程序代写代做代考 ocaml In this assignment you will write a number of functions. Your score on this assignment is determined by the following:

In this assignment you will write a number of functions. Your score on this assignment is determined by the following:
• how well the functions work – do they provide the right output,
• have you added adequate assert tests in the testing part of your file (this is
described below), and
• how well-written your functions are. Are they adequately commented, are adequate type annotations provided, is the code organized in a reasonable manner without any very long lines. This is all based on what we have been doing in lab recently to improve our code.
Part 1
Getting Started
Create a file named trees.ml in your Hwk_03 directory. Copy and paste the following declarations to it:
(* A tree type declaration. *) type ‘a tree = Empty
| Node of ‘a * ‘a tree * ‘a tree
(* A sample tree containing ints *) let int_tree : int tree =
Node (3,
Node (1,
Node (4, Empty, Empty), Empty), Node (2, Empty, Empty)
(* A sample tree containing strings *) let str_tree : string tree =
Node (“love “,
Node (“really “,
Node (“I “, Empty, Empty), Empty),
Node (“OCaml!”, Empty, Empty) )
To do some simple testing of your code, add the following to the bottom of this trees.ml file:
let () =
print_string “Testing part 1 … ” ; try
assert (size str_tree = 4); assert (sum int_tree = 10);
assert (product int_tree = 24); assert (charcount str_tree = 20);

assert (concat str_tree = “I really love OCaml!”); *)
print_string “tests passed.\n”
Assert_failure (file, line, column) ->
let msg = “\n\n\nAssert failed on line ” ^ string_of_int line ^
“, column ” ^ string_of_int column ^ “\n\n\n\n” in print_string msg
This describes a value of type unit that is evaluated when you load this file into utop. Try this now. It says that your tests passed, but only because all of the assert uses to do any testing are commented out.
As you implement these functions, uncomment the appropriate assert call to run the test.
Write a function named size of type ‘a tree -> int that counts the number of values stored in a tree. These are just the values stored in the Node-constructed trees.
Uncomment the test
assert (size str_tree = 4);
by moving the beginning-comment marker to the line below it. Thus running this test but not the others. Now load it into utop and see that it works.
We will put all tests like this at the bottom of the file so that the results are the last thing printed out when the file is loaded into utop. If there declarations below these tests, then you may not notice the result of testing when lots of declarations clutter up the end of the what utop displays.
Add some additional assert calls to more completely test your size function. Try to cover the different yet relevant kinds of inputs your function may get.
Write a function named sum of type int tree -> int that adds together all the int values stored in an int tree. Uncomment the relevant assert, as you did for the size function above, and load it into utop to check it.
Add some additional assert calls to more completely test your sum function. Try to cover
the different yet relevant kinds of inputs your function may get.
Add the function named product of type int tree -> int as follows to your trees.ml file:
let rec product (t: int tree) : int = 99
Now uncomment the assert the calls product and load the file into utop. You can now see what happens when an error is detected by these simple tests.
By keeping all tests like this at the bottom of the file you can quite quickly know if you functions are behaving as you intend. You don’t need to type more expressions
into utop to test your functions – you just #use the file and see the test run.
Now fix the implementation of product so that it multiplies together all the int values
stored in an int tree. Check your work by loading it into utop again.

Add some additional assert calls to more completely test your product function. Try to
cover the different yet relevant kinds of inputs your function may get.
Write a function named charcount that determines the total number of characters stored in the strings in a string tree. It should have the type string tree -> int.
Check this by uncommenting the appropriate assert.
Add some additional assert calls to more completely test your charcount function. Try to cover the different yet relevant kinds of inputs your function may get.
Write a function named concat that concatenates all the strings in a string tree. It will have the type string tree -> string. Check it by uncommenting the appropriate assert. Add some additional assert calls to more completely test your concat function. Try to cover the different yet relevant kinds of inputs your function may get.
Part 2. Trees with lists
In this part you’ll write functions similar to those above but for trees in which the values are lists.
Add the following to your trees.ml file – these are some sample trees with lists.
let ints_tree: int list tree = Node ([1;3],
Node ([4;5;6],
Node ([], Empty, Empty) ),
Node ([],
Node ([1;6], Empty, Empty), Node ([9;2;8],Empty,Empty)
) )
let strs_tree: string list tree =
Node ([“Ocaml! “; “It “; “must “; “be “], Node ([“do “; “love “],
Node ([“I “; “really “], Empty, Empty), Empty), Node ([“your “; “favorite “; “too!”], Empty, Empty)
Add the following to the bottom of you trees.ml file, after the part 1 tests.
let () =
print_string “Testing part 2 … ” ; try
assert (list_tree_size strs_tree = 11); assert (list_tree_sum ints_tree = 45);
assert (list_tree_product ints_tree = 311040);
assert (list_tree_charcount strs_tree = 54); assert (list_tree_concat strs_tree =

