程序代写代做代考 assembler x86 arm mips C compiler assembly cache CMPEN


Addressing Modes
• Addressing modes are the ways of specifying an operand or a memory address.
• It is how an address (memory or register) is determined.
• Instruction type is how the instruction is put together.
• Example: addi, beq, and lw are all I-types instructions.
• addiusesimmediateaddressingmode • bequsespc-relativeaddressing
• lwusesbaseaddressing
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 2

Addressing Modes
• IMMEDIATE: a numeric value embedded in the instruction is the actual operand.
• REGISTER: a source or destination operand is specified as content of one of the registers $0-$31. This is used in the jr (jump register) instruction
• PC-RELATIVE: a data or instruction memory location is specified as an offset relative to the incremented PC. This is used in the beq and bne (branch equal, branch not equal) instructions.
• BASE: a data or instruction memory location is specified as assigned offset from a register. This is used in the lw and sw (load word, store word) instructions.
• PSEUDO-DIRECT: the memory address is(mostly) embedded in the instruction. This is used in the j (jump) instruction.
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 3

Addressing Modes
• Register addressing Operand is in register
add $s1, $s2, $s3 means $s1 ← $s2 + $s3
• Base addressing Operand is in memory.
The address is the sum of a register and a constant. lw $s1, 32($s3) means $s1 ← M[s3 + 32]
• Immediate addressing The operand is a constant.
addi $s1, $zero, 7 means $s1 ← 0 + 7
• PC-relative addressing
The operand address = PC + an offset Implements position-independent codes.
• Pseudo-direct addressing
Used in the J format. The target address is the concatenation of the 4 MSB’s of the PC with the 28-bit offset. This is a minor variation of the PC-relative addressing format.
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 4

Addressing Mode Summary
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 5

Lecture 10

• Illustrates use of assembly instructions for a C bubble sort function
• Swap procedure (leaf)
void swap(int v[], int k)
int temp;
temp = v[k];
v[k] = v[k+1];
v[k+1] = temp;
• vin$a0,kin$a1,tempin$t0
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 7
§2.13 A C Sort Example to Put It All Together

The Procedure Swap
swap:sll$t1,$a1,2 #$t1=k*4
add $t1, $a0, $t1 # (address of v[k]) lw $t0, 0($t1) # $t0 (temp) = v[k]
lw $t2, 4($t1) # $t2 = v[k+1]
sw $t2, 0($t1) # v[k] = $t2 (v[k+1])
sw $t0, 4($t1) # v[k+1] = $t0 (temp)
jr $ra # return to calling routine
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 8

Assembler Pseudoinstructions
• Most assembler instructions represent machine instructions one-to-one
• Pseudoinstructions:
move $t0, $t1 → add $t0, $zero, $t1
blt $t0, $t1, L → slt $at, $t0, $t1 bne $at, $zero, L
• $at(register1):assemblertemporary
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 9

Arrays vs. Pointers
• Array indexing involves
• Multiplyingindexbyelementsize • Addingtoarraybaseaddress
• Pointers correspond directly to memory addresses • Canavoidindexingcomplexity
Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 10

