程序代写代做代考 C ant ER go database Practical Database Concepts

Practical Database Concepts
Lecture 6: SQL Continued Santha Sumanasekara April 2020

Overview of the lecture
 Multi-table SQL statements  Simple JOINs
 Self joins  Sub-queries
 Within WHERE clause  Within FROM clause

 Many of the common queries will require data from more than one table.  Display names of cities in the world with their countries
 Display English-speaking countries
 Display other languages spoken in the countries where Swahili is spoken

 Display names of cities in the with their countries

– –
Identify which tables contain required data
Identify a common attribute that can be used as the JOIN condition.
Join condition in the WHERE condition (only keep rows with matching CountryCode).
Note multiple tables in FROM statement. C1 and c2 are alias names given to the tables joined here.
SELECT c1.name, c2.name
FROM country c1, city c2
WHERE c1.code = c2.countrycode;

SQL JOIN – Another way
C1 and c2 are alias names given to the tables joined here.
– –
Identify which tables contain required data
Identify a common attribute that can be used as the JOIN condition.
SELECT c1.name, c2.name FROM country c1 JOIN city c2 ON c1.code = c2.countrycode;
Join condition using CountryCode.

 Display names of cities in the with their countries

SQL JOINS – Another Example
 Display the English-speaking countries
 Language details come from CountryLanguage table  Country names are in Country table
 Country Code is the common attribute
 So (1) Join these two tables and then
(2) filter on “English” language

SQL JOINS – Another Example
SELECT c.name, cl.language FROM country c, countrylanguage cl WHERE c.code = cl.countrycode AND cl.language = ‘English’ ;
SELECT c.name, cl.language
FROM country c JOIN countrylanguage cl ON c.code = cl.countrycode
WHERE cl.language = ‘English’ ;

Joining more than two tables
 Some queries may require data from three or more tables.
 In such situations we nest the joins within each other
 Say, first join country and city and then the result join with countryLanguage
 What are the languages spoken in New Delhi?
 This require all three tables joined: Country, CountryLanguage and City.

Joining more than two tables
SELECT c.name, cy.name, cl.language FROM country c, countrylanguage cl, city cy WHERE c.code = cl.countrycode
AND c.code = cy.countrycode
AND cy.name = ‘New Delhi’
List all tables in FROM
Join condition to connect country table to countryLanguage table
Join condition to connect country table to city table
Since there are 3 tables there must be at least 2 conditions to connect all tables

Joining more than two tables
country and countryLanguage
First join between
SELECT c.name, cy.name, cl.language FROM (country c JOIN countrylanguage cl
ON c.code = cl.countrycode) JOIN city cy
on c.code = cy.countrycode
WHERE cy.name = ‘New Delhi’
Second join between the result of first join and city

Natural Join
 Natural Join is a special case of a join where the two attributes to be used for joining have the same name.
 In that case, we do not need to add an ON clause with the join condition.
 Replace JOIN with NATURAL JOIN in the FROM clause, with no conditions.
 The Join condition is implicit (by their names).
 Consider the following example.
 In this case, code attribute in City2 is a foreign key referencing code attribute in Country. Make sure no other attributes have common names.
 They both have the same name (unlike in our World DB, where the foreign key is called “CountryCode”.
Country (Code, name, continent, region, …) City2 (ID, CityName, code*, district, CityPopulation)

Natural Join
No explicit condition.
SELECT c1.name, c2.CityName
FROM country c1 NATURAL JOIN city2 c2;
This is essentially the same as:
SELECT c1.name, c2.CityName FROM country c1, city2 c2 WHERE c1.code = c2.code;

Natural Join – issues
What if “CityName” was “name” in city? – joins on common attribute name!
No explicit condition.
SELECT c1.name, c2.name
FROM country c1 NATURAL JOIN city c2;
This is essentially the same as:
SELECT c1.name, c2.name FROM country c1, city c2 WHERE c1.code = c2.code AND c1.name = c2.name;
Does this seem correct? Does country name and city name mean the same thing? Avoid using Natural Join!

Left Outer Join
 Consider the following query: List all countries in the world, with major cities (if any).
 This query must list all countries, regardless of whether there are any major cities.
 A simple join will list “only” countries that can match with a city, missing out the countries like Antarctica where there are no major cities.
 LEFT OUTER JOIN will be the way to go here.
 The left outer join will display all rows from table on the left side of the join
regardless of matching rows from the right table.
 If there are matches, they will show up, and for the rest, NULLs are displayed.

