程序代写代做代考 C graph Fundamentals of Computer Vision

Fundamentals of Computer Vision

Overview of today’s lecture
• Transformations in projective geometry.
• Classification of 2D transformations. Motivation: panoramas.
• Back to warping: image homographies.
• Computing with homographies.

Slide credits
Most of these slides were adapted from:
• Kris Kitani (15-463, Fall 2016), Ioannis Gkioulekas (16-385, Spring 2019), Robert Colin (454, Fall 2019s).
Some slides were inspired or taken from:
• Fredo Durand (MIT).
• James Hays (Georgia Tech).

How to interpret projective transformations here?
image point in pixel coordinates
image plane
image point in heterogeneous coordinates
X is a projection of a point P on the image plane

Determining unknown 2D transformations

Determining unknown transformations
Suppose we have two triangles: ABC and DEF.
• What type of transformation will map A to D, B to E, and C to F?

Determining unknown transformations
Suppose we have two triangles: ABC and DEF.
• What type of transformation will map A to D, B to E, and C to F?
• How do we determine the unknown parameters?
How many degrees of freedom do we have?
Affine transform: uniform scaling + shearing + rotation + translation

Determining unknown transformations
Suppose we have two triangles: ABC and DEF.
• What type of transformation will map A to D, B to E, and C to F?
• How do we determine the unknown parameters?
point correspondences
• One point correspondence gives how many equations?
• How many point correspondences do we need?

Determining unknown transformations
Suppose we have two triangles: ABC and DEF.
• What type of transformation will map A to D, B to E, and C to F?
• How do we determine the unknown parameters?
How do we solve this for M?
point correspondences

Review: Least squares line fitting
•Data: (x1, y1), …, (xn, yn) •Line equation: yi = m xi + b •Find (m, b) to minimize
y=mx+b (xi, yi)
E=ån (y-mx-b)2
yx1 éùéù
ê1ú ê1 ú Y= ê!ú X=ê! !ú
émù B = êë b úû
êyú êx1ú ënûënû
E= Y-XB2 =(Y-XB)T(Y-XB)=YTY-2(XB)TY+(XB)T(XB)
dE =2XT XB-2XTY =0 dB
Normal equations: least squares solution to XB=Y 𝐵 = (𝑋%𝑋)'(𝑋%𝑌
X T XB = X T Y

Least Squares Error
Euclidean (L2) norm
predicted location
measured location

Least Squares Error
Residual (projection error)

Find parameters that minimize squared error

General form of linear least squares
(Warning: change of notation. x is a vector of parameters!)
(matrix form)

Determining Unknown Transformations
Affine transformation:
Vectorize transformation parameters:
Stack equations from point correspondences:
Notation in system form:

Solving the linear system
Convert the system to a linear least-squares problem:
Expand the error:
Minimize the error: Set derivative to 0
Solve for x
In Matlab: x =A \ b

Linear least squares estimation only works when the transform function is linear! (duh) Also doesn’t deal well with outliers

Least squares
• Least squares fit to the red points:

Least squares: Robustness to noise?
• Least squares fit with an outlier:
Problem: squared error heavily penalizes outliers

Motivation for Image Alignment: Panoramas.

How do you create a panorama?
Panorama: an image of (near) 360o field of view.

How do you create a panorama?
Panorama: an image of (near) 360o field of view.
1. Useaverywide-anglelens.

How do you create a panorama?
Panorama: an image of (near) 360o field of view.
1. Useaverywide-anglelens.
• Pros: Everything is done optically, single capture.
• Cons: Lens is super expensive and bulky, lots of distortion (can be dealt-
with in post).
Any alternative to this?

How do you create a panorama?
Panorama: an image of (near) 360o field of view.
1. Useaverywide-anglelens.
• Pros: Everything is done optically, single capture.
• Cons: Lens is super expensive and bulky, lots of distortion (can be dealt-
with in post).
2. Capturemultipleimagesandcombinethem.

Panoramas from image stitching
1. Capturemultiple images from different viewpoints.
2. Stitchthemtogether into a virtual wide-angle image.

How do we stitch images from different viewpoints?
Will standard stitching work?
1. Translateoneimagerelativetoanother. 2. (Optionally)findanoptimalseam.

How do we stitch images from different viewpoints?
Will standard stitching work?
1. Translateoneimagerelativetoanother. 2. (Optionally)findanoptimalseam.
left on top
Translation-only stitching is not enough to mosaic these images.
right on top

How do we stitch images from different viewpoints?
What else can we try?

How do we stitch images from different viewpoints?
Use image homographies.

Back to Warping: Image Homographies

Classification of 2D transformations
Similarity Affine
Projective (homography)

Classification of 2D transformations
Which kind of transformation is needed to warp projective plane 1 into projective plane 2?
PP 1

Classification of 2D transformations
Which kind of transformation is needed to warp projective plane 1 into projective plane 2?
PP 1
• A projective transformation (a.k.a. a homography).

