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Compilers and computer architecture: Just-in-time compilation
Martin Berger 1 December 2019
1Email: M.F.Berger@sussex.ac.uk, Office hours: Wed 12-13 in Chi-2R312

Recall the function of compilers

Welcome to the cutting edge
Compilers are used to translate from programming languages humans can understand to machine code executable by computers. Compilers come in two forms:
􏰀 Conventionalahead-of-timecompilerswheretranslationis done once, long before program execution.
􏰀 Just-in-time(JIT)compilerswheretranslationofprogram fragments happens at the last possible moment and is interleaved with program execution.
We spend the whole term learning about the former. Today I want to give you a brief introduction to the latter.

Why learn about JIT compilers?
In the past, dynamically typed languages (e.g. Python, Javascript) were much more slow than statically typed languages (factor of 10 or worse). Even OO languages (e.g. Java) were a lot slower than procedural languages like C.
In the last couple of years, this gap has been narrowed considerably. JIT compilers where the main cause of this performance revolution.
JIT compilers are cutting (bleeding) edge technology and considerably more complex than normal compilers, which are already non-trivial. Hence the presentation today will be massively simplifying.

If JIT compilers are the answer … what is the problem?
Let’s look at two examples. Remember the compilation of objects and classes?
To deal with inheritance of methods, invoking a method is indirect via the method table. Each invocation has to follow two pointers. Without inheritance, no need for indirection.
Instances of A
dptr dptr
a dptr
a Instances of B
bdptr b
Method table for A
Pointer to f_A Pointer to g_A
Method table for B
Pointer to f_B Pointer to g_A
Method bodies
Code for f_A Code for g_A
Method bodies Code for f_B