Left Outer Join
Order of the tables in the FROM clause is important. Use the table that require all rows displayed must be on the left side of the join (since using left join)
Note: right join is also possible!
SELECT co.name AS “Country Name”, co.code AS “Country Code”, cy.countrycode AS “Country Code”, cy.name AS “City Name”,
cy. population AS “City Population” FROM country co LEFT OUTER JOIN city cy
ON co.code = cy.CountryCode WHERE continent =’Oceania’

Left Outer Join
There is no country code in City table that match with UMI. So, the corresponding country is padded with null values

 The self-join is special kind of join that allows you to join a table to itself using either inner join or left outer join.
 You use self-join to create a result set that joins the rows with the other rows within the same table.
 E.g. Find the list of employees supervised by Jennifer S. Wallace. (recall the company database we used in Tute 2)
 Display other languages spoken in the countries where Swahili is spoken
 You will be required to use two alias names to refer each instance of the table (say: employees emp and employees sup

Self-Join: An Example
SELECT sup.fname, sup.minit, sup.lname, emp.fname, emp.minit, emp.lname
FROM employees emp, employees sup WHERE emp.superSSN = sup.SSN AND sup.fname = ‘Jennifer’
AND sup.minit = ‘S’
AND sup.lname = ‘Wallace’;
Emplyee table is opened twice,
one instance to refer employee superSSN values, and the other to refer SSN values (for supervisors)

Self-Join: An Example
SELECT sup.fname, sup.minit, sup.lname, emp.fname, emp.minit, emp.lname
FROM employees emp JOIN employees sup ON emp.superSSN = sup.SSN
WHERE sup.fname = ‘Jennifer’ AND sup.minit = ‘S’
AND sup.lname = ‘Wallace’;
Emplyee table is opened twice,
one instance to refer employee superSSN values, and the other to refer SSN values (for supervisors)

Self-Join: Another Example
Display other languages spoken in the countries where Swahili is spoken
 This query can be explained as follows:
 Open CountryLanguage table once. Scan through the table and collate
the country codes that relevant to Swahili language.
 Open another instance of the CountryLanguage table, this time filter the
rows that match with country codes you got from the previous step.
 display the language attribute of the filtered rows.

Self-Join: Another Example
BDI French BDI Kirundi BDI Swahili TZA Chaga and
Chaga and Pare Gogo
Ha Haya Hehet Luguru
BDI Pare
Gogo Ha Haya Hehet Luguru
Country codes that relate to Swahili
All rows filtered on BDI or TZA
Language attribute selected

Self-Join: Another Example
countryLanguage table is opened twice, one instance to refer country code values related to Swahili, and the other to refer to all rows relevant to those country codes
SELECT cl2.countrycode, cl2.language
FROM countrylanguage cl1, countryLanguage cl2 WHERE cl1.CountryCode = cl2.countrycode
AND cl1.language = ‘Swahili’;

Self-Join: Another Example
CountryLanguage opened as cl1
CountryLanguage opened as cl2

Self-Join: Another Example
A small improvement. Remove Swahili from the result set.
SELECT cl2.countrycode, cl2.language
FROM countrylanguage cl1 JOIN countryLanguage cl2 WHERE cl1.CountryCode = cl2.countrycode
AND cl1.language = ‘Swahili’
AND cl2.language != ‘Swahili’
There is no point display Swahili in the result set, as the original query is to list “other” languages.

Self-Join: Another (harder) Example
Display the countries that share same languages as spoken by South Africans.
 This query can be explained as follows:
 Open Country and CountryLanguage tables joined together. Scan
through the joined table and collate the languages that relevant to South
 Join that result set with another instance of CountryLanguage table.
From this second instance, filter all rows relevant to the languages list
you obtained in the previous step.
 Join this again with another instance of Country table to find the maching
country names for the rows you obtained in the previous step.

Self-Join: Another (harder) Example
SELECT c2.name, cl2.language
FROM ((country c1 JOIN countrylanguage cl1
ON c1.code = cl1.countrycode) JOIN countrylanguage cl2
ON cl1.language = cl2.language) JOIN country c2
ON cl2.countrycode = c2.code WHERE c1.name = ‘South Africa’
AND c2.name != ‘South Africa’
It is easy to understand the query by decomposing it into three separate steps.

Self-Join: Another (harder) Example
It is easy to understand the query by decomposing it into three separate steps.
SELECT c2.name, cl2.language
FROM country c1, countrylanguage cl1, country c2, countrylanguage cl2
WHERE c1.code = cl1.countrycode AND cl2.countrycode = c2.code AND cl1.language = cl2.language
AND c1.name =’South Africa’ AND c2.name != ‘South Africa’

Self-Join: Another (harder) Example
South Africa ZAF
ZAF Afrikaans ZAF English ZAF Ndebele
Afrikaans NAM Afrikaans ZAF English ABW English AIA English ANT English AUS
NAM Namibia ZAF South Africa ABW Aruba
AIA Anguilla ANT Antilles AUS Australia
Languages spoken in SA
Other country codes related those languages
Extract country names related to those codes

Nested Queries
sub-selects IN

 The result set of a SELECT statement is no different to a table already in your database
 So, you may use a result set from one SQL statement within another SQL statement where a table is accepted.
 For example, the table name in the FROM clause can be another SQL statement.
 Can be used to simplify the logic: e.g. complex JOIN conditions and WHERE clauses.

