Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada
Functional Programming in Scheme
• Equivalency predicates • Lists
• List operations
• Tail Recursions
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Simple Predicate Functions
• The predicate symbol ? indicates a boolean function returning #t or #f.
• (symbol? x) true if x is a symbol
• (number? x) true if x is a number
• (eq? x y) true if x and y have internally the same representation (think of it as same pointer value)
• (equal? x y) true if x and y are identical objects (not necessarily atomic but same structure and content)
• (null? x) true if x is the empty lists () •(pair? x)true if x is a list or pair
• (procedure? x) true if x is a function •(list? x)true if x is a list
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Equality Test eq?
• eq? compares internal representations – addresses (pointer values)
– Cannot be used to reliably compare
• numbers
• characters
(define hello “bonjour”)
(eq? hello hello)
=> #t
(eq? “bonjour” “bonjour”)
=> #f
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Equality Test eqv?
• eqv? is similar to eq?
– But can be used for characters and numbers
• Characters and numbers are compared by their value – Can not be used to compare lists, strings or functions
(eqv? 1 1)
(eqv? 2 (+ 1 1))
(eqv? 1 1.0)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Equality Test equal?
• equal? compares the structure and contents – works for lists, strings and functions (equal? ‘(a 1 2) ‘(a 1 2))
=> #t
(equal? “bonjour” “bonjour”)
=> #t
(equal? (list 1 2) ‘(1 2))
=> #t
(equal? ‘a ‘a)
=> #t
(equal? 2 2)
=> #t
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Control Structures
• Control structures in Scheme are simple. There are no loops. There are only functions, conditional expressions, and the sequence (a concession to programmers used to imperative languages).
• Sequences start with begin
(begin (display ‘okay) (display ‘(great))) => okay(great)
• The value returned by (begin …) is the value of the last expression.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
List Representation
• Internally a list consists of two pointers
– The first of these pointers gives the address of the atom or
the corresponding list.
– The second pointer gives the address of the next cell.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
(a ((b c) d) e)
List Construction: (cons obj1 obj2)
• The first parameter of cons is an object which is the beginning of the list. The second parameter is an object which is the tail of the list.
– Essentially two pointers in so-called cons cells • Internally a new memory cell is created
– The first points to the first object passed as parameter – The second pointer points to the second object
(cons `a `(b c))
=> (a b c)
(cons `(a b) `(b c))
=> ((a b) b c)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
• Cons is the pair constructor
• The use of pointing in Scheme pairs is not recommended
(dotted pairs are not lists!)
(cons `a `b)
=> (a . b)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
• CAR stand for Content of the Address Register (car ‘(a b c))
=> a
(car ‘((a b) b c))
=> (a b)
• CDR stand for Content of the Decrement Register (cdr ‘(a b c))
=> (b c)
(cdr ‘((a b) b c))
=> (b c)
(cdr ‘(a (b c)))
=> ((b c))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Nesting List Expressions
(cdr (car (cdr ‘(a (b c d) e))))
=> (c d)
can be written as cdr car cdr = cd a dr = cdadr – works up to four combinations
(cdadr ‘(a (b c d) e))
=> (c d)
(cons (car ‘(a b c)) (cdr ‘(a b c)))
=> (a b c)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Recursive Concatenation of Two Lists
(define (append-list L1 L2)
(if (null? L1)
(cons (car L1) (append-list (cdr L1) L2))))
=> append-list
(append-list ‘(a b) ‘(c d))
=> (a b c d)
• Note: There is a pre-defined function append as well.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Recursive Inverting of a List
(define (invert-list L)
(if (null? L)
(append-list (invert-list (cdr L))
=> invert-list
(invert-list ‘(a b c d))
=> (d c b a)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
(list (car L)))))
Recursive List Membership
• Find the member in the list and return a list with this member as the car of a list.
(define (member-list a L)
(cond ((null? L) ‘())
((equal? a (car L)) L)
(#t (member-list a (cdr L)))))
(member-list ‘a ‘(a b c))
=> (a b c)
(member-list ‘b ‘(a b c))
=> (b c)
(member-list ‘d ‘(a b c))
=> ()
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Recursive Size (Length) of a List
(define (length-list L)
(if (null? L)
(+ 1 (length-list (cdr L)))))
=> length-list
(length-list ‘(a b c))
=> 3
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Another Recursive List Example
• Function that finds if an element in the list has a neighbour which is the same as itself
(define (same-neighbours? L)
((null? L) #f)
((null? (cdr L)) #f)
((equal? (car L)(cadr L)) #t)
(same-neighbours? (cdr L)))))
=> same-neighbours?
(same-neighbours? ‘(1 2 3 3 5))
=> #t
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Predicate Function for Number-only Lists
(define (number-list? x )
((not ( list? x )) #f)
((null? x ) #t)
((not (number? (car x))) #f)
(else (number-list? (cdr x )))))
=> number-list
(number-list? ‘(1 2 3 4))
=> #t
(number-list? ‘(1 2 3 bad 4))
=> #f
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Equivalence of Two Lists?
