Deadline: Feb. 19th 5:59 P.M. (before class)
In the lab session, we have shown how to perform WordCount using Hadoop. Now in this homework, we ask you to write a MapReduce program to count the 2nd letter of each word.
Download the Complete Works of William Shakespeare from Project Gutenberg at or download the pg100.txt from Blackboard.
In your implementation, you need to
1. transform all words to lowercase
2. ignore all non-alphabetic characters (except whitespace)
3. count nothing if there’s only one alphabetic character in a word (e.g. A2)
Output must be in the following format
a<\tab>count of the 2nd letters “a” (e.g. bank)
b<\tab>count of the 2nd letters “b” (e.g. ****abstract, a–b–c) …
Upload your java file(s) (Mapper, Reducer, Driver) and output results to blackboard.