程序代写代做代考 C mips Floating Point

Floating Point

• Review from last time
• Integer multiplication & division • FP add/sub
• FP on MIPS
• Special “numbers”
• Rounding

IEEE 754 Floating Point Review
• Summary (single precision):
3130 2322 0
1 bit 8 bits 23 bits
• (-1)S x (1 + Significand) x 2(Exponent-127)
• Double precision identical, except with exponent bias of 1023
• Interpretation of value in each position extends beyond the decimal/binary point
1.1001 = (1×20) + (1×2-1) + (0x2-2) + (0x2-3) + (1×2-4)

Special Numbers Reviewed
• What have we defined so far? (Single Precision)
Exponent Significand Object
0 nonzero
1-254 anything
255 0
255 nonzero
+/- fl. pt. #
+/- infinity

Multiplication (1/3)
• Paper and pencil example (unsigned):
Multiplicand 1000
Multiplier x1001
1000 0000
0000 +1000
• m bits x n bits = m + n bit product

Multiplication (2/3)
• In MIPS, we multiply registers, so:
• 32-bit value x 32-bit value = 64-bit value
• Syntax of Multiplication (signed): • mult register1, register2
• Multiplies 32-bit values in those registers & puts 64-bit product in special result regs:
– puts product upper half in hi, lower half in lo • hi and lo are 2 registers separate from the
32 general purpose registers
• Use mfhi register & mflo register to move from hi, lo to another register

Multiplication (3/3)
• Example:
•inC: a=b*c;
• in MIPS:
– letbbe$s2;letcbe$s3;andletabe$s0
and $s1 (since it may be up to 64 bits)
mult $s2,$s3 # b*c
mfhi $s0 # upper half of
# product into $s0 mflo $s1 # lower half of
# product into $s1
• Note: Often, we only care about the lower half of the product.

Division (1/3)
• Paper and pencil example (unsigned): 1001 Quotient
Divisor 1000|1001010
10 101 1010
10 Remainder
(or Modulo result)
• Dividend = Quotient x Divisor + Remainder

Division (2/3)
• Syntax of Division (signed):
•div register1, register2
• Divides 32-bit values in register 1 by 32-bit value in register 2:
– puts remainder of division in hi
– puts quotient of division in lo
• Notice that this can be used to implement both the C division operator (/) and the C modulo operator (%)

Division (3/3)
• Example:
•inC: a=c/d;
b = c % d;
• in MIPS:
– letabe$s0;letbbe$s1;letcbe$s2;and
let d be $s3
div $s2,$s3 # lo=c/d, hi=c%d mflo $s0 # get quotient mfhi $s1 # get remainder

Unsigned Instructions & Overflow
• MIPS also has versions of these two arithmetic instructions for unsigned operands:
multu divu
• Determines whether or not the product and quotient are changed if the operands are signed or unsigned.
• MIPS does not check overflow on ANY signed/unsigned multiply, divide instr
• Up to the software to check hi

FP Addition & Subtraction 1/2
• Much more difficult than with integers
• Can’t just add significands
• Howdowedoit?
1. De-normalizetomatchlargerexponent 2. Addsignificandstogetresultingone 3. Normalize(&checkforunder/overflow) 4. Roundifneeded(mayneedtogoto3)
• Note: If signs differ, just perform a subtract instead.
• Subtract is similar

FP Addition & Subtraction 2/2
• Problems in implementing FP add/sub: • If signs differ for add (or same for sub),
what will be the sign of the result?
• Question: How do we integrate this into the integer arithmetic unit?
• Answer: We don’t!

MIPS Floating Point Architecture (1/4)
• Separate floating point instructions: • Single Precision:
add.s, sub.s, mul.s, div.s
• Double Precision:
add.d, sub.d, mul.d, div.d
• These instructions are far more complicated than their integer counterparts, so they can take much longer to execute.

MIPS Floating Point Architecture (2/4)
• Problems:
• It’s inefficient to have different instructions take vastly differing amounts of time.
• Generally, a particular piece of data will not change from FP to int, or vice versa, within a program. So only one type of instruction will be used on it.
• Some programs do no floating point calculations
• It takes lots of hardware relative to integers to do Floating Point fast

MIPS Floating Point Architecture (3/4)
• 1990 Solution: Make a completely separate chip that handles only FP.
• Coprocessor 1: FP chip
• contains 32 32-bit registers: $f0, $f1, …
• most of the registers specified in .s and .d instruction refer to this set
• separate load and store: lwc1 and swc1 (“load word coprocessor 1”, “store …”)
• Double Precision: by convention, even/odd pair contain one DP FP number: $f0/$f1, $f2/$f3, … , $f30/$f31
– Even register is the name

MIPS Floating Point Architecture (4/4)
• 1990 Computer actually contains multiple separate chips:
• Processor: handles all the normal stuff
• Coprocessor 1: handles FP and only FP;
• more coprocessors?… Yes, later
• Today, FP coprocessor integrated with CPU, or cheap chips may leave out FP HW
• Instructions to move data between main processor and coprocessors:
•mfc0, mtc0, mfc1, mtc1, etc.
• Appendix pages A-70 to A-74 contain many, many more FP operations.