If JIT compilers are the answer … what is the problem?
Of course an individual indirection takes < 1 nano-second on a modern CPU. So why worry? Answer: loops! interface I { int f ( int n ); } class A implements I { public int f ( int n ) { return n; } } class B implements I { public int f ( int n ) { return 2*n; } } class Main { public static void main ( String [] args ) { I o = new A (); for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { o.f ( i+j ); } } } } Performance penalties add up. 6/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? But, I hear you say, it’s obvious, even at compile time, that the object o is of class A. A good optimising compiler should be able to work this out, and replace the indirect invocation of f with a cheaper direct jump. class Main { public static void main ( String [] args ) { I o = new A (); for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { o.f ( i+j ); } } } } Yes, in this simple example, a good optimising compiler can do this. But what about the following? 7/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? public static void main ( String [] args ) { I o = null; if ( args [ 0 ] == "hello" ) new A (); else new B (); for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { o.f ( i+j ); } } } } Now the type of o is determined only at run-time. What is the problem? Not enough information at compile-time to carry out optimisation! At run-time we do have this information, but that’s too late (for normal compilers). (Aside, can you see a hack to deal with this problem in an AOT compiler?) 8/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? Dynamically typed languages have a worse problem. Simplifying a little, variables in dynamically typed languages store not just the usual value, e.g. 3, but also the type of the value, e.g. Int, and sometimes even more. Whenever you carry an innocent operation like x=x+y under the hood something like the following happens. let tx = typeof ( x ) let ty = typeof ( y ) if ( tx == Int && ty == Int ) let vx = value ( x ) let vy = value ( y ) let res = integer_addition ( vx, vy ) x_result_part = res x_type_part = Int else ... // even more complicated. 9/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? Imagine this in a nested loop! for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { let tx = typeof ( x ) let ty = typeof ( y ) if ( tx == Int && ty == Int ) let vx = value ( x ) let vy = value ( y ) let res = integer_addition ( vx, vy ) x_result_part = res x_type_part = Int ... This is painful. This is why dynamically typed languages are slow(er). 10/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? But ... in practise, variables usually do not change their types in inner loops. Why? Because typically innermost loops work on big and uniform data structures (usually big arrays). So the compiler should move the type-checks outside the loops. 11/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? Recall that in dynamically typed languages for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { a [i, j] = a[i,j] + 1 } } Is really for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { let ta = typeof ( a[i, j] ) // always same lett1=typeof(1) // always same if ( ta == Int && t1 == Int ) { let va = value ( a[i, j] ) let v1 = value ( 1 ) // simplifying let res = integer_addition ( va, v1 ) a[ i, j ]_result_part = res a[ i, j ] _type_part = Int } else { ... } } } 12/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? So program from last slide can be let ta = typeof ( a ) let t1 = typeof ( 1 ) if ( ta == Array [...] of Int && t1 == Int ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < 1000000; j++ ) { let va = value ( a[i, j] ) let v1 = value ( 1 ) // simplifying let res = integer_addition ( va, v1 ) a[ i, j ]_result_part = res } } } else { ... } Alas, at compile-time, the compiler does not have enough information to make this optimisation safely. 13/1 If JIT compilers are the answer ... what is the problem? Let’s summarise the situation. 􏰀 Certainpowerfuloptimisationscannotbedoneat compile-time, because the compiler has not got enough information to know they are safe. 􏰀 Atrun-timewehaveenoughinformationtocarryoutthese optimisations. Hmmm, what could we do ... 14/1 How about we compile and optimise only at run-time? But there is no run-time if we don’t have a compilation process, right? Enter interpreters! 15/1 Interpreters Recall from the beginning of the course, that interpreters are a second way to run programs. 􏰀 Compilersgenerateaprogram that has an effect on the world. 􏰀 Interpreterseffecttheworld directly. Source program Compiler Data Executable Output At runtime. Data Interpreter Output Source program 16/1 Interpreters Recall from the beginning of the course, that interpreters are a second way to run programs. 􏰀 Theadvantageofcompilersis that generated code is faster, because a lot of work has to be done only once (e.g. lexing, parsing, type-checking, optimisation). And the results of this work are shared in every execution. The interpreter has to redo this work every time. 􏰀 Theadvantageofinterpreters is that they are much simpler than compilers. Source program Compiler Data Executable Output At runtime. Data Interpreter Output Source program 17/1 JIT compiler, key idea Interpret the program, and compile (parts of) the program at run-time. This suggests the following questions. 􏰀 Whenshallwecompile,andwhichpartsoftheprogram? 􏰀 Howdointerpreterandcompiledprograminteract? 􏰀 Butmostofall:compilationisreallyslow,especially optimising compilation. Don’t we make performance worse if we slow an already slow interpreter down with a lengthy compilation process? In other words, we are facing the following conundrum: 􏰀 Wewanttooptimiseasmuchaspossible,because optimised programs run faster. 􏰀 Wewanttooptimisesaslittleaspossible,becauserunning the optimisers is really slow. Hmmmm ... 18/1 Pareto principle and compiler/interpreter ∆ to our rescue Interpretation is much faster than (optimising) compilation. But a compiled program is much faster than interpretation. And we have to compile only once. Combine this with the Pareto principle, and you have a potent weapon at hand. Time Running Compiling Paid every time Paid once Running Interpreter Compiler 19/1 Pareto principle, aka 80-20 rule Vilfredo Pareto, late 19th, early 20th century Italian economist. Noticed: 􏰀 80%oflandinItalywasownedby20%ofthepopulation. 􏰀 20%ofthepeapodsinhisgardencontained80%ofthe peas. This principle applies in many other areas of life, including program execution: The great majority of a program’s execution time is spent running in a tiny fragment of the code. Such code is referred to as hot. 20/1 Putting the pieces together Clearly compiling at run-time code that’s executed infrequently will slow down execution. Trade-offs are different for hot code. An innermost loop may be executed billions of times. The more often, the more optimising compilation pays off. Pareto’s principle tells us that (typically) a program contains some hot code. With the information available at run-time, we can aggressively optimise such hot code, and get a massive speed-up. The rest is interpreted. Sluggishness of interpretation doesn’t matter, because it’s only a fraction of program execution time. Time Running Compiling Running Interpreter Compiler 21/1 There is just one problem ... how do we find hot code? Remember, at compiler time, the optimiser couldn’t work it out (reliably). Let’s use counters at run-time! We instrument the interpreter with counters, that increment every time a method is called, or every time we go round a loop. Whenever these counters reach a threshold, we assume that the associated code is hot. We compile that hot code, and jump to the compiled code. Making this play nice with garbage collection, exceptions, concurrency, debugging isn’t easy ... When the compiled code terminates, we switch back to interpretation. 22/1 In a picture 23/1 Source code No Yes Compile hot code and optimise Interpret Increment counter Execute compiled hot code to termination Hot code Aside Have you noticed that Java programs start up quite slowly? This is because at the beginning, everything is interpreted, hence slow. Then JIT compilation starts, also slow. Eventually, the hot code is detected and compiled with a great deal of optimisation. Then execution gets really fast. 24/1 The devil is in the details This picture omits many subtleties. Chief among those is that the handover of control from interpreter to compiler and back works seamlessly. Also, we don’t want to recompile code, typically use cache of already compiled code. How actually to do the optimisations, taking information available at run-time into account. Etc etc. 25/1 JIT compilers summary JIT compilers are the cutting edge of compiler technology. They were first conceived (in rudimentary form) in the 1960s, but came to life in the last 10 years or so. JIT compilers are very complicated. The JVM, probably the best known JIT compiler, probably took 1000+ person years to build. So what’s next in compiler technology? Let me introduce you to ... 26/1 Tracing JIT compilers Tracing JIT compilers are a form of JIT compilation where optimisation is especially aggressive. 27/1 Tracing JIT compilers Hot code can contain code that is not used (much). Imagine the compilation of: for ( x = 1 to 1000000 ) for ( y = 1 to 1000000 ) try a[ x ][ y ] = a[ x+1 ][ a [ y-1 ][ y+1 ] ] catch ... // error handling Clearly the try-catch block is an innermost loop, so potentially hot code. But if the programmer does a good job, the exception handling will never be triggered. Yet we have all this exception handling code (tends to be large) in the hot loop. This causes all manner of problems, e.g. cache locality is destroyed. It is difficult to figure out, even at run-time (!) to find such parts. Why can’t we use counters? Yes but ... counters only give us some relevant information ... for good optimisation we need more information. Traces give us this information. What are 28/1 Tracing JIT compilers Tracing JIT compilers have not one, but several compilers (or interpreters) inside (simplifying greatly). After the interpreter has found hot code, the hot code is compiled and executed once (called tracing execution). In the tracing execution, the machine code actually executed is recorded, yielding the trace of the hot code. Note that if the machine code to be traced is branching, only the branch taken is in the trace. Traces are linear, no branching. This makes optimisation algorithms much simpler and faster. Once tracing has finished, e.g. the body of the hot loop has been executed once: then analyse and optimise trace. Based on the analysis another compiler generates another (highly optimised) executable, which is then run to termination, then control goes back to interpreter. 29/1 Tracing JIT compilers Analysing and optimising the trace: 􏰀 Findoutifvariableschangetypeintheloop,ifnot,move type-checking out of the loop. (For dynamically typed languages.) 􏰀 Findoutifobjectchangetypeintheloop,ifnot,use short-cut method invocations, no need to go via method table. 􏰀 Lettheinterpreterhandletherarelyusedpartsofthehot loop (e.g. error handling). 􏰀 ... 􏰀 Finally,enterthethirdphase,the’normal’executionofthe optimised trace. 30/1 A tracing JIT compiler in a picture Source code Increment counter No Yes Compile Execute compiled code and record trace Interpret Execute optimised trace Optimise trace Hot code Analyse trace 31/1 Difficulties As with normal JIT compilers, we have to orchestrate the interplay of all these compiler phases, e.g.: Handover of control from interpreter to compiler, to tracing, to execution of optimised trace, and back. Garbage collection, exceptions, concurrency etc must all also work. Typical optimisations: type-specialisation, bypassing method invocation, function inlining, register allocation, dead code elimination. Etc etc. 32/1 Example compilers The JVM (from Oracle). It is a method based JIT compiler, meaning that methods are the units of compilation. It is not tracing. The first implementation of a tracing JIT was HPs Dynamo. It does not compile from a high-level language to a low-level language. Instead it optimises machine-code. HotpathVM was the first tracing JIT for a high-level language (Java). TraceMonkey, one of Firefox’s JavaScript implementations was first JIT compiler for Javascript. (NB: Current Firefox’s SpiderMonkey is not tracing.) Hard to say exactly who uses what (e.g. Apple Safari) since companies rarely say what they’re using. They can use more than one. Trade secrets. 33/1 Example compilers Open source: PyPy, a meta-tracing framework for Python. Meta-tracing, what’s that? 34/1 Meta-tracing? 35/1 Meta-tracing Background: Writing compilers is hard, writing optimising compilers is harder, writing JIT compilers is harder still, but writing tracing JIT compilers is the hardest. Designers of new programming languages cannot really produce a good code generator for a new language. Typically language designers write interpreters for new languages. But that means the new language is hampered. This impedes progress in programming languages. Great idea: how about using a JIT compiler to compile the interpreter, hoping that JITing will speed up interpreter, hence new PL. This idea is ingenious, simple, old and ... wrong! The problem is that interpreter loops are the kinds of loops that JITers do not optimise well. Let’s explain this in detail. 36/1 Why JIT compilers can’t optimise interpreter loops An interpreter is a big loop that gets the next command and acts on it, e.g. while true do: cmd = getNextCommand if cmd is: "x := E" then ... "if C then M else N" then ... "while C do M" then ... "repeat M until C" then ... "print(M)" then ... ... Now JIT compilers are really good at optimising loops, why do they fail with interpreter loops? 37/1 Key requirements for good JIT optimisation of loops The essence of JIT compilation are tight inner loops that are executed a large number of times. This insight can be split into separate parts. 􏰀 Becausetheyareexecutedalargenumberoftimesthe effect of the optimisation is magnified. 􏰁 􏰀 Optimisingtheseinnerloopsheavilygivessubstantial performace benefits. 􏰁 􏰀 Eachiteration(oratleastmostofthem)dothesamething. Last requirement is violated in interpreter loops. 38/1 Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed? The problem is that the source language to be interpreted has loops too. Let’s assume this is the programm we are interpreting. while i > 0:
j = j+i
i = i-1
This gives rise to something like the following bytecode
br r17 exit
add r21 r33 r21
subabs r33 1 r33
jump loop
exit: …

Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed?
Let’s have bytecode and bytecode interpreter side-by-side:
br r17 exit
add r21 r33 r21
subabs r33 1 r33
jump loop
exit: …
while true:
op = mem [ pc ]
pc = pc+1
case op = br:
r = mem [ pc ]
pc = pc+1
if mem [ r ] == 0:
pc := mem [ pc ]
case op = add:
Now every round of the interpreter takes a different branch. The tracing JIT can just optimise one branch through the loop. This is the worst case scenario: we pay the price of tracing, optimisation (since loop is executed a lot), only to throw away the optimisation and go back to interpretation.
40 / 1
r1 = mem [ pc ]
pc = pc+1 …

Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed?

Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed?
Profiling detects the wrong loop as hot code!
We want profiling to detect the (code corresponding to the)
user loop, not the interpreter loop.
Note that the (code corresponding to the) user loop consists of
several rounds of the interpreter loop.
This is too difficult to detect for profiling, since user programs can vary greatly.

Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed?
The interpreter writer knows what the user loops are like:
while true do:
cmd = getNextCommand
if cmd is:
“x := E” then …
“if C then M else M” then …
“while C do M” then …
“repeat M until C” then …
“print(M)” then …

The idea of meta-tracing is to let the interpreter writer annotate the interpreter code with ’hooks’ that tell the tracing JIT compiler where user loops start and end. The profiler can then identify the hot loops in (the interpretation of) user code.

Why can’t interpreter loops be JITed?
while true do:
cmd = getNextCommand
if cmd is:
“x := E” then …
“while C do M” then

“repeat M until C” then


Annotations are used by profiler for finding hot user loops. Then user loops are traced & optimised. Result: Speedup! It is simple to annotate an interpreter.

Meta-tracing as game changer in PL development
The real advantage of this is that it divides the problem of developing high-performance JIT compilers for a language into several parts, each of which separately is much more mangable:
1. Develop a (meta-)tracing JIT compiler. Hard, but needs to be done only once.
2. Develop an interpreter for the given source language. Easy!
3. Add annotations in the interpreter to expose user loops. Easy!
4. Run the interpreter using the tracing JIT from (1). Easy!
The tracing JIT from (1) can be reused for an unlimited number of language interpreters. Once a meta-tracing JIT is available, we can easily develop new languages and have high-performance compilers for them (almost) for free.
The PyPy meta-tracing framework runs Python substantially faster than e.g. the CPython framework.

Brief remarks on performance
JIT compilers are built upon many trade-offs.
Although JIT compilers can give lightning fast execution on typical programs, their worst-case execution time can be dreadful.
JIT compilers work best for languages that do a lot of stuff at run-time (e.g. type-checking).
For bare-bones languages like C, there is little to optimise at run-time, and code generated by a conventional C compiler with heavy (hence slow) optimisation will almost always beat a modern JIT compiler.

Compiler development in industry
Lot’s of research going on into compilers, both conventional and (tracing) JITs. It’s super high-tech.
Big companies (Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Arm, Apple) compete heavily on quality (e.g. speed, energy usage) of their compilers. They have large teams working on this. Find it difficult to hire, because advanced compiler knowledge is rare.
Much work left to be done.

Compilers (and related subjects) great subject for final year projects.
JRA (Junior Research Assistant) in the summer 2019. Feel free to talk to me about this.