(define (eqExpr? x y)
((symbol? x) (eq? x y))
((number? x) (eqv? x y))
; x is a list:
((null? x) (null? y))
; x is a non-empty list
((null? y) #f)
((eqExpr? (car x) (car y))
(eqExpr? (cdr x) (cdr y))) ; recurse on car and cdr (else #f)))
(eqExpr? ‘(1 2 3 4) ‘(1 2 3 4))
=> #t
(eqExpr? ‘(1 2 3 4) ‘(1 2 ‘(3 4)))
=> #f
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Removing Duplicates from a List
(define (repeated-elements L)
(if (list? L)
(do-repeated-elements L)
(define (do-repeated-elements L)
((null? L) ‘())
((member (car L) (cdr L))
(do-repeated-elements (cdr L)))
(else (cons (car L)
(do-repeated-elements (cdr L))))
(repeated-elements ‘(1 2 3 2 2))
=> (1 3 2)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Stack – Basic Definition
(define (empty? stack)
(null? stack))
(define (top stack)
(if (empty? stack)
(define (push e stack)
(cons e stack))
(car stack)))
(empty? ‘())
(define (pop stack)
(if (empty? stack)
=> #t
(push 5′(234)) => (5 234) (top ‘(2 3 4)) => 2
(pop ‘(2 3 4)) => (3 4)
(cdr stack)))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Minimal Element in a List
(define (min-list x)
(if (null? x)
(min-list-aux (car x)(cdr x))))
(define (min-list-aux e l)
((null? l) e)
((> e (car l))
(min-list-aux (car l)(cdr l)))
(else (min-list-aux e (cdr l)))))
(min-list ‘(4 8 9 2 8))
=> 2
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
List Minimum Using Local Variables
(define (min-list-aux e l)
(if (null? l) e
; else
(let ((v1 (car l))
(v2 (cdr l)))
(> e v1)
(min-list-aux v1 v2)
(min-list-aux e v2)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Other Example of Using Local Scope
• Function quadruple using double with local scope
(define (quadruple x)
(let ((double (lambda (x) (+ x x))))
(double (double x))
(quadruple 8)
=> 32
(double 8)
=> ;Unbound variable: double
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Traversal Applying a Function
• Accept function as an argument
– cdrtomovetotheendofthelist
– cons to add the changed element at the beginning
(define (apply-list fct L)
(if (null? L)
(cons (fct (car L))
(apply-list fct (cdr L)))))
(apply-list (lambda(x) (+ x 4)) ‘(1 2 3 4))
=> (5 6 7 8)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Adding a Prefix to the Elements of a List
• Turn each element of a list into a pair (using cons) attaching the prefix parameter
(define (prefix-list p L)
(lambda(e) (cons p e)) L))
(prefix-list 2 ‘(1 2 3))
=> ((2 . 1)(2 . 2)(2 . 3))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Generating Combinations
• In combinations order does not matter
– Aside:appendconcatenatestheinputlists (define (combine dim set)
((= dim 0) ‘(()))
((null? set) ‘())
(append (prefix-list (car set)
(combine (- dim 1) (cdr set)))
(combine dim (cdr set))))))
(combine 2 ‘(1 2 3))
=> ((1 2) (1 3) (2 3))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Reduction of a List to a Value
• Apply a function to all elements and return the result – F0 is the value of the reduction for the empty list
(define (reduce F F0 L)
(if (null? L)
(F (car L)
(reduce F F0 (cdr L)))
(reduce * 1 ‘(1 2 3 4))
=> 24
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Loops as Recursions
Looping N times
Loop over range
(define (loop P N)
(cond ((zero? N) ‘())
(#T (display P) (loop P (- N 1)))))
(define (loop2 P inf sup)
(cond ((> inf sup) ‘())
(#T (display P) (loop2 P (+ inf 1) sup))))
– NOTE: These functions have a tail recursion (tail recursion) which is easier to optimize by a compiler
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Traversal using a Tail Recursion
• Any recursive function can be in the form of tail recursion using an accumulator (variables) for intermediate results
(define (apply-list2 fct L Lacc)
(if (null? L)
(apply-list2 fct (cdr L)
(append Lacc (list (fct (car L))))
(define (apply-list fct L)
(apply-list2 fct L ‘()))
(apply-list abs ‘(-3 -2.1 2 3.4))
=> (3 2.1 2 3.4)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Factorial Example
(define (factorial n)
(if (<= n 0)
(* n (factorial (- n 1))) ) )
• To turn this into a tail recursion, the function needs to return the result of the recursive call without changes
(define (factorial n) (factorialb n 1))
(define (factorialb n answer)
(if (<= n 0)
(factorialb (- n 1) (* n answer))))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Map Procedure
• Map applies a function to every element of a list. It can be more convenient than an explicit loop
(map abs ‘(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 )
• Define a lambda in the same line
– function taking two arguments
– supply two lists
(map (lambda (x y) (* x y))
‘(1 2 3 4) ‘(8 7 6 5))
(8 14 18 20)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
• Equivalency predicates • Lists
• List operations
– concatenate, inverse, membership, length, list neighbours, number-only predicate, list equivalence, duplicate removal, list as a stack, minimum, functions using local scope, applying a function to list elements, adding a prefix, combination, reduction of a list
• Tail Recursions – Loops
– Factorials
– Map Procedure
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms