Big Data Analytics(COMP4434)
Assiget e(30 ars i tta) (Due 6 March 2018)
25 February 2018
Pease write Mareduce rgras t ru had t tace these three rbes with the give data. Yu shud suit 3 rgras fies ad a utut dcuet(scree shts are acceted).
1.[10 ars] Write a rgra t fid the ubers startig with‘9’. Iut fie:
2.[10 ars] write a rgra t read data2.txt and remove duplicated numbers.
3.[10 ars] Whe data trasitted fr a t the iut f reduce, <ey(ItWritabe),vaue> wi be autaticay srted i ascedig rder. Write a rgra that ca read ascedig rder ubers i data3.txt ad write the ut i descedig rder.