Programming Language Syntax
Read: Scott, Chapter 2.1
Lecture Outline
n Formal languages
n Regular expressions
n Context-free grammars n Derivation
n Parse
n Parse trees n Ambiguity
n Expression Grammars
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 2
Last Class: Compiler
character stream token stream
parse tree
modified intermediate form
target language (assember)
Semantic analysis and intermediate code generation
Code generation
abstract syntax tree and intermediate form
Machine-dependent code improvement
Machine-independent code improvement
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova
target language
Syntax and Semantics
n Syntax is the form or structure of expressions, statements, and program units of a given language
n Syntax of a Java while statement: n while(boolean_expr)statement
n Semantics is the meaning of expressions, statements and program units of a given language
n Semanticsofwhile(boolean_expr)statement
n Execute statement repeatedly (0 or more times) as long as
boolean_expr evaluates to true
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Formal Languages
n Theoretical foundations – Automata theory n A language is a set of strings (also called
sentences) over a finite alphabet
n A generator is a set of rules that generate the strings in the language
n A recognizer reads input strings and determines whether they belong to the language
n Languages are characterized by the complexity of generation/recognition rules
n E.g., regular languages
n E.g., context-free languages
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n What are the classes of formal languages?
n The Chomsky hierarchy: n Regular languages
n Context-free languages
n Context-sensitive languages
n Recursively enumerable languages
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Formal Languages
n Generators and recognizers become more complex as languages become more complex
n Regular languages
n Describe PL tokens (e.g., keywords, identifiers, numeric literals) n Generated by Regular Expressions
n Recognized by a Finite Automaton (scanner)
n Context-free languages
n Describe more complex PL constructs (e.g., expressions and
n Generated by a Context-free Grammar
n Recognized by a Push-down Automaton (parser)
n Even more complex constructs
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Formal Languages
n Main application of formal languages: enable proof of relative difficulty of computational problems
n Our focus: formal languages provide the formalism for describing PL constructs
n A compelling application of formal languages!
n Building a scanner
n Building a parser
n Central issue: build efficient, linear-time parsers Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 8
A Single Pass
position = initial + rate * 60;
• Scanner emits next token
• Parser consumes the token
and continues building the parse tree (typically bottom up)
id = …
id =
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Lecture Outline
n Formal languages
n Regular expressions
n Context-free grammars n Derivation
n Parse
n Parse trees n Ambiguity
n Expression Grammars
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Regular Expressions
n Simplest structure
n Formalism to describe the simplest programming language constructs, the tokens
n each symbols (e.g., “+”, “-”) is a token
n an identifier (e.g., position, rate, initial) is a token n a numeric constant (e.g., 59) is a token
n etc.
n Recognized by a finite automaton
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 11
Regular Expressions
n A Regular Expression is one of the following: n A character, e.g., a
n The empty string, denoted by e
n Two regular expressions next to each other,
R1 R2
n Meaning: R1 R2 generates the language of strings that are
made up of any string generated by R1, followed by any string generated by R2
n Two regular expressions separated by |, R1 | R2
n Meaning: R1 | R2 generates the language that is the union of
the strings generated by R1 with the strings generated by R2 Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 12
n What is the language defined by reg. exp. (a|b)(aa|bb) ?
n We saw concatenation and alternation. What operation is still missing?
Programming Language CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 13
Regular Expressions
n A Regular Expression is one of the following: n A character, e.g., a
n The empty string, denoted by e
n R1 R2
n R1 | R2
n Regular expression followed by a Kleene star, R*
n Meaning: the concatenation of zero or more strings generated by R
n E.g., a* generates {e, a, aa, aaa, … }
n E.g., (a|b)* generates all strings of a’s and b’s Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 14
Regular Expressions
n Precedence
n Kleene * has highest precedence
n Followed by concatenation n Followed by alternation |
n E.g., a b | c is (a b) | c not a (b | c) n Generates {ab,c} not {ab,ac}
n E.g., a b* generates {a,ab,abb,…} not {ε, ab, abab, ababab,…}
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n What is the language defined by regular expression (0 | 1)* 1 ?
nWhatabout 0*(10*10*)* ?
