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// # of rows and columns in each big char
#define CHRSIZE 9
// number of rows in all matrices
#define NROWS 9
// number of columns in display matrix
#define NDCOLS 80
// max length of input string
#define MAXCHARS 100
// number of columns in bigString matrix
// max length of buffer to hold big version
// the +1 allows for one blank column between letters

#define CLEAR “\033[H\033[2J”

char theString[MAXCHARS+1]; // the input string (from command line)
char display[NROWS][NDCOLS]; // where text place before output
char bigString[NROWS][NSCOLS]; // big char version of input string

#include “chars.h”

void setUpDisplay(int starting, int slength);
void showDisplay();
void delay(int n);
int isUpper(char ch);
int isLower(char ch);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, j; // indexes
int row, col; // indexes
int theLength; // length of input string
int bigLength; // length of the bigString
int iterations;
int starting_col;

if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: ./scroll String\n"); return 1; } // copy the input string theLength = 0; for (char *s = argv[1]; *s != '\0'; s++) { char ch = *s; if (!isUpper(ch) && !isLower(ch) && ch != ' ') { printf("Only letters and spaces are allowed in the string!\n"); exit(1); } if (theLength >= MAXCHARS) break;
theString[theLength] = ch;
theString[theLength] = ‘\0’;
bigLength = theLength * (CHRSIZE+1);

// check the command-line arg (the string)
if (theLength >= MAXCHARS) {
printf(“String must be < %d chars\n", MAXCHARS); return 1; } if (theLength < 1) { printf("Please enter a string with at least one character!\n"); exit(1); } // initialise the display to all spaces for (i = 0; i < NROWS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NDCOLS; j++) display[i][j] = ' '; } // create the bigchars array for (i = 0; i < theLength; i++) { char ch = theString[i]; if (ch == ' ') { for (row = 0; row < CHRSIZE; row++) { for (col = 0; col < CHRSIZE; col++) bigString[row][col + i * (CHRSIZE+1)] = ' '; } } else { int which; // calculate index of the char in all_chars if (isUpper(ch)) which = ch - 'A'; if (isLower(ch)) which = ch - 'a' + 26; for (row = 0; row < CHRSIZE; row++) { for (col = 0; col < CHRSIZE; col++) { // copy char to the buffer bigString[row][col + i * (CHRSIZE+1)] = all_chars[which][row][col]; } } } col = (i * (CHRSIZE+1)) + CHRSIZE; for (row = 0; row < CHRSIZE; row++) bigString[row][col] = ' '; } // enough to scroll it completely off the left iterations = NDCOLS+bigLength; // starting_col says how far across the display to start the text starting_col = NDCOLS-1; for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { setUpDisplay(starting_col, bigLength); showDisplay(); // note that starting_col can go negative // in which case we show the string starting from part-way through starting_col--; delay(1); } return 0; } void setUpDisplay(int starting, int length) { int row; // current row in display and bigString int out_col; // index of current column in display int in_col; // index of current column in bigString int first_col; // which column to start from in bigString if (starting < 0) { // start part-way through bigString // it's scrolling off the left of the display out_col = 0; first_col = -starting; } else { // blank out the part of the display before the string for (out_col = 0; out_col < starting; out_col++) { for (row = 0; row < NROWS; row++) display[row][out_col] = ' '; } first_col = 0; } // copy the relevant bits of the bigString into the display for (in_col = first_col; in_col < length; in_col++) { if (out_col >= NDCOLS) break;
for (row = 0; row < NROWS; row++) { display[row][out_col] = bigString[row][in_col]; } out_col++; } } // dump the contents of display[][] to stdout void showDisplay() { printf(CLEAR); for (int i = 0; i < NROWS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NDCOLS; j++) putchar(display[i][j]); putchar('\n'); } } // waste some time void delay(int n) { int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 20000; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) x = x + 1; } } // check for an upper-case alphabetic int isUpper(char ch) { if (ch >= ‘A’ && ch <= 'Z') return 1; else return 0; } // check for a lower-case alphabetic int isLower(char ch) { if (ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= 'z') return 1; else return 0; } # Scroll letters from a message in argv[1] # # Base code by Jashank Jeremy # Tweaked by John Shepherd # $Revision: 1.5 $ # # Edit me with 8-column tabs! # Requires: # - `all_chars', defined in chars.s # Provides: .globl main # :: int, [char *], [char *] -> int
.globl setUpDisplay # :: int, int -> void
.globl showDisplay # :: void -> void
.globl delay # :: int -> vovid
.globl isUpper # :: char -> int
.globl isLower # :: char -> int

.globl CHRSIZE
.globl NROWS
.globl NDCOLS
.globl NSCOLS
.globl CLEAR


# /!\ NOTE /!\
# In C, the values of the symbols `CHRSIZE’, `NROWS’, `NDCOLS’,
# `NSCOLS’, `MAXCHARS’, and `CLEAR’ would be substituted during
# preprocessing. SPIM does not have preprocessing facilities,
# so instead we provide these values in the `.data’ segment.