 When you execute this, the inner query is executed first, and the result set is stored temporarily (as a temporary table)
 This temp table is used as the source for outer query, which executed next.
 Note that this approach is not efficient (inner query which we cover shortly is a much better approach)

Sub-Selects: An Example
 List the cities in the English-speaking world.
 This can be decomposed into two problems: 1. CountriesintheEnglish-speakingworld
2. Cities in those countries.
 The result of the first part itself can be considered as a table (say, ESC)
 Then, second problem is to find the cities in ESC.
 Write the first part as a sub-select.
 If the first part occurs frequently in your queries, you may even be able to reuse that SELECT in many other queries.

Sub-Selects: An Example
SELECT esc.name AS “Country”, cy.name AS “City” FROM city cy, esc WHERE cy.CountryCode = esc.code
Outer Query
This is the table we “generate” using inner query

Sub-Selects: An Example
SELECT esc.name AS “Country”, cy.name AS “City” FROM city cy, esc WHERE cy.CountryCode = esc.code
SELECT co.code, co.name
FROM country co, countryLanguage cl WHERE co.code = cl.countryCode AND cl.language = ‘English’

Sub-Selects: An Example
SELECT esc.name AS “Country”, cy.name AS “City” FROM city cy, (SELECT co.code, co.name
FROM country co, countryLanguage cl WHERE co.code = cl.countryCode
AND cl.language = ‘English’) esc WHERE cy.CountryCode = esc.code

In WHERE clause
 If the result set of a SELECT statement contain only one attribute, it can be considered as a “set of values or a list” and can be used with IN operator within WHERE clause.
 Recall the SQL statement we discussed last week where we used IN operator to list countries in Asia-Pacific region (i.e countries in Asia or Oceania continents).
 At that time, we hard-coded the continents list – better than that, we can generate it dynamically, using an inner query.
SELECT name AS “Country Name” FROM country
WHERE continent IN (AsiaPacificRegion);
AsiaPacificRegion is
generated using anoher SQL statement

In WHERE clause: An Example
 List the cities in the English-speaking world.
 This can again be decomposed into two problems:
1. Country codes in the English-speaking world
2. Cities in those countries.
 The result of the first part itself can be considered as a list of codes  Then, second problem is to find the cities in those countries.
 Write the first part as a sub-query producing a list of codes.
 Embed this list within outer query.

In WHERE clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city
WHERE countryCode IN ( );
Outer Query
This is the list we “generate” using inner query

In WHERE clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city
WHERE countryCode IN ( );
SELECT cl.countrycode
FROM countryLanguage cl WHERE cl.language = ‘English’

In WHERE clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city
WHERE countryCode IN (SELECT co.code
FROM country co, countryLanguage cl WHERE co.code = cl.countryCode
AND cl.language = ‘English’);

In WHERE clause: An Example
Similar to IN, we can use NOT IN to list cities in the rest of the world.
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city
WHERE countryCode NOT IN (SELECT co.code
FROM country co, countryLanguage cl WHERE co.code = cl.countryCode
AND cl.language = ‘English’);

 The EXISTS operator is different.
 It doesn’t compare values vs attributes, etc
 What it does is to check if the associated list with it is empty or not empty.
 If it is empty, it returns a FALSE value; if the list is not empty, it returns a TRUE value.
 This “associated list” can be generated using an inner query.
SELECT name AS “Country Name” FROM country
WHERE EXISTSAsiaPacificRegion;
Note that there is no attribute to compare against.
AsiaPacificRegion is generated using another SQL statement

With EXISTS clause: An Example
 List the cities in the English-speaking world.
 This can again be decomposed into three problems:
1. Pick a city, identify corresponding country code;
2. Take that country code and cross check with country codes list of English speaking countries.
3. If it does exist, show the city you picked up.
 In this example, the execution starts at the outer query
 For each city in outer query, take the country code and feed it into the inner query to check if it is there.
 If it does, display the result, or else go to the next city.

With EXISTS clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city cy
Outer Query
The inner query will produce a non-empty result if cy.countrycode is an EnglishSpeakingCountry or empty, if it isn’t

With EXISTS clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City”
FROM city cy
FROM CountryLanguage cl
WHERE cl.countryCode = cy.CountryCode AND cl.Language = ‘English’

With EXISTS clause: An Example
SELECT name AS “City” FROM city cy
FROM CountryLanguage cl
WHERE cl.countryCode = cy.CountryCode
AND cl.Language = ‘English’);
Note that, within the inner query we can refer to attributes and tables of the outer query. This is
because the order of execution is different with EXISTS.

More on Nested Queries
 There are many other ways we can have nested queries.  We discuss next week a few other nested queries.