程序代写代做代考 C html Image Formation and the Image Processing Pipeline

Image Formation and the Image Processing Pipeline
18-793 Summer 2020
Slide-deck Credit
Srinivasan Narasimham (CMU) Fredo Durand (MIT)
Mark Levoy (Stanford)
Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice)

this photo
how did this scene

Digital processing
Two Pieces
Image formed on the sensor
1. How is the image formed on the sensor ?
2. How is the sensed image readout and processed ?

Image Formation

Pinhole Cameras

Image credit: Arielle Live

Image credit:http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/sgrais/pinhole_cameras.htm

Image credit: Ina Marie Schmidt

Image credit: Alemonio

• Fullysharpimage!
• Dimming near the edge
Pinhole optics

s – size of the sensor
– pinhole to sensor distance, focal length
Pinhole optics
sensor pinhole scene

• Varyingfocallength changes field-of-view
Film/ sensor
fd 2f
Pinhole optics

• Varyingfocallength changes field-of-view
Film/ sensor
fd 2f
Pinhole optics
Frédo Durand — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory –


Image credit: Alemonio

• Whathappensifwe increase the size of the pinhole ?
– Geometric blur
Pinhole optics
Image credit: David Heeger

Slide credit: Levoy, London (image)

Slide credit: Levoy, London (image)

Pinhole optics
• Soisdecreasingpinholealwaysgood?

Pinhole optics
• Soisdecreasingpinholealwaysgood?
Image credit: David Heeger

Credit: Levoy

• Largepinhole (geometric blur)
• Smallpinhole (diffraction)
• Optimalpinhole (not enough light)
Credit: Hecht, Levoy
Pinhole optics

Wavelength of light
Credit: wikipedia

Credit: Levoy

Credit: Levoy

Lens-based imaging
• Focus/focusplane
• Defocusblur
• Depthoffield(DoF)
• RelationshipbetweenDoFandaperturesize • Relationshipbetweenapertureandexposure

Focus plane
Thin lens law

Changing Focus
Point in defocus
Point in focus

Focus plane

Focus plane

Focus plane

Focus plane

Changing Focus
Point in defocus
Point in focus

Focus plane
Field of view (when focused at infinity) = tan􏰃􏰄􏰅􏰆􏰇􏰈􏰆􏰉􏰊􏰃􏰆􏰋􏰌􏰇􏰎 􏰍
Larger focal length = larger magnification (telephoto lens) = (smaller FoV) Smaller focal length = larger FoV (wideangle lens) = (smaller magnification)

Focal Length vs. viewpoint
• FocallensdoesNOTONLYchangesubjectsize • Samesizebymovingtheviewpoint
• Differentperspective(e.g.background)
Slide Credit: Fredo Durand, CSAIL, MIT

Focal Length vs. viewpoint
Telephoto makes it easier to
select background (a small change in viewpoint is a big change in background)..
Slide Credit: Fredo Durand, CSAIL, MIT

Changing Aperture

Depth of field

Focus plane
Depth of field

Focus plane
Depth of field
pixel width

Focus plane
Depth of field
pixel width

Focus plane
Depth of field
All points within this volume will appear in sharp focus
Depth of field
pixel width

Depth of field

Depth of field

N = f/D is referred to as the F/#
Depth of field
􏰏 􏰏

Focus plane
focal length f diameter d
Depth of field
𝐷𝑂𝐹 􏰐 2𝑊𝑁𝑣􏰏 𝑓􏰏
All points within this volume will appear in sharp focus
N = f/d is referred to as the F/# describes the size of the aperture
Depth of field
pixel width W

Focus plane
focal length f diameter d
Depth of field
pixel width W

Depth of field and aperture
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Depth of field and focus distance
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Depth of field and focal length
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Image credit
Augustine’s Notebook
Depth of field

Image Credit: elementsofcinema.com
Depth of field

Image credit: RHiNO NEAL
Depth of field

Image credit:

Image credit: Mr.Kitux

Aperture (f/#)
Recall, larger aperture = smaller f/# (N = f/D) Depth of field is linearly proportional to f/# Doubling f/# doubles the depth of field.
Slide Credit: Marc Levoy
􏰏 􏰏

• Exposure is proportional to the time the shutter is open
• Expressed in fraction of a second (1/60s, 1/125s, 1/250s, 1/500s, etc.)
• Most of the time, the film/sensor is protected from light
• When we take a picture, the shutter opens and closes, thereby exposing the film.
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Effect of shutter speed
• Longer shutter speed => more light, but more motion blur
• Faster shutter speed freezes motion
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Effect of shutter speed
• Longer shutter speed => more light, but more motion blur
• Faster shutter speed freezes motion
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Shutter speed and focal length • Because telephoto “magnify”, they also magnify your
hand shaking
• Telephotos therefore require faster shutter speed
• Solution: Image stabilization
– mechanically compensates for vibration
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Your best friend
• Use a tripod! It will always enhance sharpness
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

Exposure and Aperture
• Two main parameters: – Aperture (in f stop)
– Shutter speed (in fraction of a second)
Frédo Durand — MIT CSAIL fredo@mit.edu

f/2.0 to f/4.0?
• Diameter of the lens opening (controlled by diaphragm)
• Expressed as a fraction of focal length, in f-number
– f/2.0 on a 50mm means that the aperture is 25mm
– f/2.0 on a 100mm means that the aperture is 50mm
• Disconcerting: small f number = big aperture
• What happens to the area of the aperture when going from
• Typical f numbers are
f/2.0, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22, f/32
– See the pattern?
Frédo Durand — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory – fredo@mit.edu

Slide credit: Marc Levoy

Common lens related issues
Slide-deck credit: Srinivasan Narasimhan (CMU)

L3 L2 L1
More light passes through lens L3 for scene point A than scene point B
Results in spatially non-uniform brightness (in the periphery of the image)

Usually brighter at the center and darker at the periphery.
Reading: http://www.dpreview.com

photo by Robert Johnes

Chromatic Aberration
longitudinal chromatic aberration transverse chromatic aberration (axial) (lateral)

Chromatic Aberrations
longitudinal chromatic aberration transverse chromatic aberration (axial) (lateral)

Chromatic Aberrations
Reading: http://www.dpreview.com

Lens Glare
Stray interreflections of light within the optical lens system. Happens when very bright sources are present in the scene.
Reading: http://www.dpreview.com

Geometric Lens Distortions
Radial distortion Tangential distortion
Both due to lens imperfection Rectify with geometric camera calibration
Photo by Helmut Dersch

Radial Lens Distortions
No Distortion Barrel Distortion Pincushion Distortion
• Radial distance from Image Center: ru =rd +k1rd3

Correcting Radial Lens Distortions
Before After

Image credit: Katrina (Spiritus Capere)
Lens bokeh

Image credit: Ken Rockwell

Image credit: Ken Rockwell

Image credit: Ken Rockwell

Image credit: Ken Rockwell

Image credit: Wikimedia

Image Processing

Dark Current Noise Subtraction
Original image + Dark Current Noise Image with lens cap on
Result of subtraction
Copyright Timo Autiokari, 1998-2006


Slide Credits
Most slides in this slide deck are from similar courses at Stanford and MIT by Prof. Marc Levoy and Prof. Fredo Durand.