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Regular Expressions in Programming Languages
n Describe tokens n Let
letter ® a|b|c| … |z
digit ® 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0
n Which token is this? 1. letter ( letter | digit )*
2. digit digit *
3. digit * . digit digit *
? ?
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova
Regular Expressions in Programming Languages
n Which token is this:
number ® integer | real
real ® integer exponent | decimal ( exponent | ε ) decimal ® digit* ( . digit | digit . ) digit*
exponent ® (e|E) (+|-| ε ) integer
integer ® digit digit*
digit ® 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0
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Lecture Outline
n Formal languages
n Regular expressions
n Context-free grammars n Derivation
n Parse
n Parse trees n Ambiguity
n Expression Grammars
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Context-Free Grammars
n Unfortunately, regular languages cannot specify all constructs in programming
n E.g., can we write a regular expression that specifies valid arithmetic expressions?
n id * ( id + id * ( number – id ) ) n Among other things, we need to ensure that
parentheses are matched!
n Answer is no. We need context-free languages and context-free grammars!
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 20
n A grammar is a formalism to describe the strings of a (formal) language
n A grammar consists of a set of terminals, set of nonterminals, a set of productions, and a start symbol
n Terminals are the characters in the alphabet
n Nonterminals represent language constructs
n Productions are rules for forming syntactically correct constructs
n Start symbol tells where to start applying the rules Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 21
Specification of identifier:
Regular expression: letter ( letter | digit )*
Textbook and slides: digit ® 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0 (also BNF) letter ® a|b|c|d|…|z
id ® letter | id letter | id digit Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 22
Nonterminals shown in italic
Terminals shown in typewriter
Regular Grammars
n Regular grammars generate regular languages
n The rules in regular grammars are of the form:
n Each left-hand-side (lhs) has exactly one nonterminal
n Each right-hand-side (rhs) is one of the following n A single terminal symbol or
n A single nonterminal symbol or
n A nonterminal followed by a terminal
e.g.,12*|0+ S® A|B A®1|A2 B®0|B0
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n Is this a regular grammar:
S®0A A®S1 S®ε
n No, this is a context-free grammar
n It generates 0n1n, the canonical example of a context-
free language
n rhs should be nonterminal followed by a terminal, thus,
S ® 0 A is not a valid production
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Lecture Outline
n Formal languages
n Regular expressions
n Context-free grammars n Derivation
n Parse
n Parse trees n Ambiguity
n Expression Grammars
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Context-free Grammars (CFGs)
n Context-free grammars generate context-free languages
n Most of what we need in programming languages can be specified with CFGs
n Context-free grammars have rules of the form:
n Each left-hand-side has exactly one nonterminal
n Each right-hand-side contains an arbitrary sequence of terminals and nonterminals
n A context-free grammar e.g.0n1n ,n≥1 S ®0S1
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n Examples of a non-context-free languages?
n E.g., anbmcndm n E.g., wcw
n E.g., anbncn
n≥1, m≥1
where w is in (0|1)* n≥1 (canonical example)
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova
Context-free Grammars
n Can be used to generate strings in the context-free language (derivation)
n Can be used to recognize well-formed strings in the context-free language (parse)
n In Programming Languages and compilers, we are concerned with two special CFGs, called LL and LR grammars
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 28
Simple context-free grammar for expressions:
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
We can generate (derive) expressions:
expr Þ expr op expr Þ expr op id
Þ expr + id
Þ expr op expr + id Þexprop id+id Þexpr *id+id Þid *id+id
sentential form
sentence, string or yield
n A derivation is the process that starts from the start symbol, and at each step, replaces a
nonterminal with the right-hand-side of a production
n E.g., expr op expr derives expr op id
We replaced the right (underlined) expr with id due to production expr ® id
n An intermediate sentence is called a sentential form
n E.g., expr op id is a sentential form
n The resulting sentence is called yield
n E.g., id*id+id is the yield of our derivation
n What is a left-most derivation?