“I really do love Ocaml! It must be your favorite too!”);
print_string “tests passed.\n”
Assert_failure (file, line, column) ->
let msg = “\n\n\nAssert failed on line ” ^ string_of_int line ^
“, column ” ^ string_of_int column ^ “\n\n\n\n” in print_string msg
Again, here are a collection of assert calls that will test the functions described below. For each function, uncomment the relevant assert and add additional ones to cover
other relevant test cases.
This is a function with the type ‘a list tree -> int and counts the number of elements in the lists in the nodes in the tree.
This is a function with the type int list tree -> int that adds up all the int elements in
the lists in the nodes of a int list tree. list_tree_product
This is a function with the type int list tree -> int that multiplies all the int elements in the lists in the nodes of a int list tree.
This is a function with the type string list tree -> int that counts the number of characters in the string lists inside a string list tree.
This is a function with the type string list tree -> string that concatenates all the strings in the string lists inside a string list tree.
For each of these 5 function you will want to add additional assert calls to further test your functions and cover a more reasonable set of possible inputs.
Part 3 – using reduce
In this part you will write new implementations of the functions above but now those functions cannot be recursive. Instead they must call a reduce function. For the functions working on trees with lists you will need to use functions such
as fold_left or fold_right from the List or String module. The only restriction is that reduce can be the only let rec in your reduce.ml file.
Getting started
Create a new file called reduce.ml in your Hwk_03 directory. Add the following declarations to the top of your new file:
type ‘a tree = Empty
| Node of ‘a * ‘a tree * ‘a tree
(* A sample tree containing ints *)

let int_tree : int tree = Node (3,
Node (1,
Node (4, Empty, Empty), Empty),
Node (2, Empty, Empty) )
(* A sample tree containing strings *) let str_tree : string tree =
Node (“love “,
Node (“really “,
Node (“I “, Empty, Empty), Empty), Node (“OCaml!”, Empty, Empty)
let ints_tree: int list tree = Node ([1;3],
Node ([4;5;6],
Node ([], Empty, Empty) ),
Node ([],
Node ([1;6], Empty, Empty), Node ([9;2;8],Empty,Empty)
) )
let strs_tree: string list tree =
Node ([“Ocaml! “; “It “; “must “; “be “],
Node ([“do “; “love “],
Node ([“I “; “really “], Empty, Empty), Empty),
Node ([“your “; “favorite “; “too!”], Empty, Empty) )
After these, add the following tests:
let () =
print_string “Testing part 3 … ” ; try
assert (size str_tree = 4);
assert (sum int_tree = 10);
assert (product int_tree = 24);
assert (charcount str_tree = 20);
assert (concat str_tree = “I really love OCaml!”); assert (list_tree_size strs_tree = 11);
assert (list_tree_sum ints_tree = 45);
assert (list_tree_product ints_tree = 311040); assert (list_tree_charcount strs_tree = 54); assert (list_tree_concat strs_tree =
“I really do love Ocaml! It must be your favorite too!”); print_string “tests passed.\n”
Assert_failure (file, line, column) ->

let msg = “\n\n\nAssert failed on line ” ^ string_of_int line ^ “, column ” ^ string_of_int column ^ “\n\n\n\n”
in print_string msg
Writing new versions of the previous functions.
For each of the 10 functions from parts 1 and 2 you are to write a new version that is not recursive but instead calls reduce.
To recall, the functions are their types are as follows:
reduce : ‘a tree -> ‘b -> (‘a -> ‘b -> ‘b -> ‘b) -> ‘b size : ‘a tree -> int
sum : int tree -> int
product : int tree -> int
charcount : string tree -> int concat : string tree -> string
list_tree_size : ‘a list tree -> int list_tree_sum : int list tree -> int list_tree_product : int list tree -> int list_tree_charcount : string list tree -> int list_tree_concat : string list tree -> string
For each one uncomment the assert as appropriate and copy the new assert calls from your solutions to parts 1 and 2 into the testing code provided above.
Recall, keep the tests at the bottom of the file so that the last thing that is displayed is the result of running your tests.
Part 4 – sorted binary trees
Getting Started
Create another file in your Hwk_03 directory named binary_trees.ml and add the following tree declaration to it.
type ‘a btree = Nil
| Leaf of ‘a
| Fork of ‘a btree * ‘a * ‘a btree
We will use this data type to represent sets of values. It is a slightly unusual implementation of binary trees as it contains 3 constructs: Nil, Leaf, and Fork. There are three invariants that your code must maintain.
First, if a value exists in the tree, it only exists in one place. That is, there are no duplicates in the tree. Thus the following tree is OK:
Fork (Leaf 3, 2, Leaf 4)
but this tree violates this invariant:

