Honor code comes here:
First Name:
Last Name:
I pledge that this program represents my own
program code and that I have coded on my own. I received
help from no one in designing and debugging my program.
I have read the course syllabus of CS 320 and have read the sections on Collaboration
and Academic Misconduct. I also understand that I may be asked to meet the instructor
or the TF for a follow up interview on Zoom. I may be asked to explain my solution in person and
may also ask you to solve a related problem.
(* We are providing you with the print_list function that you can use for printing of list
and we hope that you find it useful for debugging purposes.
The type signature of this function is
int list -> unit
let rec print_list (list: int list): unit =
match list with
[] -> ()
| e::l -> print_int e ; print_string ” ” ; print_list l
(* Problems *)
TODO: Write a function called count_from that takes in as input as two integers n, e and returns back a list that starts
at n and counts e numbers.
For example if n is 2 and e is 4 then you would return back a list [2;3;4;5]
The type signature of this method is: int ->int -> int list
let rec count_from (n:int) (e:int): int list = failwith “unimplemented”
TODO: Write a function called dotProduct that has the following signature:
int list -> int list -> int
i.e., it takes in as input two list of integers and returns back the dot product of the two list.
For instance if the two inputs are [1;2;3;4] and [6;7;8;9]
then the output is 1*6+2*7+3*8+4*9 i.e. 80.
If the two list are of unequal lengths then you return back the partial dotProduct up to the shorter length.
For instance if the two inputs are [1;2;3;4] and [6; 7]
the the output is 1*6 + 2*7 i.e. 20. The extra 3, 4, elements from the first list are not used.
You must use recursion for this method. You are free to use normal or tail recursion for this.
let rec dotProduct (x: int list) (y: int list): int = failwith “unimplemented”
TODO: Write a function called stitch that has the following signature:
int list -> int list -> (int*int) list
i.e., it takes in as input two list of integers and stitches them together to product a list of tuples.
For instance if the two inputs are [1;2;3;5] and [6;7;8;9]
then the output is [(1,6);(2,7);(3,8);(5,9)]
If the two input list are of unequal lengths then you must just return back an empty list.
You must use recursion for this method.
let stitch (a: int list) (b: int list): ((int * int) list) = failwith “unimplemented”
(* TODO: Write a function that takes in as input a list of tuples and returns back a string.
For instance if the input is [(1,2);(3,4);(5,6)] then you would return back a string that is as follows:
[ (1,2); (3,4); (5,6) ]
Formatting for spacing is not required, but symbols such as ‘,’, ‘;’, etc. must be present at the correct
relative positions.
The type signature of this method is:
(int*int) list-> string.
let rec get_list_of_tuple_as_string (list: (int*int) list): string = failwith “unimplemented”
(* TODO: Write a quicksort function in OCaml that has the following function signature:
int list->int list
i.e., it takes in as input a list of integers and gives back
as input a list of integers.
So for example, if the input list is [6;7;1] you will then
return back a sorted list that is [1;6;7].
Choose the first element of the input list
as the pivot element. The quicksort must use recursion
You can create as many helper methods as you like.
let rec quicksort (list: int list): int list = failwith “unimplemented”
Write any starter code that you see fit to write here to test out your code.