n Replaces the left-most nonterminal in the
sentential form at each step
n What is a right-most derivation?
n Replaces the right-most nonterminal in the sentential form at each step
n There are derivations that are neither left- nor
n What kind of derivation is this: expr Þ expr op expr
Þ expr op id
Þ expr + id
Þ expr op expr + id Þexprop id+id Þexpr *id+id Þid *id+id
n A right-most derivation. At each step we replace the right-most nonterminal
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n What kind of derivation is this: expr Þ expr op expr
Þ expr op id
Þ expr + id
Þ expr op expr + id
Þ id op expr + id Þ id op id + id Þ id * id + id
n Neither left-most nor right-most
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Recall our context-free grammar for expressions:
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
n A parse is the reverse of a derivation
Þexpr Þ expr Þ expr Þ expr Þ expr Þ expr
*id+id op id + id op expr + id
+ id op id op expr
Þ expr Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova
n A parse starts with the string of terminals, and at each step, replaces the right-hand-
side (rhs) of a production with the left-hand- side (lhs) of that production. E.g.,
… Þ expr op expr + id
Þ expr + id
Here we replaced expr op expr (the rhs of production expr ® expr op expr) with expr (the lhs of the production)
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Parse Tree
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
expr Þ expr op expr Þ expr op id
Þ expr + id
Þ expr op expr + id Þexprop id+id Þexpr*id+id Þid *id+id
expr op expr
expr op expr + id* id id
Internal nodes are nonterminals. Children are the rhs of a rule for that nonterminal.
Leaf nodes are terminals.
n Ambiguity
n A grammar is ambiguous if some string can be
generated by two or more distinct parse trees
n There is no algorithm that can tell if an arbitrary context-free grammar is ambiguous
n Ambiguity arises in programming language grammars
n Arithmetic expressions
n If-then-else: the dangling else problem
n Ambiguity is bad
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 37
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
nHow many parse trees forid * id + id?
Tree 1:expr expr op
id id+id id*id id
n Which one is “correct”?
expr op expr
Tree 2:
op expr
expr op expr
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
nHow many parse trees forid + id + id?
Tree 1:expr expr op
id id+id id+id id
n Which one is “correct”?
expr op expr
Tree 2:
op expr
expr op expr
Lecture Outline
n Formal languages
n Regular expressions
n Context-free grammars n Derivation
n Parse
n Parse trees n Ambiguity
n Expression Grammars
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 40
Expression Grammars
n Generate expressions n Arithmetic expressions
n Regular expressions n Other
n Terminals: operands, operators, and parentheses
expr ®id|(expr) | expr op expr op ® + | *
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova 41
Handling Ambiguity
Our ambiguous grammar, slightly simplified:
expr ®id|(expr) | expr+expr | expr*expr
n Rewrite the grammar into unambiguous one: expr ® expr + term | term
term ® term * factor | factor
factor ®id|( expr)
n Forces left associativity of + and *
n Forces higher precedence of * over +
Rewriting Expression Grammars: Intuition
expr ®id|(expr) | expr+expr | expr*expr n A new nonterminal, term
n expr * expr becomes term. Thus, * gets pushed down the tree, forcing higher
precedence of *
n expr + becomes expr + term. Pushes leftmost + down the tree, forcing operand to associate with + on its left
n expr ® expr + expr becomes expr ® expr + term Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova | term 43
Rewriting Expression Grammars:
terms in the sum
E.g., look at id + id*id*id + id + id*id
+ term
expr expr + term
expr + term
Programming Languages CSCI 4430, A. Milanova
Rewriting Expression Grammars: Intuition
n Another new nonterminal, factor and productions:
n term ® term * factor | factor n factor ®id| ( expr )
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expr ® expr × expr | expr ^ expr | id
n How many parse trees for id×id^id×id ? n No need to draw them all
n Rewrite this grammar into an equivalent unambiguous grammar where
^ has higher precedence than × ^ is right-associative
× is left-associative
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The End
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