Fork (Leaf 3, 2, Fork (Nil, 3, Leaf 4))
Second, no tree should have a tree inside of it that has the form
Fork (Nil, …value…, Nil)
A tree like this must instead be represented using the Leaf constructor as follows:
Leaf (…value…)
Third, the elements in a tree must be sorted. Nil and Leaf trees are sorted by definition. A Fork tree is sorted if
1. all elements in the left tree are smaller than the value on the Fork node
2. all elements in the right tree are larger than the value on the Fork node
3. all nested tree are also sorted.
This leads to the obvious question: what do we mean by “smaller” and “larger”? When
trees in this part are constructed a “compare” function will be used to answer this question. OCaml has the convention of giving this compare functions the type
‘a -> ‘a -> int
A built in compare function can be used and has the expected behavior. If the two input elements are equal the function returns 0. If the first is smaller than the second a negative value is returned. If the first is larger than the second a positive value is returned. Experiment with compare 1 2, compare 4 2, and compare 3 3 in utop to understand this.
Obviously, one can write tree values that violate these invariants as we have done above. You must ensure that your functions maintain these invariants. That is, if all btree inputs to a function you write satisfies these invariants, then any btree output will also satisfy these invariants.
This means that your functions do not need to fix trees that violate these invariants. It just means that they must output trees that satisfy the invariants when the inputs satisfy the invariants. If the inputs do not satisfy the invariants then your output trees do not
need to satisfy the invariants.
Tree insertion
Write a function insert_by with the type
(‘a -> ‘a -> int) -> ‘a -> ‘a btree -> ‘a btree
This function takes a “compare” function as described above and adds the second argument to the tree passed in as the third argument.
If the tree argument satisfies the invariants described above, then your output tree must
also maintain these invariants.

Add the following to the end of your binary_trees.ml file to do some simple testing of your function.
let () =
print_string “Testing part 4 … ” ; try
assert (insert_by compare 4 Nil = Leaf 4);
assert (insert_by compare 2 (insert_by compare 4 Nil) =
Fork (Leaf 2, 4, Nil));
assert (insert_by compare 4 (insert_by compare 2 Nil) =
Fork (Nil, 2, Leaf 4));
assert (insert_by compare 4 (insert_by compare 4 Nil) =
insert_by compare 4 Nil);
(* Add more asserts here as you need them *)
print_string “tests passed.\n” with
Assert_failure (file, line, column) ->
let msg = “\n\n\nAssert failed on line ” ^ string_of_int line ^ “, column ” ^ string_of_int column ^ “\n\n\n\n”
in print_string msg
Now add additional assert tests to more adequately test your insert_by function. Tree creation from a list
Now write a function from_list that adds many elements to a tree. This function will have the type
(‘a -> ‘a -> int) -> ‘a list -> ‘a btree
This function should add the elements in the list in the order in which they appear in the list.
For example, from the list [4;2;5;3;6;7;8] your function will first add 4 to the empty tree Nil, then add 2 to the resulting tree, and continue in this manner.
You could add the following assert to those added in the previous step at the bottom of
your file as an initial test.
assert (from_list compare [4;2;5;3;6;7;8] = Fork (Fork (Nil, 2, Leaf 3), 4,
Fork (Nil, 5, Fork (Nil, 6, Fork (Nil, 7, Leaf 8))) )
As with the previous functions, you will want to add more tests however.
For full credit on this problem, use List.fold_left in a concise and direct way to do this work. In thinking about the functional argument to fold_left recall the
function flip that we defined previously:
let flip f a b = f b a

It might be useful. You are not required to use it, this is just something that some solutions will find useful.
Tree reduce and conversion to lists
We used a reduce function for the variety of trees in part 3 of this assignment. Now, write a reduce function for this btree type that has a similar goal as that one. The type of this function is up to you.
Now, you must use your reduce function to implement a function to_list with the type
‘a btree -> ‘a list
that extracts the elements of tree in order.
For example, for any list lst and a compare function cmp for the elements of that list, it should be true that:
List.sort cmp lst = to_list (from_list cmp ls)
You might add the following assert to your set of tests at the end of the file:
assert (List.sort compare [4;2;5;3;6;7;8] =
to_list (from_list compare [4;2;5;3;6;7;8]));
Add some assert tests for reduce and to_list to adequately test those two functions.
What to turn in.
For this assignment you need to turn in all three files trees.ml, reduce.ml,
and binary_trees.ml in the Hwk_03 directory in your individual course repository.
Recall that your score on this assignment is based on the functionality of your functions and also the test cases and organization of your functions as described at the top of this document.