughly the given order.
This order “builds up” so you get an understanding of memory-mapped IO, the bitmap
display, and how functions work.
clear_bitmap:​ Given a color, this function will fill the bitmap display with that color. ​It is not required that this call any other functions, but you may want to use draw_pixel.
$a0 = Color
No register outputs
Colors the Bitmap display (all RGB pixels from 0xFFFF0000 to 0xFFFFFFFC) all
the same color. (Question for yourself, why 0xFFFFFFFC and not 0xFFFFFFFF?)
draw_pixel: ​Given a coordinate in $a0, this function will color a pixel in the image according to the RGB value given by register $a1. This works by storing the RGB value in the appropriate location of the row-major bitmap array starting at address 0xFFFF0000.
You should do some error checking to ensure the pixel is within range. If the XX or YY values “overflow” and are more than 8-bits, you could have segmentation fault errors when storing to the memory-map. We will not be grading this error checking, but ​it will save you time debugging​!
$a0 = coordinates of pixel in format (0x00XX00YY) $a1 = color of bitmap in format (0x00RRGGBB) Outputs:
No register outputs
Draws a pixel in the Bitmap Display
get_pixel: ​Given a coordinate, returns the color of that pixel. This is used for some “spot checks” in our test code.
$a0 = coordinates of pixel in format (0x00XX00YY)
$v0 = color of the pixel at that coordinate in format (0x00RRGGBB)
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draw_solid_circle:​ Given the coordinates of the center (xc, yc) and the radius r draws a filled circle of a desired color. The algorithm (given bellow) test each point of the circumscribed square and plot it if the point lies ​inside​ the circle (x – xc)^2 + (y – yc)^2 = r^2. ​This function should use draw_pixel.
$a0 = coordinates of the circle center in format (0x00XX00YY)
$a1 = radius of the circle
$a2 = color in format (0x00RRGGBB)
No register Outputs
Draws a filled circle in the Bitmap Display.
draw_solid_circle(int xc, int yc, int r)
xmin = xc-r
xmax = xc+r
ymin = yc-r
ymax = yc+r
for (i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++) for (j = ymin; j <= ymax; j++) a = (i – xc)*(i – xc) + (j – yc)*(j – yc) if (a < r*r ) draw_pixel(x,y) A couple notes: 1. You should accurately follow this algorithm and not “improve” it at all. If you do, you may introduce pixel errors that can cause point deductions. 2. You can assume that the center coordinates and radius are “correct” (in bounds) and do not have to do error checking. 3. Pay attention to the inequalities (for example, <= is not the same as <). 4. This computation should not use floating point numbers. It is all two’s complement (signed) integers. Lab 5 © 2020, Computer Engineering Department, University of California - Santa Cruz Page 4 of 15 Spring 2020 draw_solid_circle:​ Given the coordinates of the center (xc, yc) and the radius r, uses draw_circle_pixels and Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm (given below), to draw the circumference with the specified color line. ​This function should use draw_circle_pixels. Inputs: $a0 = coordinates of circle center in format (0x00XX00YY) $a1 = radius of the circle $a2 = color of line format (0x00RRGGBB) Outputs: No register Outputs Side-effects: Draws a circumference in the Bitmap Display. draw_circle(xc, yc, r) x=0 y=r d=3-2*r draw_circle_pixels(xc, yc, x, y) while (y >= x)
if (d > 0)
d = d + 4 * (x – y) + 10
d=d+4*x+6 draw_circle_pixels(xc, yc, x, y)
A couple notes:
1. You should accurately follow this algorithm and not “improve” it at all.
If you do, you may introduce pixel errors that can cause point
2. You can assume that the center coordinates and radius are “correct” (in
bounds) and do not have to do error checking.
3. Pay attention to the inequalities (for example, >= is not the same as
4. This computation should not use floating point numbers. It is all two’s
complement (signed) integers.
5. Remember that multiplication by a power of 2 can be done with a shift
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draw_circle_pixels:​ Given the coordinates of the center (xc, yc) and the (x, y) values from the Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm, plots the circumference points. This function should use draw_pixel.
$a0 = coordinates of circle center in format (0x00XX00YY)
$a1 = color in format (0x00RRGGBB)
$a2 = current x value from the Bresenham’s circle algorithm
$a3 = current y value from the Bresenham’s circle algorithm
No register Outputs
Draws the points of the circumference using the circle’s symmetry.
draw_circle_pixels(xc, yc, x, y)
draw_pixel(xc+x, yc+y)
draw_pixel(xc-x, yc+y)
draw_pixel(xc+x, yc-y)
draw_pixel(xc-x, yc-y)
draw_pixel(xc+y, yc+x)
draw_pixel(xc-y, yc+x)
draw_pixel(xc+y, yc-x)
draw_pixel(xc-y, yc-x)
A couple notes:
1. You should accurately follow this algorithm and not “improve” it at all.
If you do, you may introduce pixel errors that can cause point
2. You can assume that the center coordinates are “correct” (in bounds) and
do not have to do error checking.
3. This computation should not use floating point numbers. It is all two’s
complement (signed) integers.
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Test Output
The test output for this lab is visual and requires you to use the MARS Bitmap
Display tool (in Mars select Bitmap Display from the Tools menu). You should modify
the settings of the bitmap display to be 128 x 128 pixels and to have a base address
of the memory map (0xffff_0000) as shown here:
Press “Connect to MIPS” to use this in your program.