# # of rows and columns in each big char
CHRSIZE: .word 9
# number of rows in all matrices
NROWS: .word 9
# number of columns in display matrix
NDCOLS: .word 80
# max length of input string
MAXCHARS: .word 100
# number of columns in bigString matrix
# max length of buffer to hold big version
# the +1 allows for one blank column between letters
NSCOLS: .word 9000 # (NROWS * MAXCHARS * (CHRSIZE + 1))
# ANSI escape sequence for ‘clear-screen’
CLEAR: .asciiz “\033[H\033[2J”
# CLEAR: .asciiz “__showpage__\n” # for debugging

main__0: .asciiz “Usage: ./scroll String\n”
main__1: .asciiz “Only letters and spaces are allowed in the string!\n”
main__2: .asciiz “String mush be < " main__3: .asciiz " chars\n" main__4: .asciiz "Please enter a string with at least one character!\n" .align 4 theString: .space 101 # MAXCHARS + 1 .align 4 display: .space 720 # NROWS * NDCOLS .align 4 bigString: .space 81000 # NROWS * NSCOLS ######################################################################## # .TEXT


# Frame: $fp, $ra, …
# Uses: $a0, $a1, $t0, $t1, $t2, $s0, $s1
# Clobbers: …

# Locals:
# – `theLength’ in $s0
# – `bigLength’ in $s1
# – `ch’ in $s2
# – `str’ in $t2
# – `i’ in $…
# – `j’ in $…
# – `row’ in $…
# – `col’ in $…
# – `iterations’ in $…
# – `startingCol’ in $…

# Structure:
# main
# -> [prologue]
# -> main_argc_gt_two
# -> main_PTRs_init
# -> main_PTRs_cond
# -> main_ch_notspace
# -> main_ch_isLower
# -> main_ch_isSpace
# -> main_PTRs_step
# -> main_PTRs_f
# [theLength cond]
# | main_theLength_ge_MAXCHARS
# | main_theLength_lt_MAXCHARS
# | main_theLength_lt_1
# | main_theLength_ge_1
# …
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
# set up stack frame
sw $fp, -4($sp)
la $fp, -4($sp)
sw $ra, -4($fp) # note: switch to $fp-relative
sw $s0, -8($fp)
sw $s1, -12($fp)
sw $s2, -16($fp)
addi $sp, $sp, -20

# if (argc < 2) li $t0, 2 bge $a0, $t0, main_argc_gt_two nop # in delay slot # printf(...) la $a0, main__0 li $v0, 4 # PRINT_STRING_SYSCALL syscall # return 1 => load $v0, jump to epilogue
li $v0, 1
j main__post
nop # in delay slot

move $s0, $zero
# s = argv[1]
lw $t2, 4($a1)
# optimisation: `ch = *s’ now
# (ch = )*s
lb $s2, ($t2)
# *s != ‘\0’ => ch != 0
beqz $s2, main_PTRs_f
nop # in delay slot

# if (!isUpper(ch))
move $a0, $s2
jal isUpper
nop # in delay slot
beqz $v0, main_ch_lower
nop # in delay slot
j main_ch_ok
nop # in delay slot
# if (!isLower(ch))
move $a0, $s2
jal isLower
nop # in delay slot
beqz $v0, main_ch_space
nop # in delay slot
j main_ch_ok
nop # in delay slot
# if (ch != ‘ ‘)
li $t0, ‘ ‘
bne $s2, $t0, main_ch_fail
nop # in delay slot
j main_ch_ok
nop # in delay slot

# printf(…)
la $a0, main__1
# exit(1) => return 1 => load $v0, jump to epilogue
li $v0, 1
j main__post
nop # in delay slot

# if (theLength >= MAXCHARS)
la $t0, MAXCHARS
lw $t0, ($t0)
# break => jump out of for(*s…)
bge $s0, $t0, main_PTRs_f

# theString[theLength]
la $t0, theString
addu $t0, $t0, $s0 # ADDU because address
# theString[theLength] = ch
sb $s2, ($t0)

# theLength++
addi $s0, $s0, 1

# s++ => s = s + 1
addiu $t2, $t2, 1 # ADDIU because address
j main_PTRs_cond

# theString[theLength] = …
la $t0, theString
addu $t0, $t0, $s0 # ADDU because address
# theString[theLength] = ‘\0’
sb $zero, ($t0)

la $t0, CHRSIZE
lw $t0, ($t0)
addi $t0, $t0, 1
# bigLength = theLength * (CHRSIZE + 1)
mul $s1, $t0, $s0

# if (theLength >= MAXCHARS)
la $t0, MAXCHARS
lw $t0, ($t0)
blt $s0, $t0, main_theLength_lt_MAXCHARS
nop # in delay slot
# printf(…, …, …)
la $a0, main__2
move $a0, $t0
la $a0, main__3
# return 1 => load $v0, jump to epilogue
li $v0, 1
j main__post
nop # in delay slot

