程序代写代做代考 html file system Java In-Memory Virtual File System

In-Memory Virtual File System
1 Overview
The goal of this project is to develop an in-memory Virtual File System (VFS), named the Comp VFS (CVFS), in Java. A VFS is usually built on top of a host file system to enable uniform access to files located in different host file systems, while the CVFS simulates a file system in memory. You can find more information about VFSs on Wikipedia1.
2 Requirements
The CVFS should satisfy the following requirements: The system operates on one virtual disk at a time; Each virtual disk has a maximum size2 and may contain as many files, i.e., documents and directories, as allowed by that size; For each document, the virtual disk maintains its name, type, and content, all of type String; For each directory, the virtual disk maintains its name of type String and the list of files directly contained in it; Only digits and English letters are allowed in file names, and each file name may have at most 10 characters; Only documents of types txt, java, html, and css are allowed in the system; The size of a document is calculated as 40+content.length*2, and the size of a directory is calculated as 40 plus the total size of its contained files3.
The CVFS should also provide a command line interface (CLI) tool to facilitate the use of virtual disks, and some of the requirements for the CLI tool are as the following. Here we use symbol ‘$’ to denote the working directory and symbol ‘:’ to separate the file names in a path. For example, path “$:xyz” refers to a file named “xyz” inside the working directory. Depending on whether the file actually exists in the working directory or not, the path may be valid or invalid.
[REQ1] The tool should support the creation of a new disk with a specified maximum size.
Command: newDisk diskSize
Effect: Creates a new virtual disk with the specified maximum size. The previous working disk, if any, is closed; The newly created disk is set to be the working disk of the system, and the working directory is set to be the root directory of the disk.
[REQ2] The tool should support the creation of a new document in the working directory.
Command: newDoc docName docType docContent
Effect: Creates a new document in the working directory with the specified name,
type, and content.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_file_system
2All sizes in the requirements are in bytes.
3Such simplification is to make the calculation independent of specific implementations.

[REQ3] The tool should support the creation of a new directory in the working directory.
Command: newDir dirName
Effect: Creates a new directory in the working directory with the specified name.
[REQ4] The tool should support the deletion of an existing file in the working directory.
Command: delete fileName
Effect: Delete an existing file with the specified name from the working directory.
[REQ5] The tool should support the rename of an existing file in the working directory.
Command: rename oldFileName newFileName
Effect: Rename an existing file in the working directory from oldFileName to new- FileName.
[REQ6] The tool should support the change of working directory. Command: changeDir dirName
Effect: If there is a directory with the specified name in the working directory, use that directory as the new working directory; If dirName is “..”, i.e., two dots, and the working directory is not the root directory of the working disk, use the parent directory of the working directory as the new working directory.
[REQ7] The tool should support listing all files directly contained in the working directory.
Command: list
Effect: List all the files directly contained in the working directory. For each document, list the name, type, and size; For each directory, list the name and size. Report the total number and size of files listed.
[REQ8] The tool should support recursively listing all files in the working direc- tory.
Command: rList
Effect: List all the files contained in the working directory. For each document, list the name, type, and size; For each directory, list the name and size. Use indentation to indicate the level of each file. Report the total number and size of files listed.
The tool should support the construction of simple criteria.