The bitmap display is a grid of 128 x 128 pixels that displays a color based off the
value written to the address corresponding to that pixel. In the example above, you
can see how the coordinates of the pixel relate to the array in memory for a 4 x 4
pixel bitmap. For example if you wanted to color the pixel at row 2, column 3 (2,3)
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you would take the base address of the of the first pixel and offset that by +11 which is (2 * row_size) + 3 to locate the correct pixel to color.
We will be grading your solution by dumping the memory-mapped IO segment as hexadecimal ASCII and comparing with the correct results.​ ​You will miss all the
points if you do not use the above size and base address
configuration! In addition, your Lab5.asm should not display any text
using syscalls as this will interfere with the grading output.​ ​If you
want, you can also display the memory-mapped segment using a command line argument
like this:
java -jar Mars4_5.jar nc 0xffff0000-0xfffffffc lab5_s20_test.asm
Sample Input/Outputs
You are expected to read through and understand how the provided lab5_s20_test.asm
file works. The test file will print to the console the state of the S registers
before and after calling a subroutine, provide inputs, and test certain pixels to
make sure that it’s drawn in the correct place. This is what the output of your
completed lab should look like:
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The entire bitmap display tool will look like this:
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And the details of bitmap should display the following exactly:
Please note the following:
● The pixels draw “on top of” each other so the order of the drawn shapes matters. For example, the red circles are drawn before the gray circles, so they are “under” them.
This output of the tests are available in this file ​lab5_s20_test.hex​ if you wish to compare. You can compare files online using a “diff” utility like ​Diffchecker​ or ​the bash “diff” command​.
For full credit, ​your output should match ours exactly​. Pseudocode
You should write pseudocode that outlines each function. Your pseudocode will appear at the start of each function​ in Lab5.asm. Guidelines on developing pseudocode can be found here: ​https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-write-a-pseudo-code/
You may modify your pseudocode as you develop your program. ​Your pseudocode must also be present in your final submission​.
Note that part of our grading script is automated, so ​it is imperative that your program’s output matches the specification exactly​. Output
that deviates from the spec will cause point deduction.
You should not use a label called “main” anywhere in Lab5.asm.​ If you do, it will fail to work with our test cases and your assignment will not be graded.
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You do not need to include lab5_s20_test.asm in your repo, but you may if you like.
We will be using our own version.
This file contains your pseudocode and assembly code for all of the functions and macros. It should use the template with the prototype definitions of the functions given. It should assemble on its own and with the test file that we gave you. Do not modify these! Follow the code documentation guidelines ​here​. By itself, this file should not actually do anything but define the functions.
This file must be a plain text (.txt) file. It should contain your first and last name (as it appears on Canvas) and your CruzID. Instructions for the README can be found ​here​.
Google Form
You are required to answer questions about the lab in this ​Google Form​. Answers, excluding the ones asking about resources used and collaboration should total at the very least 150 words.
You may use syscalls in the lab5_s20_test.asm file, but you should not use any
syscalls in Lab5.asm. We inserted an exit syscall in the template to prevent it from
running on its own and you can leave that there, but do not add any more.
It is important that you ​do not hard-code t​ he values for any of the
addresses​ in your program — except for the memory-mapped IO segment at 0xFFFF0000. We will be testing the functions with different values than those provided in lab5_s20_test.asm, so do not hard code the output!
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Other Requirements
Turn Off Delayed Branching
From the settings menu, ​make sure Delayed branching is ​unchecked
Checking this option will insert a “delay slot” which makes the next instruction
after a branch execute, no matter the outcome of the branch. To avoid having your
program behave in unpredictable ways, make sure Delayed branching is turned off. In
addition, add a NOP instruction after each branch instruction. The NOP instruction
guarantees that your program will function properly even if you forgot to turn off
delayed branching. For example:
MIPS Memory Configuration
To find the program arguments more easily in memory, you may choose to develop your
program using a compact memory configuration (Settings -> Memory Configuration).
However, your program ​MUST​ function properly using the ​Default​ memory configuration. You should not run into issues as long as you ​do not hard-code any memory addresses ​in your program. Make sure to test your program thoroughly using the ​Default​ memory configuration.
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LI $t12
ADDI $t0 $t0 1
BLT $t0 $t1 LOOP
NOP # nop added after the branch instruction ADD $t3 $t5 $t6

A Note About Academic Integrity
Please review the ​syllabus​ and look at the examples in the first lecture for acceptable and unacceptable collaboration. ​You should be doing this assignment completely by yourself!
Grading Rubric (100 points total)
12 pt assembles without errors
80 pt output matches the specification
15 pt draw_pixel and get_pixel
25 pt draw a filled circle of the specified radius, center coordinates and color
25 pt draw a circumference with the specified radius, center coordinates and color
15 pt caller save registers saved/restored
​Note:​ credit for this section ​only​ if program assembles without errors
8 pt documentation
4 pt README file complete
4 pt Google form complete with at least 150 words
-50 pt if program only runs in a specific memory configuration or memory addresses
are hard coded
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-25 pt incorrect naming convention
-100 pt no Google form submitted or incorrect commit ID
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