Example: Clearing and Array
clear1(int array[], int size) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1) array[i] = 0; } clear2(int *array, int size) { int *p; for (p = &array[0]; p < &array[size]; p = p + 1) *p = 0; } loop1: move $t0,$zero # i = 0 sll $t1,$t0,2 # $t1 = i * 4 add $t2,$a0,$t1 # $t2 = # &array[i] sw $zero, 0($t2) # array[i] = 0 addi$t0,$t0,1 #i=i+1 slt $t3,$t0,$a1 # $t3 = # (i < size) bne $t3,$zero,loop1 # if (...) # goto loop1 loop2: move $t0,$a0 # p = & array[0] sll $t1,$a1,2 # $t1 = size * 4 add $t2,$a0,$t1 # $t2 = # &array[size] sw $zero,0($t0) # Memory[p] = 0 addi$t0,$t0,4 #p=p+4 slt $t3,$t0,$t2 # $t3 = #(p<&array[size]) bne $t3,$zero,loop2 # if (...) # goto loop2 Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 11 What is a pointer • In a generic sense, a “pointer” is anything that tells us where something can be found. • When declaring a variable, the compiler sets aside memory storage with a unique address to store that variable. • The compiler associates that address with the variable’s name. • We can manipulate the memory address by using pointers which means that we create a second variable for storing the memory address. Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 12 Pointers § Let store the nRate's memory address, in pTonRate variable. § So, pTonRate now holds the nRate's memory address, where the actual data (10) is stored. § Pointer variable declaration becomes something like this, int *pTonRate; § The asterisk (*) is used to show that is it the pointer variable instead of normal variable. Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 13 ,© Pointers § A variable name directly references a value. § A pointer indirectly references a value. Referencing a value through a pointer is called indirection. § A pointer variable must be declared before it can be used. § C uses two pointer operators, 1. Indirection operator (*) – asterisk symbol, has been explained previously. 2. Address-of-operator (&) – ampersand symbol, means return the address of... § When & operator is placed before the name of a variable, it will returns the memory address of the variable instead of stored value. Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 14 ,© Pointers int x = 1, y = 2, z[10]; int *ip; /* ip is a pointer to an int */ ip = &x; /* ip points to (contains the memory address of) x */ • & "address operator" which gives or produces the memory address of a data variable • * "dereferencing operator" which provides the contents in the memory location specified by a pointer • The * operator is a complement of & operator. Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 15 ,© int * pToInt; pToInt = &nLocation; nLocation = 100; Pointers Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 16 ,© Example: Clearing and Array clear1(int array[], int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1) array[i] = 0; } clear2(int *array, int size) { int *p; for (p = &array[0]; p < &array[size]; p = p + 1) *p = 0; } loop1: move $t0,$zero # i = 0 sll $t1,$t0,2 # $t1 = i * 4 add $t2,$a0,$t1 # $t2 = # &array[i] sw $zero, 0($t2) # array[i] = 0 addi$t0,$t0,1 #i=i+1 slt $t3,$t0,$a1 # $t3 = # (i < size) bne $t3,$zero,loop1 # if (...) # goto loop1 loop2: move $t0,$a0 # p = & array[0] sll $t1,$a1,2 # $t1 = size * 4 add $t2,$a0,$t1 # $t2 = # &array[size] sw $zero,0($t0) # Memory[p] = 0 addi$t0,$t0,4 #p=p+4 slt $t3,$t0,$t2 # $t3 = #(p<&array[size]) bne $t3,$zero,loop2 # if (...) # goto loop2 Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 17 Comparison of Array vs. Ptr • Array version requires shift to be inside loop • PartofindexcalculationforincrementedI • incrementingpointer • Compiler can achieve same effect as manual use of pointers • Inductionvariableelimination(eliminatingarray address calculations within loops) • Bettertomakeprogramclearerandsafer Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 18 Translation and Startup Many compilers produce object modules directly Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 19 Static linking §2.12 Translating and Starting a Program Producing an Object Module • Assembler(orcompiler)translatesprograminto machine instructions • Providesinformationforbuildingacomplete program from the pieces • Header: described contents of object module • Text segment: translated instructions • Static data segment: data allocated for the life of the program • Relocation info: for contents that depend on absolute location of loaded program • Symbol table: global definitions • Debug info: for associating with source code Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 20 Linking Object Modules • Produces an executable image 1. Merges segments 2. Resolve labels (determine their