Command: newSimpleCri criName attrName op val
Effect: Construct a simple criterion that can be referenced by criName. A criName contains exactly two English letters, and attrName is either name, type, or size. If attrName is name, op must be contains and val must be a string in double quote; If attrName is type, op must be equals and val must be a string in double quote; If attrName is size, op can be >, <, >=, <=, ==, or !=, and val must be an integer. [REQ10] The tool should support a simple criterion to check whether a file is a document. [REQ11] Criterion name: IsDocument Effect: Evaluates to true if and only if on a document. The tool should support the construction of composite criteria. Command: newNegation criName1 criName2 Command: newBinaryCri criName1 criName3 logicOp criName4 Effect: Construct a composite criterion that can be referenced by criName1. The new criterion constructed using command newNegation is the negation of an ex- isting criterion named criName2; The new criterion constructed using command 2 newBinaryCri is criName3 op criName4, where criName3 and criName4 are two existing criteria, while logicOp is either && or ||. [REQ12] The tool should support the printing of all defined criteria. Command: printAllCriteria Effect: Print out all the criteria defined. All criteria should be resolved to the form containing only attrName, op, val, logicOp, or IsDocument. [REQ13] The tool should support searching for files in the working directory based on an existing criterion. Command: search criName Effect: List all the files directly contained in the working directory that satisfy criterion criName. Report the total number and size of files listed. [REQ14] The tool should support recursively searching for files in the working directory based on an existing criterion. Command: rSearch criName Effect: List all the files contained in the working directory that satisfy criterion criName. Report the total number and size of files listed. Note that some important operations for the CLI tool are omitted here. You do not need to take those operations into account when designing and implementing the system. Also note that the requirements above do not stipulate what should happen when a command is in bad format or the required action cannot be done, e.g., because a file name is invalid or the working disk is running out of space. You need to use your best judgment to gracefully handle those situations. Poor design in this aspect will lead to point deductions. The CLI tool may be extended with the following bonus features: [BON1] Support for store and load commands that store/load a virtual disk to/from the local file system. [BON2] Support for undo and redo commands. 3 Code Inspection The inspection tool of IntelliJ IDEA4 checks your program to identify potential problems in the source code. We have prepared a set of rules to be used in grading (COMP2021 PROJECT.xml in the project material package). Import the rules into your IntelliJ IDEA IDE and check your implementation against the rules. Unit tests do not need to be checked. The inspection tool is able to check for many potential problems, but only a few of them are considered errors by the provided rule set. 2 points will be deducted for each error in your code reported by the tool. 4 https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code- inspection.html 3 4 Statement Coverage of Unit Tests Statement coverage5 is a measure used in software testing to report the percentage of statements that have been tested: The higher the coverage, the more thoroughly we have tested a program. You should follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern6 in design the CVFS. Put all Java classes for the model into package hk.edu.polyu.comp.comp2021.cvfs.model (see the structure in the sample project) and write tests for the model classes. During grading, we will use the coverage tool of IntelliJ IDEA7 to collect statement coverage information on your tests for the model subpackage. Your will get 10 base points for a statement coverage between 90% and 100%, 9 base points for a coverage between 80% and 89%, and so on. You will get 0 base points for a statement coverage below 30%. The final points you get for statement coverage of unit tests will be calculated as your base points multiplied by the percentage of your requirement coverage. For example, if you only implement 60% of the requirements and you achieve 95% statement coverage in testing, then you will get 6 = 10 * 60% points for this part. 5 Project Grading You can earn at most 100 points in total in the project from the following components: • Requirements coverage (in total 40 points, as listed in Section 2) • Code quality (10 points for good object-oriented design and 10 for good code style, as reported by the code inspection tool) • Statement coverage of unit tests (10 points) • Presentation (7 points) • Design review report (8 points) • Final report (15 points) • Bonus points (16 points) Note: Bonus points can be used to reach, but not exceed, 100 points. 5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_coverage 6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model- view- controller 7 https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code- coverage.html 4 8 General Notes • Java SE Development Kit Version 88 and IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition) Version 2020.19 will be used in grading your project. Make sure you use the same versions of tools for your development. • Your code should not rely on any library that is not part of the standard Java SE 8 API. • The project material package also include three other files: – SampleProject.zip: Provides an example for the organization of the project. Feel free to build the CVFS based on the sample project. – IntelliJ IDEA Tutorial.pdf: Briefly explains how certain tasks necessary for the project can be accomplished in IntelliJ IDEA. – COMP2021 PROJECT.xml: Contains the rules to be used in code inspection. If you use other IDEs for your development, make sure all your classes and tests are put into an IntelliJ IDEA project that is ready to be tested and executed. 50 points will be deducted from projects not satisfying this requirement or with compilation errors! 8 https://www.oracle.com/hk/java/technologies/javase/javase- jdk8- downloads.html 9 https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/other.html 5 9 Project Report Template Report This document describes the design and implementation of the Comp Virtual File System (CVFS). The project is part of the course COMP2021 Object-Oriented Programming at PolyU. 2 The Comp Virtual File System (CVFS) In this section, we describe first the overall design of the CVFS and then the implementation details of the requirements. 2.1 Design Use class diagram(s) to give an overview of the system design and describe in general terms how different components fit together. Feel free to elaborate on design patterns used (except for the MVC pattern) and/or anything else that might help others understand your design. 2.2 Requirements For each (compulsory and bonus) requirement, describe 1) whether it is implemented and, when yes, 2) how you implemented the requirement as well as 3) how you handled various error conditions. 1 Introduction [REQ1] 1) The requirement is implemented. 2) Implementation details. 3) Error conditions and how they are handled. [REQ2] [REQ3] ... 1) The requirement is not implemented. 3 User Manual In this section, we explain how the CVFS works from a user’s perspective. Describe here all the commands that the system supports. For each command, use screenshots to show the results under different inputs. 6