Warping with different transformations
translation affine Projective (homography)

Virtual camera rotations
synthetic rotations
original view

A weird drawing
Holbein, “The Ambassadors”

Holbein, “The Ambassadors”
A weird drawing
What’s this???

Holbein, “The Ambassadors”
A weird drawing
rectified view
skull under anamorphic perspective

Holbein, “The Ambassadors”
A weird drawing
use a polished spoon to see the skull

View Warping: Image rectification
original view synthetic top view
4 3 2 1
To unwarp (rectify) an image solve for homography H given pandp’: p’=Hp
Approach: unwarp, then measure

Image Rectification
Two original images
Rectified and stitched

When can we use Homographies?

1. …thesceneis planar;; or
We can use Homographies when…
2. …thesceneisveryfaror has small (relative) depth variation → scene is approximately planar

We can use Homographies when…
3. …thesceneiscapturedundercamerarotationonly(notranslationorpose change)

Panoramas (Mosaic) from image stitching

How to stitch together a panorama?
• Basic Procedure
• Take a sequence of images from the same position • Rotate the camera about its optical center
• Compute the homography (transformation) between second image and first
• Transform the second image to overlap with the first
• Blend the two together to create a mosaic
• (If there are more images, repeat)
Modified from Steve Seitz

Image Reprojection
mosaic PP
• The mosaic has a natural interpretation in 3D
• The images are reprojected onto a common plane
• The mosaic is formed on this plane
• Mosaic is a synthetic wide-angle camera
Source: Steve Seitz

• Basic question
Image reprojection

How to relate two images from the same camera center? • how to map a pixel from PP1 to PP2
• Cast a ray through each pixel in PP1
• Draw the pixel where that ray intersects PP2
Rather than thinking of this as a 3D reprojection, think of it as a 2D image warp from one image to another.
Source: Alyosha Efros

Image reprojection: Homography
A projective transform is a mapping between any two PPs with the same center of projection

• rectangle should map to arbitrary quadrilateral
• parallel lines aren’t
• but must preserve straight lines
called Homography
éwx’ù * * * éxù êúéùêú
êwy’ú = ê* * *úêyú w ê***ú1
p’ H p
Source: Alyosha Efros

Applying a Homography
1. Convert to homogeneous coordinates: 𝑝 = What is the size of the homography matrix?
𝑦𝑥 ⇒ 𝑃 = 𝑦𝑥 1
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
2. Multiply by the homography matrix:
𝑥1 51
𝑤1 51 𝑤
3. Convert back to heterogeneous coordinates:
𝑃1 = 𝑦1
⇒ 𝑝1 = 𝑦1 𝑤

Applying a Homography
Convert to homogeneous coordinates: 𝑝 = 𝑦𝑥 ⇒ What is the size of the homography matrix?
𝑃 = 𝑦𝑥 1
Answer: 3 x 3
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
Multiply by the homography matrix:
How many degrees of freedom does the homography matrix have?
Convert back to heterogeneous coordinates:
𝑥1 𝑥1 51
𝑃1 = 𝑦1 ⇒ 𝑝1 = 𝑦1 𝑤
𝑤1 51 𝑤

Applying a Homography
Convert to homogeneous coordinates: 𝑝 = 𝑦𝑥 ⇒ What is the size of the homography matrix?
𝑃 = 𝑦𝑥 1
Answer: 3 x 3
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
Multiply by the homography matrix:
How many degrees of freedom does the homography matrix have? Answer: 8
Convert back to heterogeneous coordinates:
𝑥1 𝑥1 51
𝑃1 = 𝑦1 ⇒ 𝑝1 = 𝑦1 𝑤
𝑤1 51 𝑤

Applying a Homography
What is the size of the homography matrix? Answer: 3 x 3
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
How many degrees of freedom does the homography matrix have? Answer: 8
How do we compute the homography matrix?

The Direct Linear Transform (DLT)

𝑝(1 𝑝61
Create point correspondences
Original image
Target image
To compute the homography given pairs of corresponding points in the images, we need to set up an equation where the parameters of H are the unknowns.
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
We then need to find the best estimate of H such that: How many correspondences do we need?

Determining the Homography Matrix
Write out linear equation for each correspondence:
𝑃1 = 𝐻 ⋅ 𝑃
or Expand matrix multiplication:
Divide out unknown scale factor:
How do you rearrange terms to make it a linear system?

Just rearrange the terms

Re-write in matrix form:
How many equations from one point correspondence?
Determining the Homography Matrix

Determining the Homography Matrix
Stack together constraints from multiple point correspondences:
Homogeneous linear least squares problem

Determining the Homography Matrix
Stack together constraints from multiple point correspondences:
Homogeneous linear least squares problem • How do we solve this?

Determining the Homography Matrix
Stack together constraints from multiple point correspondences:
Homogeneous linear least squares problem • Solve with SVD

Basic reading:
• Szeliski textbook, Sections 6.1.
Additional reading:
• Hartley and Zisserman, “Multiple View Geometry,” Cambridge University Press 2003.
as usual when it comes to geometry and vision, this book is the best reference;; Sections 2 and 4 in particular discuss everything about homography estimation