Special Numbers
• What have we defined so far? (Single Precision)
Exponent Significand Object 000
0 nonzero ???
1-254 anything 255 0
255 nonzero
+/- fl. pt. # +/- infinity ???

Representation for Not a Number
• What do I get if I calculate sqrt(-4.0)or 0/0?
• If infinity is not an error, these shouldn’t be either.
• Called Not a Number (NaN)
• Exponent = 255, Significand nonzero
• Why is this useful?
• Hope NaNs help with debugging?
• They contaminate: op(NaN,X) = NaN

Special Numbers (cont’d)
• What have we defined so far? (Single Precision)?
Exponent Significand Object 000
0 nonzero 1-254 anything 255 0
255 nonzero
+/- fl. pt. # +/- infinity NaN

Representation for Denorms (1/2)
• Problem: There’s a gap among representable FP numbers around 0
• Smallest representable pos num: a=1.0…2 *2-126 =2-126
• Second smallest representable pos num: b = 1.000……1 2 * 2-126 = 2-126 + 2-149
a – 0 = 2-126 b – a = 2-149
b 0a
Normalization and implicit 1 is to blame!

Representation for Denorms (2/2)
• Solution:
• We still haven’t used Exponent = 0,
Significand nonzero
• Denormalized number: no leading 1,
implicit exponent = -126.
• Smallest representable pos num:
a = 2-149
• Second smallest representable pos num: b = 2-148


• When we perform math on real numbers, we have to worry about rounding to fit the result in the significant field.
• The FP hardware carries two extra bits of precision, and then round to get the proper value
• Rounding also occurs when converting a double to a single
precision value, or converting a floating point number to an integer

IEEE Four Rounding Modes
1. Roundtowards+infinity
• ALWAYS round “up”: 2.001 -> 3
• -2.001 -> -2
2. Roundtowards-infinity
• ALWAYS round “down”: 1.999 -> 1,
• -1.999 -> -2
3. Truncate
• Just drop the last bits (round towards 0)
4. Roundto(nearest)even • Normal rounding, almost

Round to Even
• Round like you learned in grade school
• Except if the value is right on the borderline, in which case we round to the nearest EVEN number
•2.5 -> 2 •3.5 -> 4
• Insures fairness on calculation
• This way, half the time we round up on tie,
the other half time we round down • Ask statistics majors
• This is the default rounding mode

Things to Remember
• Integer mul & div: mult,div,mfhi,mflo • New MIPS registers ($f0-$f31), instruct.:
• Single Precision (32 bits, 2×10-38… 2×1038): add.s, sub.s, mul.s, div.s
• Double Precision (64 bits , 2×10-308…2×10308): add.d, sub.d, mul.d, div.d
• FP add & subtract are not associative.
• IEEE 754
• NaN & Denorms (precision)
• Four different rounding modes

BSAS#27: Floating Point Fallacy
• FP add, subtract associative: FALSE!
• x = – 1.5 x 1038, y = 1.5 x 1038, and z = 1.0
• x + (y + z) = –1.5×1038 + (1.5×1038 + 1.0) = –1.5×1038 + (1.5×1038) = 0.0
• (x + y) + z = (–1.5×1038 + 1.5×1038) + 1.0 = (0.0) + 1.0 = 1.0
• Therefore, Floating Point add, subtract are not associative!
• Why? FP result approximates real result!
• This example: 1.5 x 1038 is so much larger than 1.0 that 1.5 x 1038 + 1.0 in floating point representation is still 1.5 x 1038

BSAS#26: Casting floats <-> ints
•(int) floating point exp
• Coerces and converts it to the nearest
integer (C uses truncation)
•i = (int) (3.14159 * f);
•(float) exp
• converts integer to nearest floating point •f = f + (float) i;

BSAS#26: int -> float -> int
if (i == (int)((float) i)) { printf(“true”);
• Will not always print “true”
• Large values of integers don’t have
exact floating point representations • What about double?

BSAS#26: float -> int -> float
if (f == (float)((int) f)) { printf(“true”);
• Will not always print “true”
• Small floating point numbers (<1) don’t have integer representations • For other numbers, rounding errors