addresses) 3. Patch location-dependent and external refs Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 21 Loading a Program • Load from image file on disk into memory 1. Read header to determine segment sizes 2. Create virtual address space 3. Copy text and initialized data into memory • Or set page table entries so they can be faulted in 4. Set up arguments on stack 5. Initialize registers (including $sp, $fp, $gp) 6. Jump to startup routine • Copies arguments to $a0, ... and calls main • When main returns, do exit system call Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 22 Dynamic Linking • Only link/load library procedure when it is called • Requiresprocedurecodetoberelocatable • Avoidsimagebloatcausedbystaticlinkingofall (transitively) referenced libraries • Automaticallypicksupnewlibraryversions Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 23 Lazy Linkage Indirection table Stub: Loads routine ID, Jump to linker/loader Linker/loader code Dynamically mapped code Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 24 ARM & MIPS Similarities • ARM:themostpopularembeddedcore • SimilarbasicsetofinstructionstoMIPS ARM MIPS Date announced 1985 1985 Instruction size 32 bits 32 bits Address space 32-bit flat 32-bit flat Data alignment Aligned Aligned Data addressing modes 9 3 Registers 15 × 32-bit 32 × 32-bit Input/output Memory mapped Memory mapped Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 25 §2.16 Real Stuff: ARM Instructions Instruction Encoding Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 26 The Intel x86 ISA • Evolutionwithbackwardcompatibility • 8080 (1974): 8-bit microprocessor • Accumulator, plus 3 index-register pairs • 8086 (1978): 16-bit extension to 8080 • Complex instruction set (CISC) • 8087 (1980): floating-point coprocessor • Adds FP instructions and register stack • 80286 (1982): 24-bit addresses • Segmented memory mapping and protection • 80386 (1985): 32-bit extension (now IA-32) • Additional addressing modes and operations • Paged memory mapping as well as segments Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 27 §2.17 Real Stuff: x86 Instructions The Intel x86 ISA • Furtherevolution... • i486 (1989): pipelined, on-chip caches and FPU • Compatible competitors: AMD, Cyrix, ... • Pentium (1993): superscalar, 64-bit datapath • Later versions added MMX (Multi-Media eXtension) instructions • The infamous FDIV bug • Pentium Pro (1995), Pentium II (1997) • New microarchitecture (see Colwell, The Pentium Chronicles) • Pentium III (1999) • Added SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) and associated registers • Pentium 4 (2001) • New microarchitecture • Added SSE2 instructions Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 28 The Intel x86 ISA • And further... • AMD64 (2003): extended architecture to 64 bits • EM64T – Extended Memory 64 Technology (2004) • AMD64 adopted by Intel (with refinements) • Added SSE3 instructions • Intel Core (2006) • Added SSE4 instructions, virtual machine support • AMD64 (announced 2007): SSE5 instructions • Intel declined to follow, instead... • Advanced Vector Extension (announced 2008) • Longer SSE registers, more instructions • IfInteldidn’textendwithcompatibility,its competitors would! Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 29 Basic x86 Registers Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 30 x86 Instruction Encoding • Variable length encoding • Postfixbytesspecify addressing mode • Prefixbytesmodify operation • Operand length, repetition, locking, ... Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 31 x86 Typical Operation Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 32 Arithmetic for Computers Chapter 3 Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers 5/e, 2007. 33 Arithmetic for Computers • Operations on integers • Additionandsubtraction • Multiplicationanddivision • Dealingwithoverflow • Floating-point real numbers • Representationandoperations Chapter 3 — Arithmetic for Computers — 34 §3.1 Introduction Integer Addition • Example: 7 + 6 n Overflow if result out of range n Adding +ve and –ve operands, no overflow n Adding two +ve operands n Overflow if result sign is 1 n Adding two –ve operands n Overflow if result sign is 0 Chapter 3 — Arithmetic for Computers — 35 §3.2 Addition and Subtraction Integer Subtraction • Addnegationofsecondoperand • Example:7–6=7+(–6) +7: 0000 0000 ... 0000 0111 –6: 1111 1111 ... 1111 1010 +1: 0000 0000 ... 0000 0001 • Overflowifresultoutofrange • Subtracting two +ve or two –ve operands, no overflow • Subtracting +ve from –ve operand • Overflow if result sign is 0 • Subtracting –ve from +ve operand • Overflow if result sign is 1 Chapter 3 — Arithmetic for Computers — 36