# if (theLength < 1) li $t0, 1 bge $s0, $t0, main_theLength_ge_1 nop # in delay slot main_theLength_lt_1: # printf(...) la $a0, main__4 li $v0, 4 # PRINT_STRING_SYSCALL syscall # exit(1) => return 1 => load $v0, jump to epilogue
li $v0, 1
j main__post
nop # in delay slot

# … TODO …

# return 0
move $v0, $zero
# tear down stack frame
lw $s2, -16($fp)
lw $s1, -12($fp)
lw $s0, -8($fp)
lw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, 4($fp)
lw $fp, ($fp)
jr $ra
nop # in delay slot


# Frame: $fp, $ra, …
# Uses: $a0, $a1, …
# Clobbers: …

# Locals:
# – `row’ in $…
# – `out_col’ in $…
# – `in_col’ in $…
# – `first_col’ in $…
# – …

# Structure:
# setUpDisplay
# -> [prologue]
# -> …
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
# set up stack frame
sw $fp, -4($sp)
la $fp, -4($sp)
sw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, -8($fp)

# … TODO …

# tear down stack frame
lw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, 4($fp)
lw $fp, ($fp)
jr $ra
nop # in delay slot


# Frame: $fp, $ra, …
# Uses: …
# Clobbers: …

# Locals:
# – `i’ in $…
# – `j’ in $…
# – …

# Structure:
# showDisplay
# -> [prologue]
# -> …
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
# set up stack frame
sw $fp, -4($sp)
la $fp, -4($sp)
sw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, -8($fp)

# … TODO …

# tear down stack frame
lw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, 4($fp)
lw $fp, ($fp)
jr $ra
nop # in delay slot


# Frame: $fp, $ra
# Uses: $a0, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $t4, $t5
# Clobbers: $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $t4, $t5

# Locals:
# – `n’ in $a0
# – `x’ in $t0
# – `i’ in $t1
# – `j’ in $t2
# – `k’ in $t3

# Structure:
# delay
# -> [prologue]
# -> delay_i_init
# -> delay_i_cond
# -> delay_j_init
# -> delay_j_cond
# -> delay_k_init
# -> delay_k_cond
# -> delay_k_step
# -> delay_k_f
# -> delay_j_step
# -> delay_j_f
# -> delay_i_step
# -> delay_i_f
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
sw $fp, -4($sp)
la $fp, -4($sp)
sw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, -8($fp)

# x <- 0 move $t0, $zero # These values control the busy-wait. li $t4, 20000 li $t5, 1000 delay_i_init: # i = 0; move $t1, $zero delay_i_cond: # i < n; bge $t1, $a0, delay_i_f nop # in delay slot delay_j_init: # j = 0; move $t2, $zero delay_j_cond: # j < DELAY_J; bge $t2, $t4, delay_j_f nop # in delay slot delay_k_init: # k = 0; move $t3, $zero delay_k_cond: # k < DELAY_K; bge $t3, $t5, delay_k_f nop # in delay slot # x = x + 1 addi $t0, $t0, 1 delay_k_step: # k = k + 1 addi $t3, $t3, 1 j delay_k_cond nop # in delay slot delay_k_f: delay_j_step: # j = j + 1 addi $t2, $t2, 1 j delay_j_cond nop # in delay slot delay_j_f: delay_i_step: # i = i + 1 addi $t1, $t1, 1 j delay_i_cond nop # in delay slot delay_i_f: delay__post: # tear down stack frame lw $ra, -4($fp) la $sp, 4($fp) lw $fp, ($fp) jr $ra nop # in delay slot ######################################################################## # .TEXT

# Frame: $fp, $ra, …
# Uses: $a0, …
# Clobbers: $v0, …

# Locals:
# – …

# Structure:
# isUpper
# -> [prologue]
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
# set up stack frame
# … TODO …
# tear down stack frame
jr $ra
nop # in delay slot


# Frame: $fp, $ra
# Uses: $a0
# Clobbers: $v0

# Locals:
# – `ch’ in $a0
# – … $v0 used as temporary register

# Structure:
# isLower
# -> [prologue]
# [ch cond]
# | isLower_ch_ge_a
# | isLower_ch_le_z
# | isLower_ch_lt_a
# | isLower_ch_gt_z
# -> isLower_ch_phi
# -> [epilogue]

# Code:
# set up stack frame
sw $fp, -4($sp)
la $fp, -4($sp)
sw $ra, -4($fp)
la $sp, -8($fp)

# if (ch >= ‘a’)
li $v0, ‘a’
blt $a0, $v0, isLower_ch_lt_a
nop # in delay slot
# if (ch <= 'z') li $v0, 'z' bgt $a0, $v0, isLower_ch_gt_z nop # in delay slot isLower_ch_le_z: addi $v0, $zero, 1 j isLower_ch_phi nop # in delay slot # ... else isLower_ch_lt_a: isLower_ch_gt_z: move $v0, $zero # fallthrough isLower_ch_phi: isLower__post: # tear down stack frame lw $ra, -4($fp) la $sp, 4($fp) lw $fp, ($fp) jr $ra nop # in delay slot