程序代写代做代考 cuda Exploring K-means clustering method with C++, cuda and openCL

Exploring K-means clustering method with C++, cuda and openCL

1. Three folders and files in it:
seq: seq.cpp time.cpp
cuda: cuda_main.cu, cuda_kmeans.cu, k_means.h, cuda_time.cpp
openCL:openCL_main.cpp open_CL_keans.cl, openCL_time.cpp

2. Functions and targets
2a. Realize K-means method with sequential method C++, parallel computing with cuda and openCL
2b. compare the runtime with the three methods
2c. using different memory location and conduct the parallel computation with cuda and openCL
cuda: global memory, shared memory and local memory
openCL: global memory, local memory and private memory

3. Makefile

4. dataset

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